Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ends Justify the Means

"ADMIN" wrote on columbuzz:
"All articles are factual."

Just like the article about the fireman dying and all of the articles claiming Fred Barkes is a criminal.  Why would anyone believe anything posted on columbuzz?

"We have a major problem still walking around this town, acting like he did nothing wrong..."

Yes, and his name is Bob Freeman.

"He must be stopped. He WILL be stopped."

We can only hope that Bob WILL be stopped soon.

"If our methods offend you, too bad. I'm sure you would join right in if you or a relative were a victim of his."
In other words, the ends justify the means.  We don't care that we use scorched earth tactics.  We don't care about possibly hurting the innocent children of the "evildoers".


Dude said...

Don't you just love how Bob "apologizes":

"I'm sorry you're upset with me."

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI to those who may have read the latest Columbuzz attacks over deer hunting and farming, whoever wrote the article about Tony Stewart copied select portions of a sales ad from the following site:

I didn't believe their information based on what I've read from the DNR articles and studies, and started hunting around on the net and found the above info to be suspiciously similar to the information in the Columbuzz story. Not to rant, but those who are not involved in production agriculture should ride with a local farmer during harvest and witness first hand the damage that deer can inflict on our food supply. Once you what the overpopulation of deer can do to a farmer's income you will think twice about ripping into deer hunters. I realize there are very inhumane ways to harvest deer, but the way Columbuzz approaches their articles makes me want to throw up. And deer can see much better and jump far higher than the writer gives them credit for. Just because they are partially color blind doesn't mean they cannot see shapes, such as fences...and perhaps the fences were meant to keep Columbuzz out?

Dude said...

I attempted to read the article about Tony Stewart, but I fell asleep after the first couple of paragraphs. It was almost as interesting and important as the moldy bread affair.

Holy Crowel said...

Columbuzzards Headlines !!

Serious Sam said...

Wonder why the Buzzard News Team isn't reporting this ?
A very frequent advertiser on Columbuzz has 25 outstanding 2012 tax warrants as listed on Doxpop ?

Hint !!

Not Delirious Willie said...

@Serious Sam, maybe the honeymoon isn't over quite yet. It it were me though, I'd be hauling my butt out of there before the fat lady sings.

Dude said...

More hypocrisy from Columbus Man:
"Brittany went on another one of her rants this am about this and that and who is and who isn't to blame. She tries to be "all serious" but is so disrespectful and shouldn't even open her mouth. She needs to take classes on public speaking."

Dude said...

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"A formal complaint was mailed, in my name, to the Attorney General's office on April 6."

Serious question: Can a non-victim file a complaint?

Harry Trumann said...

Lest you not forget that in this Oaf's World rules and laws do not apply to him.

Once a Democrat said...

I think that we should file a complaint again Bob Freeman for being a Menace to Society and a disgrace to the Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you haven't been paying attention.

Bob Freeman is THE spokesman for ALL who are oppressed.

When Bob Freeman talks, people listen!

Dude said...

More hypocrisy from "Columbus Man":
"I hope it helps stop the bullying and make people think when they see it, that is isn't always fun and games. The idea people have of bullying stems from when they were children and it isn't the same anymore. Children in today's times aren't heard when they complain about it and that should be changed too. I am not a fan of bullying."

This from someone who likes to cyber-bully people.

Indiana BobWatch said...

More hypocrisy from "Columbus Man":
"I hope it helps stop the bullying and make people think when they see it, that is isn't always fun and games. The idea people have of bullying stems from when they were children and it isn't the same anymore. Children in today's times aren't heard when they complain about it and that should be changed too. I am not a fan of bullying."

Dude, this is because Bob sees himself in a totally different light than what he actually is. Bob is a punk. A keyboard commando who thrives on destroying others via the internet. Bob has simply not crossed the right (or wrong person) yet. When he does, his bakery will be shut down.

Dude said...

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Some people want to make others look bad so they don't look as bad."

And Bob, you're a perfect example.