Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bob's House is a Nutshell

Every once in a while, someone makes a statement that pretty much explains a lot of the problem here and all over the world.

Someone said, "No one cares about Bob Freeman's odometer shenanigans."

I'm guessing it's someone in his family or one of the bots. It doesn't matter.

The point is, someone has no problem with someone advertising an odometer tampering device for sale. They don't want to hear it.

That says a lot about the problems we have. Nobody wants to hear it. They want to look the other way.

This person doesn't care that someone went out and tried to sell odometer tampering devices on the Internet.

They don't care that the someone was pretending to be a whistle blower at the time.

They don't care if he tried to blame others.

Or that he denies wrong-doing.

Sound familiar?

Nobody wants to hear it. Nobody cares.

And again, the critics CLOSE TO THE PERSON being exposed, attack the person reporting what is going on.

They try to make the one revealing what is going on as the bad guy. Trying to divert attention from the actual culprit.

Just a little advice to people like this: The best way to get me to stop posting about stupid and illegal things that Bob does is to get Bob to stop doing stupid and illegal things, like trying to sell an odometer tampering device on the Internet.

Until then, enjoy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Conflict of Interest

"Jeremy" wrote on columbuzz:
'Today we had someone(not part of Columbuzz) post content under Columbus Man profile being mean by leaving a terrible review about Bella Pizza.

We have removed the content and added a better review on Facebook, but before we did we received an email from the Owner of Bella Pizza, Christy Debord,

"I guess I don't understand why you would like Bella Pizza Company and then write that awful recommendation. My logo is all over the Columbuzz website, I have gained several new customers because of my logo being there."

We responded "That recommendation wasn't written by one of Columbuzz staff, the computer was left up (my fault) and a college friend got on and made the stupid remark. I am sorry about that," '

"Jeremy", this is what intelligent people call a conflict of interest.  You can't be a legitimate whistle blowing site and at the same time court advertisers.  What if someone wants to blow the whistle on one of your advertisers?  We've already seen Bob suck up to Baby Back Blues by declaring their evil hot grill safe to the public.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bob vs Bob 28.0

Warning! This post contains adult language! Reader discretion is advised.

Bob #1:
"I'm really not the monster that some people make me out to be."

Bob #2:
"I still think someone should have knocked her (Sandy Barkes) on her ass."

"And I didn't call you the ass I think you are. Grandpa."

"I thought his name was Opie."

"Fred Barkes is an incompetent turd. repeat, an INCOMPETENT TURD."

"And I will not leave Barkes alone. He is a crook"

"Oh no, I believe he (Fred Barkes) IS an idiot and they ARE monsters."

"Why don't they simply stop being rude, condescending monsters?"

"And these monsters are in charge of our system?"

"Fred Barkes is an incompetent nitwit who has a staff that is just as incompetent."

"She's (Sandy Barkes) acted like a cunt that should have been knocked on her ass, in my opinion."

"Woman or not, she (Sandy Barkes) should have been knocked on her ass"

"A buddy and I are trying to see who can get the most donations toward a cruise in October. Please send a dollar or a few to 3225 Lilac Ct. Columbus, Indiana 47203 Thanks."

"The guy is an asshole. That's why I thought, and still think, that you MIGHT be HIM. I don't know and I don't care!"

"We don't give a shit if you like it. We don't give a shit if you're offended."

"Incidently, a guy offers to sell me evidence of wrongdoing. Wrongdoing of an elected official meeting a girlfriend in a motel 7 times in 6 months and paying for it with checks from an account he shares with his wife. If someone said they had that evidence against me, you really wouldn't be interested?"

"He (Fred Barkes) and some of his staff should be removed from office and charged in a criminal court for crimes they know they are committing."

"We also know that that office breaks the law regularly. And we intend to prove it and file complaints with the state officials."

"Fred Barkes has robbed us for 8 years. Now he gets to rob us for 4 more."

"It is illegal for him to manipulate the funds the way he does. Just because he hasn't been convicted or just because the SBOA doesn't have the balls to crack him on it, it doesn't mean he isn't breaking the law."

"Your dad didn't resign as treasurer of the fire department over missing money?"

"You twist what Barkes does illegally to look like it's legal."

"Unfairness in their distribution of relief is illegal. Manipulating the funds and the tax money as they do is illegal."

"Like Billy the Kid! Biggest thief of taxpayer money in the county."

"Fred Barkes is a fucking thief"

"And if you notice, I always say that I was told something. THAT part is true. Whether what they told me is true or not is a different matter."

"You have snitched on him. You have done your good deed for the day. Let the
popel you snitched to do their job. Now, I think I saw a 75 year old woman jaywalk on the next street over. Why don't you go have her arrested and thrown in prison? When you grow up you will realize how idiotic this is. You should use your snitching powers for something more important. Like shoplifters at Walmart. Go check it out. They could use real assholes like you."

"Birds of a feather flock together and the idiots at the Trustee office fit the bill well."

"...none of your fucking business."

"Time to back off motherfuckers."

" will regret it motherfuckers."

"Your call assholes. I ain't fucking around."

"Then you can 'sue' me, chicken shits."

"I know where some of you live. You want to cross the line, then lets cross the fucking line. It would be worth some time in jail to destroy your homes. And the lives of some of your family."

"I own a few guns. Give me reason assholes. Back the fuck off."

"You keep saying on here that I'm nuts and a retard. Piss me off and find out. I could play the part in a HUGE way, if you fuck with my family."

"You talk big when others that I do know will suffer."

"Try me, asshole."

"These are friends, family, and supporters of the monster, and his crew, that you re-elected for Columbus Township Trustee."

"A convicted child molester could have run as a Republican and got elected this time. I would bet several were, nationwide. Like being a Republican, you don't need to know anything about what you worship in order to call yourself a member. Raise your right hand and say you believe. "Hal le lu yah Brother, I is a memba!!! Thank God Almighty!" One reason why so many Republicans are Christians and why so many Christians are Republicans; it's easy to belong. No hard work studying who you worship and vote for. No knowledge of the person is needed. Simply vote as your masters tell you to vote. Blindly belong and blindly follow. 'Time to vote? Where's that thar votin' lever?' Cha ching! 'Oops, I left my readin' glasses at home. Oh, I just need that thar lever. I don't need to read who I'm votin' fer.' Cha ching! I think this is one reason the KKK got so popular back in the day; the days before proper education. And I am a caring, giving, understanding person who is a bit bitter over stupid, lazy people. Meaning people too stupid to vote for the person instead of the party, and others who are too lazy to go vote. Fred Barkes is an incompetent turd. repeat, and INCOMPETENT TURD. I was calling people who vote for people simply because of their party stupid, and those who sit on their *** and don't vote, lazy. Idiots like that are why our country is like it is."

"I think anyone that has a good revenge trick they want to try out, they should try it out on old Charlie Townsend. Rat in a box, change his mail to a new address, drive by his house real slow and take pictures, any prank phone calls you've wanted to try, go up to him when he is out to dinner with his wife and say 'hello Mercman', etc...."

"Got a little girlfriend your wife don't know about? You better get sneakier. Got a business partner you're about to bend over? You better make sure he doesn't realize it. Having illegal meetings with 3 or more council members? Beware of the 'family' at the next table. They might have a camera and a recorder. Stealing money from the fire department? You better hope your accountant is good at hiding things. Got tenants that aren't doing their job properly? I'm not sure why you would care, but get ready, everyone is about to know. You might want to hope that I win the election so I stay busy. Idle time gives me a chance to find more TRUTH; more time to write more stories about YOU."

"Bite my ass."

"You're all talk. An asshole with a mouth."

"I would enjoy seeing him beat you to a pulp."

"Just hope I never learn your identity."

"That doesn't make her a bitch or a monster?"

"Roxanne was said to be a bitch a few times"

"There is a difference between a bitch and a whore"

"You want to be a dickhead?"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Never-ending Idiocy

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"I'm betting the two yo-yos won't do a thing because they know it's all true. Remember, in a liable lawsuit, THEY have to prove WHO said it, and THEY have to prove it to be untrue. I don't know who Sheep Dog is, so I doubt they will ever know either. And it's hard to prove something is untrue when it is true."

So let me get this straight Bob.  You have no idea who Sheep Dog is, but you believe everything he says.  Isn't that what happened a few months ago when all of your "sources" vanished and you had to settle the lawsuit against you?  Are you really this gullible?

Bob The "Christian"

Bob spewed on columbuzz:
"Go for it Mark."

Go for what?  I'm not the one who will sue.

"They sued me last time for MY postings and MY opinions. Although I like what is geing posted, they aren't my words, or my posts. And this isn't my website."

So you say, but you're a proven liar.

"So threaten all you like."

Bob, that wasn't a threat.  That was a suggestion.

"People will finally understand what I was trying to tell them last year. They simply had to hear it from someone that wasn't running against him in an election. The best part is, I get to sit and watch the fall, without raising a finger. And to paraphrase what your uncle said last year after he won the election, 'It's been a rough one, so I'm going to enjoy it all the more.'"

Still can't let the election go, can you Bob?

"And it's ironic how you and your website 'helped' bring all this about. If YOU hadn't opened your big mouth and joined your buddies in the consant harrassment as you have, none of what is about to happen would be going on."

Bob the hypocrite.  What about your big mouth and constant harassment?

"And since you want to keep attacking everyone I associate with, you need to know that the good people who were with Milestone Ministries, and the good people at Tree Of Life, have become friends of mine. They have also shown me that there IS a God. In my 54 years, nobody else has been able to do that. They are good people, and good Christians. So now, keep on attacking them and calling them names."

Saying that I find them selfish and lacking empathy is not calling them names.  Now if I called them a bunch of c*nts, like you do, then that would be calling them names.

"So attack Christians now, as you have many others over the past year."

Bob, do you even see your blatant hypocrisy?  What about all of the people you've attacked over the past year?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bob's New Friends

Is it just me, or does it seem like Bob's new friends, the former Milestone members, are easily manipulated?  They all think Bob is a great guy.  They also come across, at least to me, as selfish and lacking in empathy.  As long as they get what they want and get special treatment from Bob on columbuzz, they really don't seem to care what he does to others.  That kind of attitude seems very unchristian to me.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bob, The Voice of Reason?

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"I agree Misty. The article was out of line and I tried to straighten it up some."

Most of the "articles" on columbuzz are out of line, Bob.

"We walk a fine line of reporting and allowing people to voice their opinions here at Columbuzz, yet not at the cost to innocents."

Bob, you don't walk a fine line, you constantly go way over the line.  And your statement "yet not at the cost to innocents" is just ridiculous.

"It appears that there's no excuse for hitting the man in dry weather. But it could have happened to any of us. If proper attention is paid, the man should have been seen."

Bob, yet again, you have no idea what you're talking about.  You have no idea if he should have been seen.

"And we try to ask those questions and inform people."

You mean ask those idiotic questions.

"Joanna is new. She was trying to make a great story and didn't intend to hurt anyone."

Please.  Joanna is not "new".  She's been around for months.

"Our goal here is to inform people. We need more readers to inform more people, but building leadership is only to make the informing easier."

I believe your goal on columbuzz is to attack people, not inform.

"I help run this website. It isn't my website and I don't have total control."


"Misty, you know me well enough to know that we would never intentionally hurt you. You have been a friend of mine for a while now, and recently, you have become family.(You know what I mean.) If I hurt you, I hurt me."

Misty, I don't believe Bob cares about you at all.  He's manipulating you.  "Jeremy" has made it clear that he only cares about hits on columbuzz.

"Just let me know when we stumble like this... Okay? We made a mistake and I apologize for that."

She did let you know and yet you took your time removing the article.

Bob vs "Jeremy" 1.0

Thanks for reading our Tabloid.

I support TRUTH.

Another Blast From the Past

"Jeremy" finally admits the claim I made last November.