Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jeremy is a Moron

Jeremy wrote on columbuzz:
"It's 'Half-Truths' at best, but 'Gossip' all the way... Who cares? Those affected do, because no one wants their secrets or things they do posted all over the internet."

Again, Jeremy seems to believe all gossip is true.

"Should someone prove a statement is a lie? I don't know"

Jeremy, you are truly a moron.  How exactly do you prove a statement is a lie?  For example, I could claim that you cheat on your taxes.  Now prove that you don't.

"but if you know it is a lie, why not correct the information so people get the truth?"

So let me get this straight, Jeremy.  You think it's OK to post any rumor or gossip on columbuzz since people can correct the information?  Of course we all know this is a lie, but let's assume it's true for the moment.  So you expect people, who may not know that columbuzz even exists, to take time out of their busy day, go to a tabloid web site run by immature morons, and correct the information?  Sure, sounds reasonable.


Paula said...

I have seen two different pictures of jeremy, and it was two different people...just sayin

Paula said...

I found something out that you might find interesting, Dude. I KNEW there were two jeremy's. One of them showed me a Lucy character he had; the jeremy that I have on my fb(hammond) doesn't have any Snoopy Characters....I KNEW it.....

Paula said...

I was wrong...one jeremy. Hardy, I don't give a rats ass what you say LOL nice try though...whatever

Paula said...

Ya got proof hardy??? Put out or shut TFU....

Anonymous said...

Another Columbuzz patron thinking that you must prove a negative.

Paula, there is no proof that "Jeremy" exists, as Jeremy.

Paula said...

words mean nothing...oh and my fb is a fake, just like jeremy's LOL...show me PROOF

Anonymous said...


I know that Jason Vest is upset with Nathan right now because he's using Stat's situation to gain traffic to his website, Columbuzz. I also know that Jason has several emails from Bob and Nathan that will prove that Nathan is Jeremy, Joanna, etc. He also has video and texts that will prove this. I'm not sure if he'll show them but I've seen them. I think you should email him and see.

Fact is, "Jeremy" is Nathan Wiley. There's an interesting story behind it all and Jason knows it. Ask him.

Anonymous said...

Fact is, Nathan, isn't and hasn't been apart of it for years.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dude said...

"Fact is, Nathan, isn't and hasn't been apart of it for years."

Fact is, Jeremy, you are a documented liar, so you have no credibility.

Dude said...

"I'm not sure if he'll show them but I've seen them. I think you should email him and see. "

If Jason wants to show them, he can post them here.

Amanda Hugginkiss said...

"Fact is, Nathan, isn't and hasn't been apart of it for years.

Apart - separate, aside.
A part - piece, portion, member.

More illiteracy from Columbus Man.

Perry White said...

Even THEY are more honest and thorough than Columbuzz


Ripley said...

I see that old bag, Paula Jarrett, is commenting again on Columbuzz like they were best friends again.
She saw the light, alright.
But she thought it was a UFO. Then she thought aliens probed her. Then she bored them to death with her ramblings about 37 Shades of Green, or something.
The aliens released her, after attempting to study her brain, which they could not find.
She then returned to Columbuzz....as if nothing had happened.

Anonymous said...

Paula has a history of going from site to site depending on who does something she doesn't like, disagrees with her, or accepts her. It's sad that she is willing to overlook so many things in order to have a place to BS and be accepted.

Dude said...

I'm not surprised. And now "Jeremy" is talking to himself on facebook.

Anonymous said...

I suspect what sent her back was the comment made here essentially saying this not being a place for her ramblings and to find a place that was. She seems to like to talk about whatever pops into her head which are often things many others aren't interested in. Of course, most of us talk about things that interest us, but filter a little better I suppose.

I still find it sad to see that she would go back there knowing the wrong they have done just because she wants some place to BS. There are plenty of other sites out there albeit not local. She could discuss current events of Columbus on the Republic though and stay away from that wretched place.

Paula said...

So sad you have nothing else better to do than trash this old lady. Desperate. what does it matter to you what I do. You guys talk alot of trash, too LOL... You really think this site is so special? And for a very long time now, I really don't care what people think of me, cause I'm at ease with me. Sorry you have to resort to feel like a man to chide an ole lady. You all must suffer from small man syndrome.
Have a nice day...

Anonymous said...

LOL, I'm not trashing you, just pointing out some things and finding it sad that you go from hating that site and what it stands for to compromising your supposed values after a day or two just to have a place to belong. You also were big on spelling until you weren't. This site is more special than that site. Here there is nearly free speech. That has its good and bad points in that people can say things they shouldn't and usually get left up, but over there it is worse. Over there only certain ones can say anything and they delete any things to the contrary. That is like taking guns away from one person in a gunfight, but letting others have them. At least here everyone is treated equally. Some will abuse that perhaps, but everyone has a fair chance. For what it's worth, even though you talk about a lot of chit chatty topics that really don't mean much and I am not interested in, I thought they were a little tough on you in pointing it out to you instead of accepting you as you are and just live and let live. But that is what happens with free speech for one and all.

I'll put on my Paula Tunic for a moment. I explained why I thought you left. Didn't you read that? You must really suffer with small cranium syndrome, small standards syndrome and small self esteem syndrome to go back to that place after the way they have treated you and others you know. LOL LOL LOL. I can say anything I want no matter how mean as long as I put LOLS and a have a nice day in there.

Anonymous said...

I see that Paula has flip-flopped again. She is scolding them on grammar again. Of course it might be because it is the name of her precious chosen one.

Then theres the homosexual lovefest over there. I don't care whether they're born that way or not. They have a choice on whether to succumb to their desires or not as I do with temptation.

Then you have Misty making the Bible and God fit her desires and beliefs instead of what it says. Ultimately God is who He is no matter how Misty thinks He is or should be. Whether she, I or anyone think that it is not an offense worthy of banishment to hell, our opinion doesn't matter. Almighty God's does.

pj said...

study genetics, grammar??? LOL where, and clue me in of my precious one? You guys are so funny.

pj said...

OH you mean the spelling error??? Scolding?? So harsh, are you. LOL Grammar...I thought you meant like N. or V. agreement, or using double-negatives, or using the to, not knowing the difference of affect and effect....but spelling LOL. go sell your silliness elsewhere....so pathetic not caring about people, and downing others, just to make yourself feel better. Are you that shallow in your own confidence you have to resort to grade school tactics??...This should be the Stepford Club

pj said...

***not using the right to two too***

pj said...

"I'll put on my Paula Tunic for a moment. I explained why I thought you left." LOL you obviously thought wrong. LOL

Anonymous said...

PJ I am just having a hard time concentrating because your initials are making me think of peanut butter and jelly. Yum.

You fail to understand my point. I didn't say whether homosexuals were genetically inclined toward be gay or not. It doesn't matter. They can choose whether to act on the desires or not. I am genetically inclined to sleep with women, but that doesn't give me the right to sleep with every hot woman I see. In my single days, I knew some married women who I cared deeply for. Had they not been married, I might have given a relationship with them a shot. But even though I am wired to desire them, I shouldn't. Get it?

Concerning caring for others. If the Bible says they are going to hell, then would it be caring of me to tell them to live and let live or should I tell them they are at risk of being sent to hell? You are judging my motivations thinking I am doing it to make myself feel better. You don't know me.

BTW, you and Missy are supposed to be such knowledgeable, educated, medical people. Why do you both use the misnomer "homophobic"? I would think you two should have learned that a phobia is an irrational fear. I have learned that and I have likely had less medical training than you two although I have been in the field. Although there are some who might qualify as homophobes, most either disagree with it due to religious objections, personal preferences (being grossed out), or concerns over repercussions to society than having an irrational fear of them.

So, exactly why did you go back to Columbuzz after seeing what they are and do?

Anonymous said...

PJ, my silliness is not for sale. However, I gladly offer it for free. But a lot of this is far from silly. It might seem silly to you, but you are the one who supports Obama, your "precious one", it doesn't get much more silly than that. I did think you would appreciate my usage of the word tunic. Didn't you see that? Didn't you see that I said the person here was a bit hard on you in telling you they didn't want to hear your ramblings? I just overlooked them myself.

Bo Evil said...

Columbuzz Favorite

Paula said...

Anonymous ..you are funny, w the pj thing.
We will have to agree to disagree about sex orientation. How could a lesbian not act on that women are for her? The "ic" in homophobic, means one who fears homosexuals.
The judging is how you came across. We dont know each other...Going to the buzz, I guess to see what's on there...lame I know.
Yes, I saw tunic. You are colorful..a good thing. I didnt see where you said that person was hard in me.
Im glad we had this chat. One of my character flaws, if I know I'm right, I will prove myself.
one more thing, I know the Bible says for a man and woman to be a couple, but I think God will forgive you.
I like my pb n j toasted lightly w crunchy peanut butter.

pj said...

Bo, very clever....lol

Anonymous said...

So, PJ, essentially you are saying that anyone with sexual desire must act on it. So, I guess ladies' men can't help but sleep with anything that moves, rapists can't help raping women, molesters can't help molesting. After all, how can they not on it? They are powerless.

Even if you want to go there to see what is on there, you could not comment because by doing so you are supporting them.

God will forgive, but one must repent. If one decides they are going to keep doing it anyhow no matter what God says, then they are in rebellion. If one of your kids did something you told them not to, and kept doing it time and time again whether they said they were sorry or not, wouldn't you punish them? According to your post above anyone who does anything in the Bible that is said to be a sin should be forgiven no matter whether they decided to rebel against God or not. Is that what you believe?
In that case, it also would appear to mean that God is a liar in saying He is going to punish them, but then not.

The Ic in homophobic only changes the word phobia from the disease to and adjective describing the person or thing, so it is based on the word phobia meaning an irrational fear. Very few fit this description, but it is thrown around to try to make the person saying homosexuality is evil instead of the one doing it.

pj said...

No, I'm saying that gay people know they don't want someone of the opposite sex. IMHO, it's in their genentic make-up. claustrophobic...one who has a fear of claustrobia, necrophiliac, one who is attraced to corpses.
The Bible is one of those dicey topics. I was taught to believe in Heaven and Hell, but I also believe He is forgiving.
I don't get your second paragraph???

Anonymous said...

Well, that's fine no one is making them have someone of the opposite sex. However, no one is making them have someone of the same sex. They might be attracted to them, but they don't have to go for it if it is wrong. I am attracted to some cool cars, but I sure aren't going to go out and steal them. See?

Claustrophobic is not a fear of claustrophobia. :)

He is forgiving, but if he forgives anything after a person dies, or if they keep doing it, then what is hell about? Why wouldn't someone do as they please since there is no punishment anyhow? Of course they are free to decide whether or not they believe in God or if they will follow Him, but don't act like they have no choice in the matter. They might not have a choice in who they are attracted to, but they sure in the heck have a choice in whether they act on the desires or not.

The second paragraph was about your return to the Columbus Examiner / Perez Hilton site. (Columbuzz).

Anonymous said...

What's with that haircut?
She looks like a butch lesbo.

pj said...

Claustrophobic: pertaining to or suffering from. Use it in a sentence. I AM claustrophobic. I suffer from claustrophobia.
Homophobia: unreasoning fear of or antipathy towards homosexuals, and homosexuality. Homophobic is the adjective form. Many men suffer from homophobia. They are homophobic. homophobic pertaining to the fear of homophobia.

Ic-from the Gr ikos-suufix 1a)of, having to do with(volcanic)b)like (angelic) c) produced by (anaerobic) d) consisting of, containing (dactylic) e) having, showing (letahargic). 2. A PERSON OR THING a)having (paraplegic)b) supporing (heretic) c) producing (hypnotic).

It is appropriate to say He is homophobic. I am claustrophobic. Greek and Latin derivatives was a great class in high school..as I tried to tell you, "-ic" refers to a person as I said earlier, Understanding of course saying one, meaning a person. Necrophilia: an erotic attraction to corpses. so a Necrophilic is one who love the dead.

pj said...

Anonymous..Claustrophobic is not a fear of claustrophobia. :)
That is not what I said. I said: claustrophobic...one who has a fear of claustrobia. I have cl...ic; I have the fear of claustrobia...go back to what the suffic "ic" means...def #2 A person having fear of.....

pj said...

I think my explanation is spot on. amazing what you can learn tom, but I don't call you stupid, when I proved you were wrong.

Anonymous said...

Claustrophobic is NOT the fear of claustrophobia. That would be the fear of the fear of enclosed places or a suffering a phobia of a phobia.

You still fail to understand not liking what someone is doing (homosexuals) thinking it is not moral or whatever is NOT a fear of them. Do you think criminals are wrong for stealing? If so, according to you and those who throw that name around you must suffer from Scelerophobia.

Anonymous said...

My bad, I misread claustrobia.

pj said...

who's haircut??? you are saying what I've been saying; "The Ic in homophobic only changes the word phobia from the disease to and adjective describing the person or thing, so it is based on the word phobia meaning an irrational fear"

IC describing a person w whatever phobia. There are no diseases associated w fear...just fear itself.

pj said...

the perez hilton ?? as long as they serve good magarita's I don't care who says what, just give me the patron.....You're funny. I'd invite you, but you wouldn't show!!! Maybe for a good Margarita,,,,

pj said...

OH no my bad for my spelling error..I did get it right once....8-)

Dude said...

Is Claustrobia a fear of Santa Claus? :-)

pj said...

And that would make me scelerophobic. I KNOW we are going in circles here anon. a claustrophobic is ONE who fears claustorphobia the def says Pertaining to or suffering from claustrophobia or tending to induce a small airless small room w no windows. so now where...is it recess yet? I give on the homosexuals....live and let live.....I have no problems if gays and lesbians want to marry or adopt. We can agree to disagree. I think Dude said sometime that happens. I think we are both logophiles... 8-}

pj said...


pj said...

I can't lead you astray, Dude, actually it's really easy...Santaphobia...

Dude said...

You learn something new every day.

Anonymous said...

And that would make me scelerophobic.
Yes, but saying that they are wrong doesn't make you scared of them. Even if you are somewhat scared of them, doesn't make it a phobia which is an IRRATIONAL fear. If you were afraid to leave the house or let people you knew in the house, then you might be phobic of criminals. But, if you were just careful and didn't want to let strangers in, you might just be being careful.

I KNOW we are going in circles here anon. a claustrophobic is ONE who fears claustorphobia.

No, it is one who fears being in enclosed places, NOT one who fears the fear of being in enclosed places.

I give on the homosexuals....live and let live.....I have no problems if gays and lesbians want to marry or adopt. We can agree to disagree.

When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what you or I think of it, it matters what God thinks of it. They are free to make the choices they want to make, but then they also will be the ones to suffer the consequences. Do you not understand they choose on whether to be active homosexuals or not, or do you think that they have to choice but to have gay sex? If you think that latter, then how do you expect rapists, child molesters, spouses and so forth to resist their urges, if homosexuals cannot?

I think Dude said sometime that happens. I think we are both logophiles... 8-}

Is that a professional opinion>

Anonymous said...

So, if that is true then you would have to trouble cavorting with dictators, criminals or lowlifes as long as you got something out of it?

Anonymous said...

What happens if they start telling lies about you? How would you feel if others said it didn't matter as long as they kept the good times rolling for others?

Anonymous said...

I have made many of the other recent anonymous posts back and forth with PJ, but not the one about the haircut. By the way, PJ, oooo I am a poet, i tis "whose haircut?" :D

IC is describing the person with the phobia and IA is part of the word phobia, but a person who is IC of something is not IC of the phobia, but of whatever the phobia they have.

Anonymous said...

I'm claustrophobic.
I have a fear of claustrophobia, but I don't have a fear of confined spaces!

LOL You can't reason with, or try to explain things to that old lady. She just gets mixed up, and she thinks she knows what she's talking about, but she's really somewhere up in the clouds, humming, and twitching.

Anonymous said...

Why would anybody fear gay people?

I've known of some scary lesbians that look rough and tough, but the gay men I have known of, are pretty much pansies.

Fear? Nope.
Disagreement with their 'lifestyle'? Yep.

Anonymous said...

LOL once again though, another anonymous. Still funny though and for the most part true. I guess some could be fearful of the changes to society they could bring (which is not irrational because I know of some who are rabble rousers trying to institute change). Not all of them do, but some. I also think accepting that is bringing a decay in society, but that is not irrational either. Others might fear getting aids from them. I wouldn't consider that irrational as the percentages of gays I know (which have consisted of several couples) have had mostly at least one die way before their time. Some I have know for a fact were aids and others appear to be although I am uncertain.