Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bob vs Bob 18.0

Bob #1:
"We protect the privacy of those who post here."
"We do protect the privacy of those who post there. We have exposed NOBODY"
"We don't track IP addresses."

Bob #2:
"Danny Palmer, Ken Nunn, and Wilbur all use the same IP. hmmm. xx.xx.xx.xx"

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bob vs Bob 17.0

Bob #1:
"Someone on our staff posted his stuff. He asked me to remove it and I asked that it be removed. It isn't my website or my decision."

Bob #2:

Bot Lucy Still Delusional


Lucy wrote on columbuzz:
"At Stupididty runs rampant..just shut your pie hole...Bob has a kind heart deep inside that tough exterior. He's a pussycat."

Lucy, you are delusional.  You are under the spell of a cult leader.  Bob is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  And I think you're confused.  Bob is the one with the pie hole.

"It was so thoughtful of him to make those crosses for those two young boys."

He did it for the attention.

"Treat others as you would want to be treated"

Do you tell Bob this?

"...you start in w bob, he ain't gonna lay down and take it, he will answer you the way he feels appropriate. So what some of your posts have been deleted, well so have mine, and I feel I'm mild mannered on here, and I do awknowledge if I'm in error, such as Elaine explained to me in a civil way things need to come out"

Has Bob ever admitted he was in error?  I guess Bob does no wrong in your eyes.

"...so just shut your mouth, cause you add nothing to anything...."

Pot.  Kettle.  Black.

Bob's God Complex


Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"You are attacking me for allowing people to tell their stories here."

Hypocrite.  You can attack anyone you want, but others have to be nice to you.

"Some feel he (Tim Miracle) is a con artist and a bad man."

Some feel Bob Freeman is a con artist and a bad man.  So why can't they attack you on your website like you attack others?

"He displays himself to be a good man, claiming to be a pastor. I don't."

At least you admit that you don't display yourself to be a good man.

"I help run a website where folks can tell their stories."

Only the stories that you agree with.

"I don't make stuff up."

Sure Bob, whatever you say.  I believe you.

"I never cheated hundreds of people out of their hard earned money."

You tried with the odometer tampering device, but failed, as usual.

"The whole truth about me has been out there for years. I have used this site as well as others to post that truth about me in order for people to learn more about me so that I might win elections."

How did that work out for you Bob?  And the whole truth has NOT been out there for years, since the odometer deal was uncovered fairly recently.

"Tell truth and it will be posted."

TRUTH as defined by you, and it is well documented that you can't tell the difference between TRUTH and your uninformed opinions.  Who died and made you the arbiter of TRUTH?

"Keep sending your poison, and it will be deleted."

Yet your poison stays.

"Go by the rules of this website or stay the hell away."

Your rules are hypocritical and ridiculous.

"If you have something to add to the conversation, you are more than welcome to participate."

You mean if you agree with me, you can add to the conversation.

"Keep trying. We enjoy knocking you down."

Yes Bob, we are all aware of your God complex.

"The truth will come out, whether you like it or you don't."

That would be great.  So when can I expect the truth to come out about the odometer tampering device you tried to sell over the internet?

Bob vs Bob 16.0

Bob #1:
"Someone on our staff posted his stuff. He asked me to remove it and I asked that it be removed. It isn't my website or my decision."

Bob #2:
"Future posts from you full of name calling, like this one, will be deleted instead of posted. Got it?"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bob and the Bots vs Ricky Part Deux


Ricky Berkey wrote on columbuzz:
"Actually it wasn't removed as I requested. Jeremy feels the need to expose my "365 Facts about #ColumbusIN" as the crappy piece of work he declares it to be. It's only a daily trivia game, I don't even save them."

I wouldn't worry too much about Jeremy's opinion, Ricky, since he can barely construct a coherent sentence.  Plus he thinks it's funny to destroy people's reputations on his website.

"Bob, on the other hand felt the need to retaliate against me for telling him privately what I thought of the ColumBuzz website."

Well Ricky, if you're not a mindless Bob-o-bot, then you're an enemy of Bob.  Plus, with Bob, assume that anything you email him privately may be posted on his website for all to see.

"I'm not sure why he cares since it's not his website and he has no control over it."

Bob loves to say he doesn't care about something while at the same time ranting about it for days.  And don't let Bob fool you.  He has complete control over HIS website.

"He claims he proved his point and took down his mocking posts against me. So I guess I was the one being 'spanked'."

It's impossible for Bob to prove his point since he has no point.  He and HIS website are both pointless.

Then Bot Joanna responds:
"Ricky you're off topic here, and Columbuzz doesn't claim your writings. We couldn't because we would actually have better facts."

Bob was off topic too, but since he's the columbuzz dictator, he gets to be off topic as much as he wants.  By the way, Joanna, if you claim you would have better facts, then put up or shut up.

"I don't understand the problem, it is publicity for you and your work you post on a public website. Just so happens it does pertain to Columbus Indiana which is kinda what this whole site is based on."

And that's your biggest problem, Joanna.  You don't understand the problem.  Why would anyone not want to be associated with a 'wonderful' website like columbuzz, a site that is based on rumors and hearsay?  Just more proof that Columbuzz is run by a bunch of ignorant, uneducated people.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quiet Bob

Bob must have been spanked pretty good over the Ricky Berkey incident, although he's now complaining about Empire Today installers stealing a jewelry box.  Maybe he forgot that he left the box at another dead drop site as payment for more bogus information.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bob is Shameless

From Bob's Facebook page:

"A buddy and I are trying to see who can get the most donations toward a cruise in October.  Please send a dollar or a few to 3225 Lilac Ct. Columbus, Indiana 47203 Thanks."

Monday, May 16, 2011

What About Bob?

You know I had to use that title eventually.

I've developed a new theory about Bob.  Maybe he really isn't a raving lunatic.  Now before you tell me that I'm talking crazy, hear me out.  After the Mayor was re-elected, what if he appointed Bob the official Columbus Village Idiot but just decided to skip the ceremony and didn't tell anyone except for Bob and the bots?  I mean seriously, no one can be as crazy and idiotic as Bob and not be committed to a mental institution.  It's just not possible.  So I believe that this is the only possible explanation.  We all know how Bob takes his job seriously, testing concrete with his head and all.  I believe he has also taken his appointment just as seriously, since he would do anything for the Mayor.  It's well known that Bob has a huge man-crush on the Mayor, so he would do anything to make the Mayor proud of him.  I also believe that Bob has dedicated himself to become the most idiotic Village Idiot that Columbus has ever seen.  I would argue that he has accomplished this incredible feat and then some.  Can you remember any of the past Village Idiots even approaching the level of idiocy as Bob?  I certainly can not.  He's in a class all by himself.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bitter Bob


Watch out Ricky!  Pretty soon, Bob will accuse you of being his nemesis, Mercman!

UPDATE:  Bob deleted his post mocking Ricky Berkey.

Bob vs Ricky

Bob wrote on columbuzz:

"Ricky Berkey says we 'deal in rumors, scandals, innuendos and you encourage it. It's mostly false, mostly bullshit.'"

Ricky is one smart guy.

"Well Ricky, here we are posting your writings. Which of the three categories mentioned does your crap fall into?"

Posting his writings without permission.

"Prove anything we say as false and we will retract and apologize. I say you can't. I say most people we write about would be afraid to try for fear that more truth will be exposed."

Again, Bob still thinks he can say anything he wants and you have to prove him wrong.  Bob has yet to prove himself right about anything.

"Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's false. Just because you haven't seen the evidence, it doesn't mean it isn't true."

Just because it's a rumor or hearsay doesn't make it true.

"A lot of people in this area, and just about everywhere else, think they can hide what they do and when someone points it out they think they can keep it hidden and secret by squashing the whistleblower."

You mean people who advertise odometer tampering devices on the internet for 10 years?

"It appears that those who so strongly defend the people with dark secrets have something to hide as well. Maybe we should look into those who defend the wrongdoers as well."

More threats from Bob.  In other words, if you disagree with me, I'll make up some lies about you too.

"So we'll keep whistlebowing and you can keep trying to squash us. Good luck Mr. Berkey."

You keep whistleblowing hot grills, illegally parked cars, and moldy bread and we'll continue to laugh at your shenanigans.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


From columbuzz on Facebook:

"Business Big and small, Now is the time to advertise on Columbuzz.net - the cost FREE. Doesn't matter what type of business you have, anything goes. We will even design the ad for you.

With 2 commercials playing on Qmix daily, along with user interaction, someone seeing your business is higher than not advertising at all. You don't have to support what Columbuzz does to display your company."

Why are Bob and Jeremy so desperate for advertisers?  Strange.

Ricky Berkey Part Deux

From columbuzz on Facebook:

Ricky Berkey: FWIW I have no affiliation or interest in being associated with the ColumBuzz website!

Ricky Berkey: Do what you want with my trivia game but don't use my name on your facebook, webpage or twitter.

Columbuzz Indiana: When did you become so bitter to Columbuzz? I thought you and I usually agreed on most of the downtown issues.

Ricky Berkey: I dislike the unsupported rumors, half-truths and slander constantly showing up on your site.

Columbuzz Indiana: Well, that's all changed now, by us. Commenters might state their opinions and their experiences but we will have proof of anything we state as true. Besides, a lot of people like the rumors and half truths. LOL

Columbuzz Indiana: And how can something be half true? And just because the proof isn't visible, that doesn't mean it isn't true.

Ricky Berkey: I don't even want my name printed on your website, facebook or twitter. How's that?

Ricky Berkey: I would ask you again to take me off the ColumBuzz site and don't mention my name. I know you can do whatever you want but that is my recurring request. Thanks.

Columbuzz Indiana: You're in the community sharing community "Facts" it is community related. Thanks

So nice of Bob and Jeremy to honor Ricky's request.  And more proof that Jeremy is a clueless idiot.

Buzzy Award


Just when I thought Bob and columbuzz couldn't become more of a joke, they take it to a new level.  Bob should really consider removing his lips from Judy's backside.  Can he make it any more obvious that he thinks that Democrats always tell the truth and Republicans always lie?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Complain to QMIX

To complain to QMIX about allowing columbuzz to advertise on their radio station:


Mike King - Station Manager

Dave Wineland - Operations Manager

Michelle Hardcastle - General Sales Manager

Bob's Manic Again Part Deux


Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Some people just don't get it."

Yes, Bob, you're right.  You just don't get it.

"Anonymous, I don't know or care who you are."

And yet here's ANOTHER article about him.

"But if you use ANONYMOUS as a name one more time, your post will be deleted without being read, much less posted. If you can't be more creative than that, you might as well stay in bed."

Bob the dictator is making up rules again.  Better add that to your usage policy, Bob.

"You don't like to hear the truth, if it affects your buddies. You don't like to hear the truth, if it differs from your warped sense of humanity. You don't want your bubble burst with truth that you disagree with. "

What truth?  Or are you talking about the rumors and hearsay on your site?  By the way, Hypocritical Bob, you're the one with the warped sense of humanity.

"The mamby pamby attitude about truth around here makes me want to puke. We post the truth and offend a lot of people. TOO BAD. We ain't going anywhere so get used to it."

Obviously, Bob still thinks hearsay = TRUTH.  Bob, you are correct about your mamby pamby attitude about truth around here and it makes us all want to puke.

"We blow the whistle on what we feel people should know about. Period. We don't hold by any so-called oath of standards..."

Yes Bob, we are all quite aware of your lack of standards.  That's one reason why both you and columbuzz are town jokes.

"We do our best to get the truth out there. Period."

And you fail miserably, over and over again.

"The guy tried to cheat me out of $500 by saying he had physical evidence of an elected official cheating on his wife, and I have to defend my taking him up on his offer?"

Yes, because you are a gullible idiot.  And what if that elected official was a Democrat?

"The guy is an asshole. That's why I thought, and still think, that you MIGHT be HIM. I don't know and I don't care!"

Bob doesn't care, but he's ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth about it.

"We show the truth. That's what whistleblowers do."

You mean that's what legitimate whistleblowers do, which does not include you.  You have proven repeatedly that you don't care about the truth.

"We don't give a shit if you like it. We don't give a shit if you're offended. We post the truth, and will continue to post the truth, regardless of your sensitivities or your intentions to try to stop us."

Rant, rant, rant, rant, ..............

"Community belongs to us. US. Elected officials are COMMUNITY. They answer to US. Whether they like it or they don't, they answer to US."

Yes Bob, us, not YOU!  YOU are not the community.  YOU are not a spokesperson for the community.  YOU are a raving lunatic.

"We will know the truth, as we find it."

As we find it!  That's hilarious.  In other words, we will make up or spin the "TRUTH".

"If you do anything in our world that affects our world, it had better be good. Otherwise folks will know about it and put a stop to it."

More lame threats from Bob.

"Now, if my language offends any of you, I apologize for your inability to comprehend reality."

Bob, you are the one with the inability to comprehend reality.  You are the one who has lost 5 elections.

"We are on a mission here at COLUMBUZZ. That mission is to try to better inform the public about what really goes on. We want to expose secrets and misunderstandings. Now, those secrets aren't always bad. Many times, those secrets are simply ignorance of the facts."

Bob, you have NO idea what really goes on.  And we are all aware of your hypocrisy.  If the secrets involve Democrats, they are simple misunderstandings.

"Judy Johns Jackson is the best example of someone dealing with people who simply don't understand what really goes on."

People like you.  She has corrected you before.

"People have the impression that the city or Mayor does this or that, when in fact, they don't. She deals with people on a regular basis that just don't understand what they are seeing."

People like you.  You have no idea what you're seeing.

"Many times over the years, we ask her why the Mayor or a city department is doing something and the answer is completely opposite of what we thought. And usually our thoughts about the wrong the city is doing, is actually the perfect way to do what needs to be done."

And yet you believe everything she says and you believe everything the mayor says, but you don't believe anything that Fred Barkes says.  I think I'm seeing a pattern here.

"Judy's help has always been consistant and forthcoming. For that reason, Judy was given the first annual BUZZY Award given by COLUMBUZZ. Her help has been vital to us getting the truth out."

Bob's sucking up to the mayor again.  Big surprise.  If she's smart, Judy will tell Bob where to shove his BUZZY award.

Bob's Manic Again


Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Special Response to a Butthole"

Bob is responding to himself now?  And why is he still so obsessed with that butthole picture?

"To the jerk that seems to think I was wrong to post someone's IP address."

Well, that can't be possible, since you say you "protect the privacy of those who post" on columbuzz, and you NEVER lie.

"My guess is you are the ... scammer merc we're speaking of; or at least one of the <awesome commenters at dude's awesome> site that always talks about using these sites to get hidden IPs. I don't care."

You say you don't care, yet you write an entire article about it.

"I was merely showing him that it is clear that those posts come from the same IP as the scammer."

Yes Bob, and for the millionth time, that tells you nothing.

"While some say I don't know how to read IP addresses so it can't possibly tell me who it is"

As usual, Bob, you don't have a clue.

"You will fail at that too."

Just like you Bob. You fail at pretty much everything you do.  0-5!

"Incidently, a guy offers to sell me evidence of wrongdoing. Wrongdoing of an elected official meeting a girlfriend in a motel 7 times in 6 months and paying for it with checks from an account he shares with his wife. If someone said they had that evidence against me, you really wouldn't be interested?"

Bob, most people would NOT be interested unless it was someone they knew and trusted. Most people are not as gullible as you. And Bob, what if that elected official was the mayor? I doubt you would have pursued it then.

"And people want to ridicule me?"

Yes, because you are a hypocritical, biased, gullible idiot.

"But I'm wrong for taking him up on his offer?"

Yes, because again, you are a gullible idiot and were probably just trying to make a lawsuit go away.

"We try to post the truth here. We try to point out the bad guys."

You FAIL to post the truth.  You FAIL to point out the bad guys, since your fingers would be pointing back to YOU.

"We tell of elected officials misusing our tax dollars, and we are called liars, as are the people who report it to us."

You mean those people that have now disappeared?  I'm sure they were telling the TRUTH.

"We post, and show PROOF, of someone committing a felony over the internet with a flatout fraud of offering for sale information that doesn't exist, and people like you determine the buyer is at fault."

Kind of like advertising an odometer tampering device on the internet?  And yes, the desperate, pathetic, gullible buyer was partially at fault.

"Instead of looking at the message and trying to decide if it could possibly be true, people like you deny the possibilty simply because it doesn't sound right, which is why we report it, or because people like you are sleeping with, or friends with, the people involved."

Bob, for the millionth time, hearsay does not equal truth.

"But don't threaten us. That just pisses us off and makes us do even more things we think might piss you off."

I would guess most people are just amused with your shenanigans, Bob, since you ARE the town joke.

"Come back when you can grow whiskers and maybe after you get your first piece of ass."

And Bob really thought he could win an election with statements like this. What a moron.

Bob vs Bob 15.0

Bob #1:
"We protect the privacy of those who post here."
"We do protect the privacy of those who post there. We have exposed NOBODY"
"We don't track IP addresses."
"I don't care who you (Mercman) are."

Bob #2:
"You have the same IP address as the scammer....."
"Well, TJ, your IP is, Cummins system, correct? The scammer uses, repeatedly,,, and system, correct?"
"I posted his IP address for a reason. It is the same IP address as one of the IP addresses our scammer has used repeatedly. He mainly uses 3 IP addresses from the computer system at Cummins. I was merely showing him that it is clear that those posts come from the same IP as the scammer."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bob is a Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins

Hypocritical Bob wrote on columbuzz:

"Yea Storm, sometimes we change the nasty name calling instead of deleting the entire post..."

Doesn't Bob have a PhD in nasty name calling?

Bob: Easy Target

Bob wrote on columbuzz:

"Maybe you should attend the church. You'd be an easy target for them, I'm sure"
"Steph, I hope you wouldn't be an easy target."
"You repeatedly imply that I was gullible.  I was not."
"I wasn't an easy target. I went in expecting to lose the money, but felt it was worth the risk."

And "Tim Lewis" wrote:

"Bob, I don't know you personally, but I do dig and follow COLUMBUZZ website.  I find your opinions to be entertaining and your investigative news stories very interesting and knowledgeable."

Funny stuff.  Definition of an easy target:
  • One who agrees to use Walmart as a dead drop site.
  • One who pays $500 for bogus information.
  • One who believes every bad thing that he hears about Republicans.
  • One who believes a Nigerian prince will give him money.
  • One who believes that motel registers can't be forged. 
  • One who believes that hearsay = TRUTH.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ricky Berkey

From Facebook:
Ricky Berkey wrote "FWIW: I have no affiliation or interest in being associated with the ColumBuzz website!"

Smart guy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Comments and Internet Explorer

I've just been informed that commenting on my blog is not working correctly.  I checked it out and discovered that I couldn't submit comments using Internet Explorer 9 with word verification turned on, so I turned word verification off for now.  From what I could tell, Firefox has no issues.  Also running IE9 in 8 compatibility mode seems to work too.