Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bob is Still a Liar

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Rico, in my opinion, it was a stupid thing to say."

Bob would know these things, since he's an expert at saying stupid things.

"It's dirty politics, and you know it."

Bob would know these things, since he's an expert in dirty politics.

"We need to stick to the issues and not 'exaggerate' headlines like this to throw folks off of the important issues... But the negative attacks need to stop... Remember, negativity pushes positivity away. Don't let your smart mouth push voters to the other side......"

Do as I say, not as I do.  Hypocrite.

"And before you say it, I know my campaign for trustee was dirty."

You can say that again, and again, and again...

"But I wasn't twisting facts to make me look good."


"It was truth that I was trying to expose."

If it was "truth", then why did you settle the libel suit out of court?

"Truth that most people allowed their party affiliation to prevent them from seeing."


"But time will show the truth."

Do you mean the "truth" that Fred Barkes is a criminal?  I'm still waiting for your evidence.

"People will learn what actually went and goes on. One day, a lot of people will regret not taking a closer look."

Delusional.  Bob, you have no clue what actually went on and goes on.  You have no facts.  All you have is your asinine ASSumptions.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bob's House is a Nutshell

Every once in a while, someone makes a statement that pretty much explains a lot of the problem here and all over the world.

Someone said, "No one cares about Bob Freeman's odometer shenanigans."

I'm guessing it's someone in his family or one of the bots. It doesn't matter.

The point is, someone has no problem with someone advertising an odometer tampering device for sale. They don't want to hear it.

That says a lot about the problems we have. Nobody wants to hear it. They want to look the other way.

This person doesn't care that someone went out and tried to sell odometer tampering devices on the Internet.

They don't care that the someone was pretending to be a whistle blower at the time.

They don't care if he tried to blame others.

Or that he denies wrong-doing.

Sound familiar?

Nobody wants to hear it. Nobody cares.

And again, the critics CLOSE TO THE PERSON being exposed, attack the person reporting what is going on.

They try to make the one revealing what is going on as the bad guy. Trying to divert attention from the actual culprit.

Just a little advice to people like this: The best way to get me to stop posting about stupid and illegal things that Bob does is to get Bob to stop doing stupid and illegal things, like trying to sell an odometer tampering device on the Internet.

Until then, enjoy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Conflict of Interest

"Jeremy" wrote on columbuzz:
'Today we had someone(not part of Columbuzz) post content under Columbus Man profile being mean by leaving a terrible review about Bella Pizza.

We have removed the content and added a better review on Facebook, but before we did we received an email from the Owner of Bella Pizza, Christy Debord,

"I guess I don't understand why you would like Bella Pizza Company and then write that awful recommendation. My logo is all over the Columbuzz website, I have gained several new customers because of my logo being there."

We responded "That recommendation wasn't written by one of Columbuzz staff, the computer was left up (my fault) and a college friend got on and made the stupid remark. I am sorry about that," '

"Jeremy", this is what intelligent people call a conflict of interest.  You can't be a legitimate whistle blowing site and at the same time court advertisers.  What if someone wants to blow the whistle on one of your advertisers?  We've already seen Bob suck up to Baby Back Blues by declaring their evil hot grill safe to the public.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bob vs Bob 28.0

Warning! This post contains adult language! Reader discretion is advised.

Bob #1:
"I'm really not the monster that some people make me out to be."

Bob #2:
"I still think someone should have knocked her (Sandy Barkes) on her ass."

"And I didn't call you the ass I think you are. Grandpa."

"I thought his name was Opie."

"Fred Barkes is an incompetent turd. repeat, an INCOMPETENT TURD."

"And I will not leave Barkes alone. He is a crook"

"Oh no, I believe he (Fred Barkes) IS an idiot and they ARE monsters."

"Why don't they simply stop being rude, condescending monsters?"

"And these monsters are in charge of our system?"

"Fred Barkes is an incompetent nitwit who has a staff that is just as incompetent."

"She's (Sandy Barkes) acted like a cunt that should have been knocked on her ass, in my opinion."

"Woman or not, she (Sandy Barkes) should have been knocked on her ass"

"A buddy and I are trying to see who can get the most donations toward a cruise in October. Please send a dollar or a few to 3225 Lilac Ct. Columbus, Indiana 47203 Thanks."

"The guy is an asshole. That's why I thought, and still think, that you MIGHT be HIM. I don't know and I don't care!"

"We don't give a shit if you like it. We don't give a shit if you're offended."

"Incidently, a guy offers to sell me evidence of wrongdoing. Wrongdoing of an elected official meeting a girlfriend in a motel 7 times in 6 months and paying for it with checks from an account he shares with his wife. If someone said they had that evidence against me, you really wouldn't be interested?"

"He (Fred Barkes) and some of his staff should be removed from office and charged in a criminal court for crimes they know they are committing."

"We also know that that office breaks the law regularly. And we intend to prove it and file complaints with the state officials."

"Fred Barkes has robbed us for 8 years. Now he gets to rob us for 4 more."

"It is illegal for him to manipulate the funds the way he does. Just because he hasn't been convicted or just because the SBOA doesn't have the balls to crack him on it, it doesn't mean he isn't breaking the law."

"Your dad didn't resign as treasurer of the fire department over missing money?"

"You twist what Barkes does illegally to look like it's legal."

"Unfairness in their distribution of relief is illegal. Manipulating the funds and the tax money as they do is illegal."

"Like Billy the Kid! Biggest thief of taxpayer money in the county."

"Fred Barkes is a fucking thief"

"And if you notice, I always say that I was told something. THAT part is true. Whether what they told me is true or not is a different matter."

"You have snitched on him. You have done your good deed for the day. Let the
popel you snitched to do their job. Now, I think I saw a 75 year old woman jaywalk on the next street over. Why don't you go have her arrested and thrown in prison? When you grow up you will realize how idiotic this is. You should use your snitching powers for something more important. Like shoplifters at Walmart. Go check it out. They could use real assholes like you."

"Birds of a feather flock together and the idiots at the Trustee office fit the bill well."

"...none of your fucking business."

"Time to back off motherfuckers."

" will regret it motherfuckers."

"Your call assholes. I ain't fucking around."

"Then you can 'sue' me, chicken shits."

"I know where some of you live. You want to cross the line, then lets cross the fucking line. It would be worth some time in jail to destroy your homes. And the lives of some of your family."

"I own a few guns. Give me reason assholes. Back the fuck off."

"You keep saying on here that I'm nuts and a retard. Piss me off and find out. I could play the part in a HUGE way, if you fuck with my family."

"You talk big when others that I do know will suffer."

"Try me, asshole."

"These are friends, family, and supporters of the monster, and his crew, that you re-elected for Columbus Township Trustee."

"A convicted child molester could have run as a Republican and got elected this time. I would bet several were, nationwide. Like being a Republican, you don't need to know anything about what you worship in order to call yourself a member. Raise your right hand and say you believe. "Hal le lu yah Brother, I is a memba!!! Thank God Almighty!" One reason why so many Republicans are Christians and why so many Christians are Republicans; it's easy to belong. No hard work studying who you worship and vote for. No knowledge of the person is needed. Simply vote as your masters tell you to vote. Blindly belong and blindly follow. 'Time to vote? Where's that thar votin' lever?' Cha ching! 'Oops, I left my readin' glasses at home. Oh, I just need that thar lever. I don't need to read who I'm votin' fer.' Cha ching! I think this is one reason the KKK got so popular back in the day; the days before proper education. And I am a caring, giving, understanding person who is a bit bitter over stupid, lazy people. Meaning people too stupid to vote for the person instead of the party, and others who are too lazy to go vote. Fred Barkes is an incompetent turd. repeat, and INCOMPETENT TURD. I was calling people who vote for people simply because of their party stupid, and those who sit on their *** and don't vote, lazy. Idiots like that are why our country is like it is."

"I think anyone that has a good revenge trick they want to try out, they should try it out on old Charlie Townsend. Rat in a box, change his mail to a new address, drive by his house real slow and take pictures, any prank phone calls you've wanted to try, go up to him when he is out to dinner with his wife and say 'hello Mercman', etc...."

"Got a little girlfriend your wife don't know about? You better get sneakier. Got a business partner you're about to bend over? You better make sure he doesn't realize it. Having illegal meetings with 3 or more council members? Beware of the 'family' at the next table. They might have a camera and a recorder. Stealing money from the fire department? You better hope your accountant is good at hiding things. Got tenants that aren't doing their job properly? I'm not sure why you would care, but get ready, everyone is about to know. You might want to hope that I win the election so I stay busy. Idle time gives me a chance to find more TRUTH; more time to write more stories about YOU."

"Bite my ass."

"You're all talk. An asshole with a mouth."

"I would enjoy seeing him beat you to a pulp."

"Just hope I never learn your identity."

"That doesn't make her a bitch or a monster?"

"Roxanne was said to be a bitch a few times"

"There is a difference between a bitch and a whore"

"You want to be a dickhead?"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Never-ending Idiocy

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"I'm betting the two yo-yos won't do a thing because they know it's all true. Remember, in a liable lawsuit, THEY have to prove WHO said it, and THEY have to prove it to be untrue. I don't know who Sheep Dog is, so I doubt they will ever know either. And it's hard to prove something is untrue when it is true."

So let me get this straight Bob.  You have no idea who Sheep Dog is, but you believe everything he says.  Isn't that what happened a few months ago when all of your "sources" vanished and you had to settle the lawsuit against you?  Are you really this gullible?

Bob The "Christian"

Bob spewed on columbuzz:
"Go for it Mark."

Go for what?  I'm not the one who will sue.

"They sued me last time for MY postings and MY opinions. Although I like what is geing posted, they aren't my words, or my posts. And this isn't my website."

So you say, but you're a proven liar.

"So threaten all you like."

Bob, that wasn't a threat.  That was a suggestion.

"People will finally understand what I was trying to tell them last year. They simply had to hear it from someone that wasn't running against him in an election. The best part is, I get to sit and watch the fall, without raising a finger. And to paraphrase what your uncle said last year after he won the election, 'It's been a rough one, so I'm going to enjoy it all the more.'"

Still can't let the election go, can you Bob?

"And it's ironic how you and your website 'helped' bring all this about. If YOU hadn't opened your big mouth and joined your buddies in the consant harrassment as you have, none of what is about to happen would be going on."

Bob the hypocrite.  What about your big mouth and constant harassment?

"And since you want to keep attacking everyone I associate with, you need to know that the good people who were with Milestone Ministries, and the good people at Tree Of Life, have become friends of mine. They have also shown me that there IS a God. In my 54 years, nobody else has been able to do that. They are good people, and good Christians. So now, keep on attacking them and calling them names."

Saying that I find them selfish and lacking empathy is not calling them names.  Now if I called them a bunch of c*nts, like you do, then that would be calling them names.

"So attack Christians now, as you have many others over the past year."

Bob, do you even see your blatant hypocrisy?  What about all of the people you've attacked over the past year?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bob's New Friends

Is it just me, or does it seem like Bob's new friends, the former Milestone members, are easily manipulated?  They all think Bob is a great guy.  They also come across, at least to me, as selfish and lacking in empathy.  As long as they get what they want and get special treatment from Bob on columbuzz, they really don't seem to care what he does to others.  That kind of attitude seems very unchristian to me.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bob, The Voice of Reason?

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"I agree Misty. The article was out of line and I tried to straighten it up some."

Most of the "articles" on columbuzz are out of line, Bob.

"We walk a fine line of reporting and allowing people to voice their opinions here at Columbuzz, yet not at the cost to innocents."

Bob, you don't walk a fine line, you constantly go way over the line.  And your statement "yet not at the cost to innocents" is just ridiculous.

"It appears that there's no excuse for hitting the man in dry weather. But it could have happened to any of us. If proper attention is paid, the man should have been seen."

Bob, yet again, you have no idea what you're talking about.  You have no idea if he should have been seen.

"And we try to ask those questions and inform people."

You mean ask those idiotic questions.

"Joanna is new. She was trying to make a great story and didn't intend to hurt anyone."

Please.  Joanna is not "new".  She's been around for months.

"Our goal here is to inform people. We need more readers to inform more people, but building leadership is only to make the informing easier."

I believe your goal on columbuzz is to attack people, not inform.

"I help run this website. It isn't my website and I don't have total control."


"Misty, you know me well enough to know that we would never intentionally hurt you. You have been a friend of mine for a while now, and recently, you have become family.(You know what I mean.) If I hurt you, I hurt me."

Misty, I don't believe Bob cares about you at all.  He's manipulating you.  "Jeremy" has made it clear that he only cares about hits on columbuzz.

"Just let me know when we stumble like this... Okay? We made a mistake and I apologize for that."

She did let you know and yet you took your time removing the article.

Bob vs "Jeremy" 1.0

Thanks for reading our Tabloid.

I support TRUTH.

Another Blast From the Past

"Jeremy" finally admits the claim I made last November.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bob Does It Again!!!

Yet another picture of an anus right next to a restaurant ad!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bob vs Bob 27.0

Bob #1:
"Someone on another site said that if Jeremy or myself ever came up and took a picture of them like that, they would shove the camera up our ass. I believe Joanna took this picture. Are you gonna shove the camera up her ass? Tough guy."

Bob #2:
"I still think someone should have knocked her on her ass."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Classic Bob Freeman


bobfreeman wrote:
So say it's a scam and stay away. We will make money in spite of your nasty remarks.

People are only being cautious which is natural. I wouldn't just yet be acting like its the best thing since sliced bread. Its great IF you make money. No one is being nasty.

bobfreeman wrote:
And yes, people against these programs DO get nasty. I get sick of it. We find something that looks like it will make us some money and people that don't know what they're talking about cut it down. Prove it bad, then run it down. It's my $11.33 to lose. That's a meal at McDonalds.

So what if people supposedly get nasty? Why do you let it upset you so much? You shouldn't be so offended by it and take it personally. How do you know that they don't know what they are talking about? They could very well have been with a similar program that went belly up and they know the ropes of how these programs work. So you really can't say that they don't know what they are talking about. Still you should't be acting like this Money Fish program is all that and a bag of chips. Prove it pays and is a long lasting program. Prove it won't be like some others programs that run off and leave members holding the bag. Until it is proven to be so grand and is around for many years, then people have a right to be cautious and to voice their opinions about it.

bobfreeman wrote:
And until it's proven bad, they shouldn't be guessing at what will happen. Until I have reason not to believe someone, I will believe them. If it disappears, I am out $11.33. A lot of clowns run their mouths and they DON'T know what they're talking about.

Oh really? So in other words if people have a different opinion than you of this program, then they shouldn't be talking? Please. No one makes that call, not even you. You cannot stop nor control differing opinions. You still do not know what these members know. To state people do not know what they are talking about is ridiculous to say the least and a bit arrogant. Oh and by the way, name calling is so elementary my dear. I thought this forum was supposed to be for "adults" that could handle discussions and opinions.

bobfreeman wrote:
I really don't want to piss you off? What is that supposed to mean? You're guessing now because I DO want to piss you off. Show me what you can do Big Boy... What a joke. Go threaten some kid or something. And I do have experience with these programs and I have been burned too. But we have 3 working now and all are paying. Money Fish will in two weeks. It's not a matter of a different opinion when someone has been burned and automatically assumes all programs are scams. You rant like you know and you know LESS about it than people that are in it. No need to argue. I'm right and you're wrong. If I get burned, I lose $11.33.... Whoopdi doo... Grow up.. And I didn't call you the ass I think you are. Grandpa...

Grow up? Says the guy behind the computer calling people names. I find it strange how you are the only one so bent out of shape out of what people are posting. For the final time: You have no clue what people here know.

If you believe bob and his brother are getting any where near a sign-up a second and/or 9000 sign-ups in all, just nod. The rest of you that believe this, put your crayons down and hold up your hand.

bobfreeman wrote:
I copied and pasted that information. Now you call me a liar. Wayne sent a bunch of lies to Money Fish threatening them with a bunch of nonsense. I think his goal is to get me kicked off there and off here. I will not post here again. You can take your hostilities and I will take my profits. I know Money Fish will be good. See ya

bobfreeman wrote:
As did I you. Post on a forum and all might respond. "Don't like it, don't read it" goes both ways.

I don't care if you post. My problem with you is being upset that some don't think this program is what it is claiming to be. Not everyone is going to agree with you. You act like this program is a close relative of yours the way you try and defend it. Even some here that have joined it is not acting the way you are. The slightest criticism and you get all defensive.


People too stupid to try it shouldn't criticize it. But, until they have broken their word, or until you have lost a whole $11.33, you don't know what you're talking about.

One. People who are dumb to join such scheme should not post opinions. Two. If you "made money" before company/website launched, than you joined obvious scam.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

When Columbuzz Attacks

This paraphrase of a famous quote is dedicated to those who support columbuzz:

First columbuzz attacked the trustee employees,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trustee employee.

Then they attacked the firemen and EMTs,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a fireman or an EMT.

Then they attacked the family members of their critics,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a family member of their critics.

Then they attacked a Starbucks employee,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Starbucks employee.

Then they attacked me
and no one spoke out for me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bob vs Bob 26.0

Bob #1:
"I post a lot on here and that makes people think it's my site. It isn't."

Bob #2:
"Blame it on the guy with the website."

Blind Squirrels

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"But remember this, no matter what happens, I was right."

Bob is such the drama queen and martyr.  Assuming this is true, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.  So I guess the scoreboard is now:
  Bob right: 1?
  Bob wrong: 10,000

"TRUTH has prevailed here. That's what matters. That's why even exists."

Wow, Bob has become even more delusional, if that's even possible.  And I guess Bob believes the ends justify the means.

"They work so hard to make sure people don't learn what they really do and they get upset when we let folks know those secrets."

Bob, I think you meant to write your lies, not secrets.

"Sometimes, even threatening violence as these posters here have suggested of a preacher for a big church."

And sometimes even you threaten violence, Bob.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Twitter Wars

Number of Twitter Followers as of 08/22/2011:

The Republic: 839
Ricky Berkey: 673

Columbuzz: 222
Bob Freeman: 48

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Caring Compassionate Bob

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Again, he is making the point that he 'heard' it so it must be true. ... He thinks we do that here. And we did. But we always said that this is what we heard. Which was true, even if the info we heard wasn't. Now we're more careful about what we say and how we say it."

So Bob, if you are the caring compassionate man you claim to be, then why don't you write an "article" listing all of the information that you "heard", believed, and then posted on columbuzz that you now know is untrue?  You know, issue a retraction, like legitimate news services do when they publish untrue statements, and apologize to those you hurt, which is what a real man would do.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bob vs Bob 25.0

Bob #1:
"Again, he is making the point that he 'heard' it so it must be true. He 'heard' it from himself but I'm sure he still heard voices. He thinks we do that here.  And we did. But we always said that this is what we heard. Which was true, even if the info we heard wasn't. Now we're more careful about what we say and how we say it."

Bob #2:
"We had reports..."
"...they heard..."
"We also heard..."
"One person thought..."
"Another wrote..."
"...and said they spoke..."
"...they said..."
"I guess..."
"We were just told..."
"I was just told..."
"They say..."
"They also said..."
"If it's true..." (6 times)
"Someone said..."

Then he says:

"Open your eyes. You might see the truth..."

Comment from "Shocked and Awed"

Shocked and Awed said...


Bob Freeman quotes and comments from ONE SINGLE PAGE:

"We had reports..."
"...they heard..."
"We also heard..."
"One person thought..."
"Another wrote..."
"...and said they spoke..."
"...they said..."
"I guess..."
"We were just told..."
"I was just told..."
"They say..."
"They also said..."
"If it's true..." (6 times)
"Someone said..."

Then he says:

"Open your eyes.
You might see the truth..."

Is it just me, or can the rest of you hear Robbie the Robot speaking the phrase,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Bob Does it Again

And more hypocrisy from Bob:

"Do what you want.
Treat people as bad as you want.
Ignore any law you want to ignore.
Threaten people you don't like.
Have no conscience.
Nah, I can't do those things and sleep at night.
I guess I'm not that big of an asshole."

"I support TRUTH."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In My Opinion

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Reminder: Trustee with Butthole Nephew Can't Keep Books Correctly (in my opinion)
Columbus Township Trustee Fred Barkes has a nephew that keeps picking apart everything we do here."

Thanks for the compliments Bob!   I really appreciate it.  It really means a lot coming from you.  By the way, you missed your chance to get rid of me.  I was fully prepared to shut down my blog shortly after the election.  But you just couldn't let it go.  You wouldn't stop attacking, so here we are.

"So, maybe we should remind everyone what sort of quality people (his aunt and uncle) we have in our Trustee office. The trustee's wife is the office 'manager'....."

They are very high quality people, unlike you and your minions.

"Keep up the good work (Dude). This is going to be fun..... Dumbass! (in my opinion)"

I will, thanks.  But seriously Bob, I have to give you some of the credit.  You make it too easy.

My definition of a dumbass:
One who:

  • places a picture of an anus next to an ad to a restaurant.
  • believes a Nigerian prince will give him money.
  • believes that hearsay = TRUTH.
  • believes that the moon landings were faked.
  • believes that a foul-mouthed raving lunatic could win an election in Columbus.
  • advertises an odometer tampering device on the Internet.
  • pays $500 for bogus information. 
  • agrees to use Walmart as a dead drop site.

Monday, August 8, 2011

More Wonderful Ad Placement on Columbuzz

Bob vs Bob 24.0

Bob #1:
"Your opinion means very little to me."

Bob #2:
"I did make the exclamation point a bit taller today."

Bob the hypocrite:
"Some people just want to bitch and moan because they have no life."
"They have nothing better to do than attack us."
"And I say that about dimwits who want to threaten me for what others post here."
"We aren't here to make you happy with pleasant visions of sugar plums when we're talking about some maniac on the loose."
"Somebody is threatening someone with bodily harm and you're worried about a fricking picture!"

Bob the child:
"Mark Cuntshaw's boyfriend"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Trash Site

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"You're over on the trash site running your mouth about how I picked and chose what part of the conversation I took from Facebook so I could make you look bad."

I always laugh when Bob calls my site the "trash" site.

"Well, once again you're wrong. I didn't pick and choose anything. YOU make you look bad."

Bob, YOU make you look bad.

"The best thing you can do to help your image is keep your mouth closed!"

Bob, look in the mirror and tell yourself that.

"Go ahead and run your mouth. That trash site is the best place for you to do so. You don't have the guts to try it here."

I guess Bob thinks he's the only person in Columbus that's allowed to run his mouth.  Plus, her comments would most likely be deleted or edited on columbuzz anyway so why bother.

"Maybe we need to let folks know more about you and your preacher husband, since you want to run your mouth so much and lie about what we do here. Hang on, I'll see what truth I can find out about the two of you. Do you have a good picture of yourself that I can use in the article?"

More threats from Bob.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Characteristics of Abusive People

I believe this also applies to verbally abusive people as well:

Abusive People frequently have the following characteristics:

  • Often blow up in anger at small incidents, often easily insulted, claiming hurt feelings when really very angry.
  • Have a poor self-image; are insecure.
  • Blame others for their own problems.
  • Blame others for their own feelings and are very manipulative. An abusive person will often say "you make me mad", "you’re hurting me by not doing what I ask", or "I can’t help being angry".
  • Often are alcohol or drug abusers.
  • May have a family history of violence.
  • May be cruel to animals and/or children. 
  • May have a fascination with weapons.
  • May think it is okay to solve conflicts with violence.
  • Often make threats of violence, breaking or striking objects.
  • Often use verbal threats such as, "I’ll slap your mouth off", "I’ll kill you", or "I’ll break your neck". Abusers may try to excuse this behaviour by saying, "everybody talks like that". 
  • May hold rigid stereotypical views of the roles of men and women.
  • Are very controlling of others.
  • May say things that are intentionally cruel and hurtful in order to degrade, humiliate, or run down the victim.
  • Tend to be moody and unpredictable. They may be nice one minute and the next minute explosive.

Top Ten Lies From "Jeremy Kirtz"

10. "Mr. Freeman never attacked a child and this information if told to you was false, Mr. Freeman hasn't said or posted anything in a context which a child was being libeled, attacked, insulted, etc."

9. "we posted your information because people need to know who you are and what you do, the things you say etc."

8. "If you wasn't aware, Bob hasn't posted on here for over 3 months."

7. "I didn't threaten her!"

6. "I have checked, nothing about claiming you are Chris, where was this posted claiming you're Chris. Chris contacted us to advertise for him so we are obliged to do so."

5. "Maybe he did request it when he called our advertisers. I am sure that is where the confusion is..."

4. "Sorry we have been working on issues with Mozilla's Browser we've encountered, please be patient with us while we correct the issue."

3. "no money is earned with "Google Ads" shown on our site."

2. "we have no intensions of blocking anyone"

1. "We allow anything on Columbuzz... Got a story share it on Columbuzz."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Top Ten Lies From Bob Freeman

10. "He (the police officer) agreed that crap on (Dude's) website was bringing about my posting of the information I have posted and that the best solution for her would be to get her husband to stop his nonsense."

9. "I told him (the police officer) I can't even post on your husbands crappy website. I haven't been able to for months."

8. "I stated earlier that I have people in my family with drug issues and I wouldn't comment on a son having a drug issue. No parent can stop that in this day and age."

7. "We reach a lot of readers. We try to post what they might find interesting."

6. "There are so many people that read about this here daily, and that number keeps growing. If you want to get the word out to those that matter, this is the place."

5. "I do NOT Own" "It isn't my website"

4. "We protect the privacy of those who post here."

3. "I broke no laws with the odometer deal."

2. "I thought his name was Opie."

1. "I don't lie."

Bob vs Bob 23.0

Bob #1:
"I think it's time to stop worrying about the idiots that attack us. We can't stop them from calling ... our advertisers. We can't stop them from being stupid on their website. So we'll stop trying. The good part about all of this is, most of our troublemakers gather at that site. And it is an easy site to ignore."

Bob #2:
"they stop their bullshit and we stop ours, but not until then. That means their website is shut down and the calls to our advertisers cease. Until then, we post everything we can find."

Breaking News: Bob Insults Hispanics on Columbuzz

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"No Lisa, that's not what we're saying at all. Now read this slowly so you absorb it all. We said, some troublemakers are calling our advertisers and threatening to boycott them if they don't pull their FREE ad from our website. Most of those troublemakers are either related to the trustee or work for him at the fire station. A fireman from Columbus Township Fire Department made such calls to at leastone advertiser. That advertiser had caller ID and Chris has admitted to calling the one advertisers. The theme of their harrassing calls is that we post unsuitable material. And that's their right to think that and to say that. And it's our right to think and say the same. Last year, people were upset when they thought I couldn't prove what I said. I could but they didn't think so. They want proof. Here is proof of what we said. And I'm far from being a delicate flower. In summary, they stop their bullshit and we stop ours, but not until then. That means their website is shut down and the calls to our advertisers cease. Until then, we post everything we can find.

And in case you didn't understand that:

Ningún Lisa, eso no es lo que decimos en todo.

Ahora lea este lentamente tan usted lo absorbe todo.

Dijimos, algunos alborotadores llaman a nuestros anunciantes y amenazan a boicotearlos si ellos no tiran su anuncio LIBRE de nuestro sitio web.

Un bombero del Cuerpo de bomberos de Municipio de Columbus hizo tales llamadas a en el anunciante del leastone. Ese anunciante tuvo a persona que llama identificación y Chris ha confesado llamar los un anunciantes.

El tema de sus llamadas de harrassing es que anunciamos material inapropiado."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bob vs. Bob 22.0

Bob #1:
"Someone on our staff posted his stuff. He asked me to remove it and I asked that it be removed. It isn't my website or my decision."

Bob #2:
"Blame it on the guy with the website."

Bob's Shenanigans

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"I think it's time to stop worrying about the idiots that attack us."

I just love it when Bob calls other people idiots.  This from a man who posts a picture of an "anus" next to a restaurant ad.  What a genius.  By the way, why the sudden change in official columbuzz policy?

"We can't stop them from calling ... our advertisers."


"We can't stop them from being stupid on their website. So we'll stop trying."

This from a man who can't keep advertisers who pay nothing from leaving his site.

"Some of our advertisers actually enjoy telling them to go fly a kite when they call. So we'll keep putting the ads on."

I'm sure some of your advertisers are bots.

"Most of the advertisers they harrass will see that the harrassers are twisting things around."

I don't think so Bob.  And who's twisting things around by calling legitimate complaints to advertisers harassment?  Why don't you call the owner of Zwanzigz's and ask him if he thinks he was harassed?  Ask him if he thinks things were twisted around?  But that's not your MO.  You don't investigate, you just believe what you want to believe.

"The good part about all of this is, most of our troublemakers gather at that site. And it is an easy site to ignore."

You can't ignore it Bob.  You're on my site several times a day.

"The bad part is, our trustee and his fire chief signed an agreement. So now the troublemakers include some of his firemen and relatives. So the trouble is being caused by proxy now. Oh well."

I didn't sign anything.

"We can take it."

You have proven repeatedly that you can dish it out but can't take it.

"We have been attacked by much better people than these idiots."

I doubt that, but if it makes you feel better.

"In the meantime, we are getting new information and discovering new shenanigans by some of these same idiots. We will report on all of it as soon as we get it and confirm the facts of what we report."

What happened?!?  Did someone park illegally again?  And how exactly do you confirm the facts, Bob?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bella Pizza Company

If I were the owner/operator of Bella Pizza Company, I don't think I would be too happy about ad placement on columbuzz.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Clueless Bob

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"He agreed that crap on Mark's website was bringing about my posting of the information I have posted and that the best solution for her would be to get her husband to stop his nonsense."

Bob, are you fibbing again or are you just delusional?  Did you also tell him that you have never posted to my site?

"So, again I say, back off, and we back off. Keep up the bullshit, and we continue our postings. It's really that simple Mrs. Dude."

That's just more material to put in the police file, thanks.  By the way, I've made my offer. I delete mine, you delete yours.

"P.S. A police officer calling someone out of state and asking them to stop doing ANYTHING isn't legal notice, it isn't a restraing order. And oddly, it didn't put a scare in me like you hoped it would. It only makes me want to post more about you. Now where did I put that picture of your house?"

That may be true, at least not yet.  This is just the first step in the process.  Depending on you, there could be more to come.

Ironic Bob

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Maybe you're right Jason. Maybe posting the boys picture was wrong. I took it off."

Maybe!?! You not only posted his picture but you also insulted him. Time for Bob to backpedal.

"You see what goes on at that website. Their attacks are relentless. I'm expected to sit back and keep quiet while another jerk attacks and allows nimrods to do what they do to me and this website? I don't think so!"

Ironic. Bob can relentlessly attack anyone he pleases, but he and his website should be off limits? If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen.

"They want facts. They will get facts. Every fact I can find about them will be posted. Mark Cutshaw is Fred's nephew. These aren't attacks, they are facts."

Kind of boring facts, don't you think?

"They back off and I back off. They keep up the bullshit and I go into high gear."

You're not already in high gear? What's next, are you going to post my cat's name?

"Fred Barkes and his group of people appear to think they can do whatever the hell they like. I'm not a client of theirs. I'm not on the fire department. They don't control me. He is an elected official and I have the right to post facts and opinions about his activity."

Yes you do have that right. Just stick to facts and opinions.

"We agreed not to talk about the lawsuit and I'm told by several people that his fire chief is telling everyone about it. His nephew and his butthole buddies are talking about things they wouldn't know if some idiot hadn't run his mouth."

Again, Bob, I have no idea what the agreement was, but the standard in cases like yours is to stop the attacks.

"It's a 2 way street. They abide by the 'truce' as they expect me to, or neither of us abide by any agreement. It's their call. And as long as he keeps his crap up, it won't ever stop."

Sorry Bob, but I was not a party to that agreement.

"Time to stop talking about it. It's up to them. Close the website down and shut their mouths, or I see just how much I can find to post about anyone who is related to or friends with this so-called trustee."

But Bob, you wrote "I have the right to post facts and opinions about his activity." Does that only apply to you or does it also apply to me? I can't post facts and opinions about your activity? I'll make you a deal Bob. You close your site down, I'll close mine down.

By the way, Bob, are you familiar with this Indiana law?

IC 35-45-2-1
35-45-2-1 Sec. 1. (a) A person who communicates a threat to another person, with the intent:
(1) that the other person engage in conduct against the other person's will;
(2) that the other person be placed in fear of retaliation for a prior lawful act;
commits intimidation, a Class A misdemeanor.

(c) "Threat" means an expression, by words or action, of an intention to:
(6) expose the person threatened to hatred, contempt, disgrace, or ridicule;
(7) falsely harm the credit or business reputation of the person threatened;

Jason Vest FINALLY Speaks

Jason Vest wrote on columbuzz:
"I am a believer in your right to state your opinion of elected public officials. I've told you that I've been critical of the practices of Fred Barkes and the Columbus Township Fire Department."

And I have absolutely no problem with that.

"However, I am equally as critical of your use of a photo of Mark's child and the personal attacks against Fred and his wife."


"Although I may disagree with what Mark Cutshaw has allowed on his website, including unfair, critical statements regarding my business, STAT Ambulance, I do not condone personal attacks whatsoever."

Jason, my blog is mostly an open forum and Bob has also allowed unfair and critical statements. The difference is that I don't delete comments that are critical of me.

"When you ran for Trustee, I was supportive of your campaign. At some point, you began personally attacking Fred Barkes and his wife, Sandra. At that point, I expressed my disappointment. When the election ended, I met with Fred and apologized. I sincerely felt bad for my involvement. Politics should never reach that level in my opinion."


"I'm not sure that Fred accepted my apology. Based on the constant attacks from his nephew, Mark Cutshaw, I don't believe he did. Fred's nephew has consistently allowed attacks on myself and my business."

Jason, open forum. Why should you get special treatment? Just because I allow the comments does not mean I agree with them. Everyone loves an open forum until someone starts criticizing them. Then they want special treatment and censorship. You can't have it both ways. But you will see no more criticism of you or your business from me.

"Regardless of such, I remain truly apologetic to Fred for the personal nature that transpired during the election. I wish you (Bob) would have not taken that path."


"I have seen extremely personal attacks on myself and my business on Mr. Cutshaw's website. I have chosen not to respond to them. What he does is juvenile and hypocritical."

Jason, open forum.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bob the Cyberbully

Bob spewed on columbuzz:
"It seems we have upset Dude's wife."

Trust me Bob, not a good plan.

"She doesn't feel we should post a picture here of her son. A picture that was in public display on Facebook. A picture of a blood relative of a local elected official."

And his picture is relevant how?

"His great uncle is our trustee."

Your point? Are you going to attack my cat next?

"The picture was in a public place. It's still in a public place. His name isn't Opie? I will delete that..."

Gee, thanks Bob. You're a real humanitarian.

"But your stupid husband can run an entire website attacking me and what we do here at Columbuzz,net? His right. It's my right to post facts about Fred barkes and his family. Don't like it? Too bad!"

Depends on the context, Bob. Do you remember your post attacking Charlie Townsend? I do.

"We would gladly forget you even exist, if he closes his website and stops attacking me and this website."

Why do you care so much about my blog? According to you, nobody reads it anyway.

"And if he backs off, we back off. Until then, those all important facts they demand on what we say will keep getting posted."

Facts like my family tree? Who is demanding that information?

"Oh, I think the Township Trustee has three sisters. One is your mother in law? Let's introduce them next...."

Wow, you're going to start picking on senior citizens too?

"And Mrs. Dude, you can keep your threats. Threatening me will only make matters worse."

And another threat from Bob.

"Talk to his uncle about stopping this craziness. Not me."

No Bob, you need to stop YOUR craziness.

"Agreements take two. Stop him and you stop us. Got it?"

Be a man Bob and attack me, not my family.

Bob is Wrong Again

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"About as important as Fred Barkes' nephew doing Fred's dirty work breaking an agreement that he signed."

I have no idea what Bob is talking about here.  If he is implying that I know what the agreement was, then he's wrong, AGAIN.  I have no idea what it was.

"Some have wives that work at Christian Schools."

Bob sounds like a real man, involving my wife and son in our dispute.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bob vs Bob 21.0

Bob #1:
"I stated earlier that I have people in my family with drug issues and I wouldn't comment on a son having a drug issue. No parent can stop that in this day and age."

Bob/Columbuzz #2:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bob vs Bob 20.0

Bob #1:

Bob #2:
"But now it will be decided in court."

"Now I have to go to court to prove my opinion."

"I can prove every word I said, about my opponent in the race and lawsuit"

"Truth pertaining to the suit will come out in court."

"We post NOTHING that isn't true and we can't prove. You'll see. They want to air this in court, then let's air it ALL in court."

"The use of an attorney to try to silence me for my telling of what they know is the truth, in my opinion, is a sign of an all out fight. It's no holds barred now. Remember what I am writing here. It is about to come back to haunt you all. The truth is about to come out, and these four people are about to regret finding the guy in Seymour to start this stupid lawsuit. And when it all falls in on them, they will only have themselves to blame."

"If you know a Barkes or a Ferrenburg, get ready to be subpeonaed. It will take everyone to get this truth out."

"These people will live to regret this attack on me and my right of freedom of speech and opinion."

"They think they will win. I think I will have evidence that will make them wish they hadn't started this BS."

"Accusing you of a crime. Have I? Calling you a crook means I think you're crooked. I have been told many reasons that make me think you're crooked. We can discuss those in the courtroom I guess."

"I have a feeling this will be quite a court battle and I want to be prepared."

"In fact, this will help get the facts out. Files will be requested with the evidence we need. The entire township will see just what we have been saying and they will know what I have posted is true. My attorney will know what to look for."

"I stand by, and I can prove, EVERY single word that I have written as fact about these four. And, if need be, I will prove them, in a court of law."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Temporarily Enabling Comment Moderation

Since I'm going to be too busy this week to check the blog, I'm temporarily enabling comment moderation.  So if your comment doesn't show up for a while, you'll know why.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Number of Twitter Followers (06/22/2011):

The Republic: 757
Columbuzz: 203
Bob Freeman: 46

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Can Bob Get Anything Right?

Forgot to tell all of you that Bob's information about Fred Barkes was mostly incorrect, as usual. Not that it's any of Bob's business (although he seems to think everything is his business), but he was not rushed to the hospital and he was out on Wednesday feeling much better.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bob's Lame Threats

Bob spewed on columbuzz:
"(Dude), just because I think someone is a turd, and should be watched like a hawk, it doesn't mean I wish him ill health or that I don't hope he gets well quickly. That's a game that lowlifes like you want to play."

Are you talking about lowlifes that call women vile names?  Then that would be you.

"You need to start keeping your trap shut so you don't make matters worse."

I'm legally entitled to express my opinion on my blog, but I'll make you a deal Bob.  You keep your trap shut, I'll keep mine shut.

"You whine and cry because you don't see or believe the evidence to support what we say."

I don't whine or cry.  I just call you out on your BS.

"Hold onto your shorts because there's about to be."

OK Bob, I'm holding on!

"Do they drug test you at work? I think they should."

No, they don't.  Why do you ask?

"Does your boss see your website? Do their clients?"

My boss doesn't care what I do in my spare time and my clients don't either.

"Do the people at the Christian school where your wife works see what you do on your trashy website? Maybe they should."

I've never brought your wife into our fight.  In fact, I've deleted negative comments about her on my blog and declared both her and your sister off limits.  But somehow I doubt you will extend to me the same courtesy.

"Maybe all those 'friends and family' on Facebook that you have need to see your website as well."

A lot of them already have.

"You want to keep antagonizing. I think it's time to return the favor."


Bob vs Bob 19.0

Bob #1:
"We just received a report that Columbus Township Trustee Fred Barkes is in the hospital."
"We hope that he gets better soon. Our thoughts are with him and his family."

Bob #2:
"Fred Barkes is an incompetent turd. repeat, an INCOMPETENT TURD."
"And I will not leave Barkes alone. He is a crook"
"Oh no, I believe he (Fred Barkes) IS an idiot and they ARE monsters."
"Why don't they simply stop being rude, condescending monsters?"
"And these monsters are in charge of our system?"
"What an idiot."
"Fred Barkes is an incompetent nitwit who has a staff that is just as incompetent."
"She's (Sandy Barkes) acted like a cunt that should have been knocked on her ass, in my opinion."
"Woman or not, she (Sandy Barkes) should have been knocked on her ass"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Lucy wrote on columbuzz:
"But when one's words are nothing but degrading, condenscending. lack of total disrespect, I just won't read that kind of writing."

Um, Lucy, do you read Bob's writing?  That's about as degrading, condescending, and disrespectful as you can get.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Epic Battle: Bob vs. Ricky

Excerpts from Bob and Ricky's conversation posted on columbuzz (as usual, my snarky comments are in bold):

"I asked Jeremy if we could just take it down, that you were a good guy. He said that if you make Columbuzz a good fact on the list, he will remove the article. lol  Jeremy liked your list and thought it would add to our site. Then he got stubborn when he realized it pissed you off. Right or wrong."

Jeremy needs to grow up.

"Our intention is to do good and improve the community."

You have failed miserably.

"Most of what you see as rumors and lies are in fact true and provable. It's just that we can't always show our proof or we will reveal our source."

Whatever Bob.

"Why would I make a statement about ColumBuzz? I hate it! Especially your most recent revenge episode (or Jeremys). It's a simple request and it just shows what a asshole he is (and you as well). Why should I make a deal? I have no connection to the Barkes. Just one of many who dislike your tactics and your good guy/bad guy routine. Jeremy (or you) just happened to point out that he knew my employer as if I had done something I was ashamed of. The constant threats and attacks against others who criticize you are such lot of BS."

Can't argue with this statement. Ricky's one smart guy.

Bob wrote:
"Never mind. That revenge is letting people know that Fred Barkes' nephew has been harassing me and Columbuzz for 9 months. And one of his firemen have been harassing our advertisers."

Please.  I run a legal blog.  Fred Barkes had nothing to do with the creation of my blog.  I did it on my own.  Bob probably thinks anyone who disagrees with him is harassing him.

"Never mind. We will remain assholes."

I'm sure you will.

"Mine was a simple request that would fulfill your simple request. Be stubborn. Be an asshole."

Why should Ricky lie for you?

"People should see what an unreasonable asshole you really are. And they will."

Bob just loves to threaten people.  Unfortunately for Bob, I believe only his bots listen to him now.

"Why does my request make me an unreasonable asshole? Why should I have to do anything to make you and Jeremy happy? Why would you feel the need to strike back at me again?"

"I don't feel a need to strike back."

And yet here you are, striking back on columbuzz.

"I had the impression you were a good guy. You are not. Others have the same impression. They need to know the truth."

Truth as defined by Bob.  Sorry Bob, but I have to disagree with you on this one.  Ricky sounds like a great guy.

"I thought I had it worked out that he would remove it. But NO, you want to be a stubborn unreasonable asshole. So enjoy the publicity."

What publicity would that be Bob? It's not like columbuzz gets a lot of web traffic.

Bob's Disrespect

From my blog:
Mr. Inquisitive said...
I have requested the "Mouth" photo that looks like a sphincter to not be used.

Dude (NOT Jeff Barkes) said...
Why do you have to request it? Can't you demand it? Or would that make your cult leader most displeased with you?

Mr. Inquisitive said...

Well, Mr. Inquisitive, I guess it's obvious now that Bob has no respect for you.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Step in the Right Direction

Response to a Bot

Jeremy/Joanna/Bobobot wrote on columbuzz/my blog:
"We looked through this post a little closer; the only thing we posted was what Google sent us and everything else were links to the White pages including Jeremy's computer screen along. Not sure what information was given someone using any search engine or Facebook couldn't find?"

But what is Jeremy's intent in posting the information?  Harassment?

"It amazes me people get all worked up when they become exposed after all they have done to cause tension to another person's life."

Who's all worked up?  It's not like anyone actually takes your silly website seriously, except for the bots of course.  By the way, have you and Bob caused tension to another person's life?

"The other website is designed to thrash Bob Freeman, the intent they claim is to whistle blow the whistle blowers. If this was true, it wouldn’t be 90% about Bob Freeman."

I believe Bob is 90% of columbuzz.

"I know during many meetings we've had, Bob has mentioned this other website, talking about how they have listed his employers information so people could call and "harass" them about Bob and what Bob talks about on here."

Bob the victim?  Priceless.

"Bob has always used his real name, information allowing anyone to attack him, and they have."

Bob deletes attacks against him on columbuzz but attacks anyone he pleases.

"Now this same person Mark AKA Dude is claiming he is being harassed. Does the shoe feel ok on the other foot? When did the definition change from one to another? How is the information here posted different than posting advertisers phone numbers encouraging people to call and complain about being listed on Columbuzz. It isn't any different, the standards haven't changed, just the players information."

If you can't see the difference, then there's no hope for you.

"Wake up; when you slam people for months, and now your information is listed you get upset. You deserve this treatment if any treatment comes your way, as you have let your many visitors insult, harass, threaten violence, consistently bringing up things to get Bob Freeman in trouble with the law."

You're right, I have let visitors insult, harass, and threaten violence, and Bob was the worst offender.

"You SIR are not perfect"

I have never claimed to be.

"neither is Bob"

Careful now, you don't want to anger your cult leader.

Bob Freeman: Zero Credibilty

Bob Freeman wrote on columbuzz:
"Just to be clear, this is Jeremy's deal. I am intentionally staying clear. But I am on the sidelines watching."

Sure Bob, whatever you say.  So is that why you asked to be friends with me on Facebook?

"Mark says it took me 9 months to learn his identity. Nine months of not trying to find his identity. I didn't see any way to find it and quite frankly didn't care."

Bob, are you fibbing again?

"I will continue to remain out of this debate. I will enjoy watching the chips fall where they may..."

As will I.

"It does look to me as though Jeremy has provided the all-important PROOF that so many have been demanding."

What proof would that be Bob?  That he's a despicable person, just like you?

"I suspect that he has much more to come."

I'm sure whatever it is, it will be TRUTH (as defined by Jeremy).

Response to Jeremy's Email to my Wife

"Subject: Are you prepared to be sued?"

Are you, Jeremy?

"Are you aware you husband has been writing about someone he doesn't know on the Internet causing your entire family history to be exposed, on the Internet?"

I caused my family history to be exposed on the Internet?  Funny, I don't remember posting that information to columbuzz.

"We would like it if he shut down his BLOGGER website and we will remove all information about him, you etc."

Who's we and why do you want my blog shut down so bad Jeremy?

"I know you being a woman of GOD, wouldn't want any negative things out there, but yet your husband consistently harasses this man."

Sounds like a threat to me.  Shut down your blog, or we'll write nasty things about you and your family.  And how exactly have I harassed Bob?  Have I sent email to his wife or called her?  No, and I even deleted any derogatory comments about his wife and sister on my blog.  How many people has Bob harassed?

"This isn't Godly and we are requesting the blog be deleted entirely. Thank you,"

Is columbuzz Godly, Jeremy?

"I think a suit may be filed for Libel, and or Defamation of Character unless it is removed, we both know if it's filed it will cause embarrassment to your family while being a financial burden."

Another threat.  I'll make you a deal, Jeremy.  You delete columbuzz and I'll delete my blog.

Mr. Inquisitive: Zero Credibilty

Mr. Inquisitive wrote on my blog:
 "we posted your information because people need to know who you are and what you do, the things you say etc."

Mr. Inquisitive, your statement would be much more credible if you hadn't posted my address, phone number, a link to a picture of my house, my email address, my wife's work email address, and pictures of my facebook friends.  And if you want people to know the things I say, why don't you post the link to my blog?  Sorry, but I call BS on this statement.

He also wrote:
"We looked through this post a little closer; the only thing we posted was what Google sent us and everything else were links to the White pages including Jeremy's computer screen along...."

And Joanna wrote on columbuzz:
"We have looked through this post a little closer; the only thing we posted was what Google sent us and everything else were links to the White pages including Jeremy's computer screen shots...."

So who's the author?  Let me know Mr. Inquisitive so I can give proper credit.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jeremy Learned from the Master

Jeremy's email to my wife:

Subject: Are you prepared to be sued?
Are you aware you husband has been writing about someone he doesn't know on the Internet causing your entire family history to be exposed, on the Internet?

We would like it if he shut down his BLOGGER website and we will remove all information about him, you etc. I know you being a woman of GOD, wouldn't want any negative things out there, but yet your husband consistently harasses this man.

This isn't Godly and we are requesting the blog be deleted entirely. Thank you,

I think a suit may be filed for Libel, and or Defamation of Character unless it is removed, we both know if it's filed it will cause embarrassment to your family while being a financial burden.

We appreciate your help in this matter.

Bob the Expert Investigator

How long did it take?  9 months?  And the only reason he found out my identity is because I handed it to him.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mr. Anon-o-Bobby-mous

Mr. Anon-o-Bobby-mous wrote on columbuzz:
"We also have proof that you have been calling our advertisers and harassing them because they advertise with us."

Expressing your opinion is harassment?  Then I guess Bob is guilty of about a billion counts of harassment.

"Are we supposed to back off reporting on the fire department AND put up with harassment from fire department members like yourself AND keep our mouths shut about it? That isn't going to happen."

What about your harassment of pretty much everyone in the trustee office?

"You need to back off now or the real fun will begin. You don't want to play games with us because we can play well since we know who you are. It's your decision. Keep up your stupidity and we can play."

More lame threats from Bob.

"The big question now is do we start calling and harassing you since you have a banner ad on columbuzz? That only seems fair to me."

Sure Bob, that makes perfect sense, to lunatics.

"Try us. Keep up your crap. I wonder how much we could post about you and your life. It would all be true. Have you any skeletons in your closet Chris C.? Anyone in your life have any? We can dig, if you like."

Bob, you don't dig.  You don't investigate.  You just plop yourself in front of your computer and wait for the "anonymous" emails to trickle in.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Columbuzz Advertiser

Let them know how you feel about them advertising on columbuzz:

Recycled Treasures Flea Market: 812-447-8943

Proof Positive that Jeremy is a Liar

Jeremy wrote on my blog:
"I have checked, nothing about claiming you are Chris, where was this posted claiming you're Chris. Chris contacted us to advertise for him so we are obliged to do so."

Response from Chris Chambers:

Bob: Expert Investigator

So I guess Bob now thinks I'm Chris Chambers.  He has told me many times in the past that he didn't care who I was, but I guess that was just another one of his many lies.  This is a perfect example of Bob's MO.  He has absolutely no evidence that I'm Chris, but that doesn't stop him from making ridiculous assumptions and ranting on HIS website about it.

Just for the record, Bob, I'm not Chris Chambers.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bob is Still a Liar

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"I do NOT Own"

Sure Bob, whatever you say.

"Some people think I do own, but some people are stupid...."

If you're talking about people who use Walmart as a dead drop site and try to sell odometer tampering devices on the internet, then yes, I agree.  Those people ARE stupid.

"Some of our critics keep saying that I own I do not. I am on it a lot. I have admin powers to delete idiotic posts."

Lie.  You don't delete any of your idiotic posts.

"I didn't buy it. And I didn't sell it to Jeremy Kirtz, who I believe has his name on the domain name now. So now HE is the owner? Maybe. Who knows? Who cares?"

Why is Bob so evasive about who owns columbuzz?  Is he afraid of future lawsuits?  That would be fun to watch, Bob and Jeremy pointing fingers at each other when the lawyers come calling.

"The the idiots on the site set up just to cut down what I do on here, posted our logo without our permission. Google has since removed it. They say the following:
'Columbuzz logo that lists Bob Freeman and Jeremy Kirtz as owners of Columbuzz removed by Google pending an investigation.'"

That was a mistake on my part. What it should have said and what it says now:

Columbuzz logo that lists Bob Freeman and Jeremy Kirtz as owners of Columbuzz removed by Dude per Google's request pending an investigation. Counter claim from Dude has been submitted to Google.

"The logo is above. Does it say that Jeremy and I are the owners? I think not."

Then what exactly does the logo imply?  There are supposedly many people that "contribute" to columbuzz.  Why aren't they listed?  Why only you and Jeremy?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bob vs Bob 18.0

Bob #1:
"We protect the privacy of those who post here."
"We do protect the privacy of those who post there. We have exposed NOBODY"
"We don't track IP addresses."

Bob #2:
"Danny Palmer, Ken Nunn, and Wilbur all use the same IP. hmmm. xx.xx.xx.xx"

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bob vs Bob 17.0

Bob #1:
"Someone on our staff posted his stuff. He asked me to remove it and I asked that it be removed. It isn't my website or my decision."

Bob #2:

Bot Lucy Still Delusional

Lucy wrote on columbuzz:
"At Stupididty runs rampant..just shut your pie hole...Bob has a kind heart deep inside that tough exterior. He's a pussycat."

Lucy, you are delusional.  You are under the spell of a cult leader.  Bob is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  And I think you're confused.  Bob is the one with the pie hole.

"It was so thoughtful of him to make those crosses for those two young boys."

He did it for the attention.

"Treat others as you would want to be treated"

Do you tell Bob this?

" start in w bob, he ain't gonna lay down and take it, he will answer you the way he feels appropriate. So what some of your posts have been deleted, well so have mine, and I feel I'm mild mannered on here, and I do awknowledge if I'm in error, such as Elaine explained to me in a civil way things need to come out"

Has Bob ever admitted he was in error?  I guess Bob does no wrong in your eyes.

" just shut your mouth, cause you add nothing to anything...."

Pot.  Kettle.  Black.

Bob's God Complex

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"You are attacking me for allowing people to tell their stories here."

Hypocrite.  You can attack anyone you want, but others have to be nice to you.

"Some feel he (Tim Miracle) is a con artist and a bad man."

Some feel Bob Freeman is a con artist and a bad man.  So why can't they attack you on your website like you attack others?

"He displays himself to be a good man, claiming to be a pastor. I don't."

At least you admit that you don't display yourself to be a good man.

"I help run a website where folks can tell their stories."

Only the stories that you agree with.

"I don't make stuff up."

Sure Bob, whatever you say.  I believe you.

"I never cheated hundreds of people out of their hard earned money."

You tried with the odometer tampering device, but failed, as usual.

"The whole truth about me has been out there for years. I have used this site as well as others to post that truth about me in order for people to learn more about me so that I might win elections."

How did that work out for you Bob?  And the whole truth has NOT been out there for years, since the odometer deal was uncovered fairly recently.

"Tell truth and it will be posted."

TRUTH as defined by you, and it is well documented that you can't tell the difference between TRUTH and your uninformed opinions.  Who died and made you the arbiter of TRUTH?

"Keep sending your poison, and it will be deleted."

Yet your poison stays.

"Go by the rules of this website or stay the hell away."

Your rules are hypocritical and ridiculous.

"If you have something to add to the conversation, you are more than welcome to participate."

You mean if you agree with me, you can add to the conversation.

"Keep trying. We enjoy knocking you down."

Yes Bob, we are all aware of your God complex.

"The truth will come out, whether you like it or you don't."

That would be great.  So when can I expect the truth to come out about the odometer tampering device you tried to sell over the internet?

Bob vs Bob 16.0

Bob #1:
"Someone on our staff posted his stuff. He asked me to remove it and I asked that it be removed. It isn't my website or my decision."

Bob #2:
"Future posts from you full of name calling, like this one, will be deleted instead of posted. Got it?"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bob and the Bots vs Ricky Part Deux

Ricky Berkey wrote on columbuzz:
"Actually it wasn't removed as I requested. Jeremy feels the need to expose my "365 Facts about #ColumbusIN" as the crappy piece of work he declares it to be. It's only a daily trivia game, I don't even save them."

I wouldn't worry too much about Jeremy's opinion, Ricky, since he can barely construct a coherent sentence.  Plus he thinks it's funny to destroy people's reputations on his website.

"Bob, on the other hand felt the need to retaliate against me for telling him privately what I thought of the ColumBuzz website."

Well Ricky, if you're not a mindless Bob-o-bot, then you're an enemy of Bob.  Plus, with Bob, assume that anything you email him privately may be posted on his website for all to see.

"I'm not sure why he cares since it's not his website and he has no control over it."

Bob loves to say he doesn't care about something while at the same time ranting about it for days.  And don't let Bob fool you.  He has complete control over HIS website.

"He claims he proved his point and took down his mocking posts against me. So I guess I was the one being 'spanked'."

It's impossible for Bob to prove his point since he has no point.  He and HIS website are both pointless.

Then Bot Joanna responds:
"Ricky you're off topic here, and Columbuzz doesn't claim your writings. We couldn't because we would actually have better facts."

Bob was off topic too, but since he's the columbuzz dictator, he gets to be off topic as much as he wants.  By the way, Joanna, if you claim you would have better facts, then put up or shut up.

"I don't understand the problem, it is publicity for you and your work you post on a public website. Just so happens it does pertain to Columbus Indiana which is kinda what this whole site is based on."

And that's your biggest problem, Joanna.  You don't understand the problem.  Why would anyone not want to be associated with a 'wonderful' website like columbuzz, a site that is based on rumors and hearsay?  Just more proof that Columbuzz is run by a bunch of ignorant, uneducated people.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quiet Bob

Bob must have been spanked pretty good over the Ricky Berkey incident, although he's now complaining about Empire Today installers stealing a jewelry box.  Maybe he forgot that he left the box at another dead drop site as payment for more bogus information.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bob is Shameless

From Bob's Facebook page:

"A buddy and I are trying to see who can get the most donations toward a cruise in October.  Please send a dollar or a few to 3225 Lilac Ct. Columbus, Indiana 47203 Thanks."

Monday, May 16, 2011

What About Bob?

You know I had to use that title eventually.

I've developed a new theory about Bob.  Maybe he really isn't a raving lunatic.  Now before you tell me that I'm talking crazy, hear me out.  After the Mayor was re-elected, what if he appointed Bob the official Columbus Village Idiot but just decided to skip the ceremony and didn't tell anyone except for Bob and the bots?  I mean seriously, no one can be as crazy and idiotic as Bob and not be committed to a mental institution.  It's just not possible.  So I believe that this is the only possible explanation.  We all know how Bob takes his job seriously, testing concrete with his head and all.  I believe he has also taken his appointment just as seriously, since he would do anything for the Mayor.  It's well known that Bob has a huge man-crush on the Mayor, so he would do anything to make the Mayor proud of him.  I also believe that Bob has dedicated himself to become the most idiotic Village Idiot that Columbus has ever seen.  I would argue that he has accomplished this incredible feat and then some.  Can you remember any of the past Village Idiots even approaching the level of idiocy as Bob?  I certainly can not.  He's in a class all by himself.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bitter Bob

Watch out Ricky!  Pretty soon, Bob will accuse you of being his nemesis, Mercman!

UPDATE:  Bob deleted his post mocking Ricky Berkey.

Bob vs Ricky

Bob wrote on columbuzz:

"Ricky Berkey says we 'deal in rumors, scandals, innuendos and you encourage it. It's mostly false, mostly bullshit.'"

Ricky is one smart guy.

"Well Ricky, here we are posting your writings. Which of the three categories mentioned does your crap fall into?"

Posting his writings without permission.

"Prove anything we say as false and we will retract and apologize. I say you can't. I say most people we write about would be afraid to try for fear that more truth will be exposed."

Again, Bob still thinks he can say anything he wants and you have to prove him wrong.  Bob has yet to prove himself right about anything.

"Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's false. Just because you haven't seen the evidence, it doesn't mean it isn't true."

Just because it's a rumor or hearsay doesn't make it true.

"A lot of people in this area, and just about everywhere else, think they can hide what they do and when someone points it out they think they can keep it hidden and secret by squashing the whistleblower."

You mean people who advertise odometer tampering devices on the internet for 10 years?

"It appears that those who so strongly defend the people with dark secrets have something to hide as well. Maybe we should look into those who defend the wrongdoers as well."

More threats from Bob.  In other words, if you disagree with me, I'll make up some lies about you too.

"So we'll keep whistlebowing and you can keep trying to squash us. Good luck Mr. Berkey."

You keep whistleblowing hot grills, illegally parked cars, and moldy bread and we'll continue to laugh at your shenanigans.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


From columbuzz on Facebook:

"Business Big and small, Now is the time to advertise on - the cost FREE. Doesn't matter what type of business you have, anything goes. We will even design the ad for you.

With 2 commercials playing on Qmix daily, along with user interaction, someone seeing your business is higher than not advertising at all. You don't have to support what Columbuzz does to display your company."

Why are Bob and Jeremy so desperate for advertisers?  Strange.

Ricky Berkey Part Deux

From columbuzz on Facebook:

Ricky Berkey: FWIW I have no affiliation or interest in being associated with the ColumBuzz website!

Ricky Berkey: Do what you want with my trivia game but don't use my name on your facebook, webpage or twitter.

Columbuzz Indiana: When did you become so bitter to Columbuzz? I thought you and I usually agreed on most of the downtown issues.

Ricky Berkey: I dislike the unsupported rumors, half-truths and slander constantly showing up on your site.

Columbuzz Indiana: Well, that's all changed now, by us. Commenters might state their opinions and their experiences but we will have proof of anything we state as true. Besides, a lot of people like the rumors and half truths. LOL

Columbuzz Indiana: And how can something be half true? And just because the proof isn't visible, that doesn't mean it isn't true.

Ricky Berkey: I don't even want my name printed on your website, facebook or twitter. How's that?

Ricky Berkey: I would ask you again to take me off the ColumBuzz site and don't mention my name. I know you can do whatever you want but that is my recurring request. Thanks.

Columbuzz Indiana: You're in the community sharing community "Facts" it is community related. Thanks

So nice of Bob and Jeremy to honor Ricky's request.  And more proof that Jeremy is a clueless idiot.

Buzzy Award

Just when I thought Bob and columbuzz couldn't become more of a joke, they take it to a new level.  Bob should really consider removing his lips from Judy's backside.  Can he make it any more obvious that he thinks that Democrats always tell the truth and Republicans always lie?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Complain to QMIX

To complain to QMIX about allowing columbuzz to advertise on their radio station:

Mike King - Station Manager

Dave Wineland - Operations Manager

Michelle Hardcastle - General Sales Manager

Bob's Manic Again Part Deux

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Some people just don't get it."

Yes, Bob, you're right.  You just don't get it.

"Anonymous, I don't know or care who you are."

And yet here's ANOTHER article about him.

"But if you use ANONYMOUS as a name one more time, your post will be deleted without being read, much less posted. If you can't be more creative than that, you might as well stay in bed."

Bob the dictator is making up rules again.  Better add that to your usage policy, Bob.

"You don't like to hear the truth, if it affects your buddies. You don't like to hear the truth, if it differs from your warped sense of humanity. You don't want your bubble burst with truth that you disagree with. "

What truth?  Or are you talking about the rumors and hearsay on your site?  By the way, Hypocritical Bob, you're the one with the warped sense of humanity.

"The mamby pamby attitude about truth around here makes me want to puke. We post the truth and offend a lot of people. TOO BAD. We ain't going anywhere so get used to it."

Obviously, Bob still thinks hearsay = TRUTH.  Bob, you are correct about your mamby pamby attitude about truth around here and it makes us all want to puke.

"We blow the whistle on what we feel people should know about. Period. We don't hold by any so-called oath of standards..."

Yes Bob, we are all quite aware of your lack of standards.  That's one reason why both you and columbuzz are town jokes.

"We do our best to get the truth out there. Period."

And you fail miserably, over and over again.

"The guy tried to cheat me out of $500 by saying he had physical evidence of an elected official cheating on his wife, and I have to defend my taking him up on his offer?"

Yes, because you are a gullible idiot.  And what if that elected official was a Democrat?

"The guy is an asshole. That's why I thought, and still think, that you MIGHT be HIM. I don't know and I don't care!"

Bob doesn't care, but he's ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth about it.

"We show the truth. That's what whistleblowers do."

You mean that's what legitimate whistleblowers do, which does not include you.  You have proven repeatedly that you don't care about the truth.

"We don't give a shit if you like it. We don't give a shit if you're offended. We post the truth, and will continue to post the truth, regardless of your sensitivities or your intentions to try to stop us."

Rant, rant, rant, rant, ..............

"Community belongs to us. US. Elected officials are COMMUNITY. They answer to US. Whether they like it or they don't, they answer to US."

Yes Bob, us, not YOU!  YOU are not the community.  YOU are not a spokesperson for the community.  YOU are a raving lunatic.

"We will know the truth, as we find it."

As we find it!  That's hilarious.  In other words, we will make up or spin the "TRUTH".

"If you do anything in our world that affects our world, it had better be good. Otherwise folks will know about it and put a stop to it."

More lame threats from Bob.

"Now, if my language offends any of you, I apologize for your inability to comprehend reality."

Bob, you are the one with the inability to comprehend reality.  You are the one who has lost 5 elections.

"We are on a mission here at COLUMBUZZ. That mission is to try to better inform the public about what really goes on. We want to expose secrets and misunderstandings. Now, those secrets aren't always bad. Many times, those secrets are simply ignorance of the facts."

Bob, you have NO idea what really goes on.  And we are all aware of your hypocrisy.  If the secrets involve Democrats, they are simple misunderstandings.

"Judy Johns Jackson is the best example of someone dealing with people who simply don't understand what really goes on."

People like you.  She has corrected you before.

"People have the impression that the city or Mayor does this or that, when in fact, they don't. She deals with people on a regular basis that just don't understand what they are seeing."

People like you.  You have no idea what you're seeing.

"Many times over the years, we ask her why the Mayor or a city department is doing something and the answer is completely opposite of what we thought. And usually our thoughts about the wrong the city is doing, is actually the perfect way to do what needs to be done."

And yet you believe everything she says and you believe everything the mayor says, but you don't believe anything that Fred Barkes says.  I think I'm seeing a pattern here.

"Judy's help has always been consistant and forthcoming. For that reason, Judy was given the first annual BUZZY Award given by COLUMBUZZ. Her help has been vital to us getting the truth out."

Bob's sucking up to the mayor again.  Big surprise.  If she's smart, Judy will tell Bob where to shove his BUZZY award.

Bob's Manic Again

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Special Response to a Butthole"

Bob is responding to himself now?  And why is he still so obsessed with that butthole picture?

"To the jerk that seems to think I was wrong to post someone's IP address."

Well, that can't be possible, since you say you "protect the privacy of those who post" on columbuzz, and you NEVER lie.

"My guess is you are the ... scammer merc we're speaking of; or at least one of the <awesome commenters at dude's awesome> site that always talks about using these sites to get hidden IPs. I don't care."

You say you don't care, yet you write an entire article about it.

"I was merely showing him that it is clear that those posts come from the same IP as the scammer."

Yes Bob, and for the millionth time, that tells you nothing.

"While some say I don't know how to read IP addresses so it can't possibly tell me who it is"

As usual, Bob, you don't have a clue.

"You will fail at that too."

Just like you Bob. You fail at pretty much everything you do.  0-5!

"Incidently, a guy offers to sell me evidence of wrongdoing. Wrongdoing of an elected official meeting a girlfriend in a motel 7 times in 6 months and paying for it with checks from an account he shares with his wife. If someone said they had that evidence against me, you really wouldn't be interested?"

Bob, most people would NOT be interested unless it was someone they knew and trusted. Most people are not as gullible as you. And Bob, what if that elected official was the mayor? I doubt you would have pursued it then.

"And people want to ridicule me?"

Yes, because you are a hypocritical, biased, gullible idiot.

"But I'm wrong for taking him up on his offer?"

Yes, because again, you are a gullible idiot and were probably just trying to make a lawsuit go away.

"We try to post the truth here. We try to point out the bad guys."

You FAIL to post the truth.  You FAIL to point out the bad guys, since your fingers would be pointing back to YOU.

"We tell of elected officials misusing our tax dollars, and we are called liars, as are the people who report it to us."

You mean those people that have now disappeared?  I'm sure they were telling the TRUTH.

"We post, and show PROOF, of someone committing a felony over the internet with a flatout fraud of offering for sale information that doesn't exist, and people like you determine the buyer is at fault."

Kind of like advertising an odometer tampering device on the internet?  And yes, the desperate, pathetic, gullible buyer was partially at fault.

"Instead of looking at the message and trying to decide if it could possibly be true, people like you deny the possibilty simply because it doesn't sound right, which is why we report it, or because people like you are sleeping with, or friends with, the people involved."

Bob, for the millionth time, hearsay does not equal truth.

"But don't threaten us. That just pisses us off and makes us do even more things we think might piss you off."

I would guess most people are just amused with your shenanigans, Bob, since you ARE the town joke.

"Come back when you can grow whiskers and maybe after you get your first piece of ass."

And Bob really thought he could win an election with statements like this. What a moron.