"So, like it or not, fair or unfair, representative of what we stand for or against all of the values of the ACLU, don't attack my friends, the doctors victims, or we delete your posts."
"Expression for Everyone"
"Columbuzz was started with the idea to expose or freely express how you feel without censorship. It seems people want to express their opinions but without the worry of being judged by their peers."
"Read an article, decide if you want to comment, then just below the article will be an area for your opinion. Our only request is you use a name, fictional or non fictional for your response"
"We strive on allowing anyone a voice"
Typical Bob: "Don't attack my friends."
Let me finish that Bob "Don't attack my friends, however we may attack anyone who isn't (as well as commenters who say things here we don't like) no matter the evidence or lack thereof. We cover ourselves by saying we give everyone a right to say what they want, and that we only say were told told something, which makes it true. Besides, what does it matter if we get some things wrong as long as there might be a kernel of truth there. After all, the ends justify the means.
Don't cross Bob. That's the message.
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