Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Columbus Man vs. Columbus Man 3.0

Columbus Man #1:
"The was more about educating those about the nudity law - actually to be technical unless the officer saw his 'stuff' they couldn't get him for anything."
Columbus Man #2:
"We are told the person who it might be seen behind the bush is named..."


Jimmy Oleson, cub reporter said...

You should find the quotes where he admits he wants to get views on the site.

Sister Mary Elephant said...

Imagine....Columbus Man playing the part of an educator.
Irony would be an understated description of such a folly.

Anonymous said...

Brick Layer: "This city has the worst sidewalks in the world. Especially all the new ones constructed by Milestone."

Hmmmmm. Maybe they should have been done by Shelby Materials...right Bob?
Errr, I mean Brick layer.

Anonymous said...

"...causing him to received(RECEIVE) a laceration..."
"It was reported the injuried(INJURED) man was back to work on Monday..."
"...which if you visit the Coke Cola Facebook page and search for parks by zip-code you will not located(LOCATE) Donner..."
"Columbus is suppose(SUPPOSED) to have 44K people living here..."

Real Einsteins over there.

pj said...

Just sayin, I don't think bob is brick layer. BL has more character in his postings, and BL rarely gets their hackles up...

Anonymous said...

Well, you would protect Bob. We have all seen that, and no, Bob wouldn't get their hackles up....he's one of them!
Plus, some of BL's past comments have already revealed he is an Admin of Columbuzzed.
Some people believe, like children, if they place their hands over their own eyes, then nobody can see them. They are wrong.

pj said...

I haven't talked to bob in quite sometime. I know his humor, and BL is too sharp for it to be bob. If I wanted to protect bob, why would I bust him out on here? That makes no sense. BL is too articulate, and quick w commical responses. That's not bob. I'm sure he's lurking on there, but who really cares.

pj said...

Don't you have anything else to do?? This site is just as childish pointing out all their errors, and making fun of others. Sounds like a bunch of bullies.... Really now...think about it.

Dude said...

Remember, pj, columbuzz claims to be a news site, a "competitor" to The Republic. They should at least make sure their "articles" are readable. One mistake here and there is no big deal, but their "articles" are a mess.

pj said...

Well, Dude, yes, but we all know how terrible their editing is, which is nill. We ALL know what a joke of a website it is. I read it for the humor. I don't know the city stuff, and who gives a rats ass about some racetrack, that's in ruins.
The Republic has cheesed me of before, and they are very biased on politics. If I remember, are you the gentleman in TX??? Related to...oh....wears glasses...damn, I can't think of his name, but is in office. None of the city offices mean anything to me, cause I'm county. I agree w you their articles should be 100% accurate w all aspects of grammar. You know how anal I am about rhetorics and linguinstics...and I quit pointing it out to them, cause it does no good.
Have a good weekend...

Dude said...

"If I remember, are you the gentleman in TX???"

YEE HAW! Yes ma'am. Remember, don't mess with Texas.

"I agree w you their articles should be 100% accurate w all aspects of grammar."

I don't think I would go that far. Everyone makes mistakes and I don't expect columbuzz to hire a professional editor, but they aren't even close to 100%.

pj said...

I don't really remember all that stuff on the buzz, cause it didn't pertain to me. I have a dear friend who lives in Mansfield, and she's coming this way for our class reunion. Then I met a gentleman on FB from your state. Sorry you have Perry as Gov LOL...
I think if they(buzz) want to be taken seriously, they do need to make sure all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed. But you're right, they are far from that. I know I get confused over certain words, like who and whom, but I look stuff up.
Nice to meet you, Dude...

Anonymous said...

Paula Jarrett: "If I wanted to protect bob, why would I bust him out on here?"


Paula Jarrett: "You know how anal I am about rhetorics and linguinstics..."

commical - comical
...and who gives a rats ass about some racetrack, that's in ruins. - question mark, not period...omitted apostrophe in rat's
The Republic has cheesed me of before... - off
linguinstics - linguistics

Evidently you're not anal enough.

pj said...

I guess because I don't have one!!!! Really, does it make you feel superior to correct everything? You;re off on bob. I'm not protecting him. YOU ARE WRONG ON THAT ONE. Really, this site is just as picky ass as the buzz, but you're too blind to see it. As an outsider, it's soo obvious...I hope my spelling met your approval LOL....

pj said...

I dont feel the need to put in ' in a chat room, unless its english 101, which this isnt. you must have understood what I meant or how else could you ever d e c i p h e r what i meant..you are quite the tool.

Anonymous said...

It does not make me feel superior to correct everything.
Though it went way over your tiny head, I was bringing attention to the fact that you pretend to be a stickler on rhetoric and linguistics, yet your writing displays otherwise. It's not a question of understanding.
It appears to me that you belong with the other illiterates on Columbuzz.
Oh, and thanks for reminding us that you have no anus. So glad to have that information about you. Nice of you to share. I think you are a half-witted, creepy old lady.
And this is not a chatroom.

pj said...

What's wrong w half-witted?? More fun this way. Old lady, 50's, but creepy?? I know if I write a letter in a proper arena, I do ok. One of my letters earned me a trip to our Statehouse.
You can try and down me, since that's what you do best. However; it doesn't kill my spirit.

Ryan said...

"One of my letters earned me a trip to our Statehouse."

- golf clap -

They probably thought you were mentally handicapped, and invited you to fulfill their diversity requirements.

Anonymous said...

FROM COLUMBUZZ: "...we post photos and people make fun, or we call out someone for being well, not smart."

Now THAT is irony.

pj said...

Well Ryan, actually I wrote a letter about Lung Cancer Awareness month, which is Nov. It made an impact to the Smoking Cessation Team in Jan.,when I was invited to lobby for stricter smoking laws. Also, I don't think one would want an illiterate to speak in front of about 2,500 people, with camera's from MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEWS, then our local camera's right in front. I had 10 minutes of fame in the national light.
You can't break my spirit...

pj said...


Perry White said...

Camera's? Here is a tip. The apostrophe makes something possessive meaning it is the owner so to speak. An example is "This is Dude's blog". It should not be used any place there is an "s". The cameras do not own anything. If you tell people you are the Jarrets you do not use the apostrophe. If you say this is the Jarret's home, you do use one. Don't say it was an oversight or accidental since you used it twice. This is your lesson for the day. You are still light years ahead of the remaining staff over there. Bob was the only one I think who had some grasp on grammar over there.

Perry White said...

My apologies for misspelling "Jarrett"

pj said...

good grief...get a life people. To have the need to constantly correct, is pure N A R C I S S I S M. Such vanity to make you feel superior LOL...Self esteem, issues, eh? BTW, Jarrett is a very easy name to spell, get it right the first time, as you are sooo perfect LOL...

Anonymous said...

I will have you know that I addressed the United Nations recently. They sent me a special invitation. I even received a standing ovation from all representatives present.

I am also being considered for a Nobel Prize.

I spoke on war and peace, as well as world hunger and brown toters.

My speech has been archived in The Library of Congress.

Amazing isn't it?
And I am not even from Edinburgh!!!!!

Misty said...

Paula this blog is a joke and a waste of time. When posting on a blog, Columbuzz, Facebook, or anything other then my college work I don't worry that my grammar, spelling, and punctuation are perfect, it doesn't have to be. Anyone can write and submit an article on Columbuzz, they are not professional reporters. Columbuzz is a place to post things going on in Columbus that the Republic either doesn't have time to report or isn't important to them but maybe important to other people. I am a straight A student over half way done with my bachelors degree and I make mistakes, I am human.

Paula you are a great lady and a sweet heart and if these "gentlemen" actually took the time to get to know you like I have they would not be treating a lady the way they are treating you. It is however part of human nature to try to destroy things and people who are different.

This comment by Ryan "They probably thought you were mentally handicapped, and invited you to fulfill their diversity requirements.", shows the intelligence level of the people involved in this group. I work with people with mental and physical disabilities that advocate rights and equal treatment of the disabled community. These people get in front of thousands of people to speak and they are not invited to meet any diversity requirements but because they work hard to bring attention to a issue that affects millions of people. They are people who have a disability but they do not let it define who they are and work hard to be a active part of the community.

I would also like to point out that anyone at anytime can be in an accident and go from normal mental and physical ability to having a mental or physical disability, this does not make them less human or people with normal mental abilities superior to them.

I work with a man with physical and mental disabilities who graduated from Indiana University and ran his own business for forty years. Despite the challenges in his life he was a very successful business man and I can guarantee you he is smarter then the so called "normal" people who feel the need to use a mental disability to try to put someone down. That comment just shows how truly ignorant people can be.

This blog is no better then Columbuzz. Paula you are right about this blog being no better and in my opinion worse then Columbuzz with their bashing of people and making fun of people. Reading comments like the one Ryan made shows how ignorant people are when it comes to people with disabilities and the reason I am working so hard to earn my degree and educate people about how truly amazing people with disabilities are and the contributions they make in the community now that they are not hidden away from society and are being taught how to live normal lives. Part of my job is to teach them how to live independent lives but they have educated me so much more then they will ever know and with the help of myself and many others they will educate many more people in the future.

I wanted to clear up one last thing, Bob is not Brick Layer, because Bob is way too busy working with his church to spend as much time as BL does on Columbuzz. Bob is doing good things for the community through his church and no longer cares to be a part of the drama on Columbuzz. I know you will continue to believe what you want about Bob but myself and many others have witnessed the change in Bob. You would think that people who I assume are Christians on this blog would be proud and supportive of the change in Bob instead of trying to knock him down. People can and do change, regardless of what the people on here who don't even know Bob think.

Otto Maddock said...

I thought I heard a group of trumpeters playing an opening fanfare to that speech, but then again, I KNOW I heard numerous raspberries at it's conclusion.

pj said...

Thanks Misty... This site is full of pompous assholes, and narcissism, which are not attributes to be proud of. Perhaps, you need to introduce "humility" in your vast knowledge. The attitudes here are so pathetic; maybe that's why you're assholes. Anonymous...which Edinburgh, IN or Scotland? With such self importance, I can't believe you spend your time here, with all the worldly "achievements." I'm sure you're in London, celebrating with the Queen. Europe is so nice and cool this time of year, or it was when I went. You know, anonymous, since you seem to know me, there is no feeling in this world, than the ability to save someone's life. I suppose you've done that too LOLOLOLOLOL.
you boys or girls need to loosen your panties...so uptight...geeze.

pj said...

Otto, Misty is humble, which apparently this word is not known on this site. Misty failed to mention she has been on the dean's list since she started school. I believe her lowest grade might have been a 96%. I seriously doubt, anyone on here, including the portentous anonymous, who is busy saving the world. With your almightiness anonymous, do something about those ugly brown toters. If you knew anything, we have green ones LOLOLOL

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Great Ceasar's ghost! I simply corrected a mistake you made that is common to many people. I have said before that a job worth doing is worth doing right. We all make mistakes. The difference is in whether we correct them when we do, if we strive to do our best, and are willing to learn. Anything less is settling for mediocrity or worse and one will never improve one's self. I guess I see which on which side you ladies fall on.

Mrs. Jarrett, if you notice, I realized my mistake and corrected myself. I caught it myself, owned it and corrected myself. I didn't say it was good enough, cry, or complain to people who tried to teach me (if they had done so before I saw it). Jarrett may be a common name, but I don't deal with any other than yourself and I don't know you. Sorry that I don't spend time dreaming of you.

This site is better than that one. At least people here are educated, have some logic, can debate, and understand. Here all people have equal voices whereas over there it is who you know and what position you hold. Well, that and whose side you are on. Granted, there are some here who could be more forgiving and tolerant to you, and who could choose to not speak their minds quite so freely, but that is the price of freedom. I would rather live in a free world where people have the freedom to make choices while dealing with the consequences, than one where they are silenced while others have total freedom. If you enjoy that world, Columbuzz is the place for you.

In regards to humble, I suppose one bragging about one's college professor father, how great Bloomington was, their credentials as a nurse, their introducing Obama, their writing for the Republic etc. and so on is a great display of humility. I suppose one's correcting grammar over there is a great example of leadership, and I suppose one's attitude towards Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, John McCain and other Republicans is a great example of tolerance.

Dude said...

Wow, Misty that was quite a manifesto. Be careful, you might get carpal tunnel. Anyway, sorry, but I disagree with some of your statements:

“Paula this blog is a joke and a waste of time”

Then why are you here?

“When posting on a blog, Columbuzz, Facebook, or anything other then my college work I don't worry that my grammar, spelling, and punctuation are perfect, it doesn't have to be.”

Personally, I never said it had to be perfect, but it should be readable. By the way, not to pick nits, but that should be “other than” not “other then”. :-)

“Anyone can write and submit an article on Columbuzz”

Misty, do you actually believe this?

“Columbuzz is a place to post things going on in Columbus that the Republic either doesn't have time to report or isn't important to them but maybe important to other people.”

Important things like attacking Lynn Woods Reese and Paula.

“This blog is no better then Columbuzz.”

I disagree. I don’t have a video camera mounted on my dashboard to take pictures of innocent people around town and then post them so that people can make fun of them. I try to defend the people that are attacked by columbuzz, including you and Paula. Oh, and by the way, that should be than, not then.

“Bob is doing good things for the community through his church and no longer cares to be a part of the drama on Columbuzz. I know you will continue to believe what you want about Bob but myself and many others have witnessed the change in Bob. You would think that people who I assume are Christians on this blog would be proud and supportive of the change in Bob instead of trying to knock him down. People can and do change, regardless of what the people on here who don't even know Bob think.”

Well, before we nominate Bob for sainthood, we should give him a little bit more time. I’m very pleasantly surprised that he’s lasted this long without jumping back into the columbuzz mess. I hope it continues. But you can still be a Christian and cautious at the same time.

Dude said...

I also don't make fun of people who lost their house in a fire.

Misty said...

Carpel Tunnel from that haha, I just finished a 20 page paper covering life span development. The paper was only required to be 10 pages. You can nit pick what I write all you want, your opinion means nothing to me. When I just received a 25/25 on that 20 page final paper and my final grade was 99%. I have no self-confidence issue and based on my almost perfect GPA and graduating soon in the top 3 of my class my intelligence is not something I question. It seems you spend a lot of time following Columbuzz and Bob Freeman, you might want to find a new hobby since the one you have may involve a psychiatric problem. Being a Christina you should be supportive of Bob finding God and doing good things with his life instead of sitting hoping for him to fail. It seems Bob has moved on to better things in his life something you should also try instead of staying fixated on every move made on Columbuzz and with Bob and his life. I just stopped by to defend my friend Paula and the ignorant reference made toward people with disabilities. Good luck with your stalking and I pray Bob keeps proving you all wrong.

Anonymous 7 said...

Excuse me...what's a Christina?
Is that what they're calling Texans now?
I must get out more.

Anonymous 7 said...

PJ said: "This site is full of pompous assholes, and narcissism, which are not attributes to be proud of."

Misty said: "I just finished a 20 page paper covering life span development. The paper was only required to be 10 pages. When I just received a 25/25 on that 20 page final paper and my final grade was 99%. I have no self-confidence issue and based on my almost perfect GPA and graduating soon in the top 3 of my class my intelligence is not something I question."

Like that, Miss Paula Prissy Pants?

Misty said...

Funny!!! I am not a narcissist since everything I stated is true. I work my butt off to make the grades I have and to maintain a high GPA. I am also going to school to help other people live better lives. I think you should look up narcissist because what I stated is true, I didn't exaggerate to make myself look better. I am going to school to help others by helping to advocate for people with disabilities, a narcissist would be going to school for personal gain. I would do anything to help others while expecting nothing in return. I am proud of my accomplishments as a college student since I also work full time, have a family, a husband of 21 years, and I am almost 40 and returning to school. Being proud of you accomplishments is not being a narcissist since everything I stated was 100% true.

The Observer said...

I too have been cautiously optimistic about Bob. If he has been saved, great. I only say "if" because I wasn't there. I guess time will tell. Not to be discouraging, but I have observed a lot over the years. There have been many times he had "changed" only to return to his old ways. However, back then God wasn't involved and that could make all of the difference. I hope he has changed and I have noticed a difference for some time. I do want to encourage him instead of discourage, but I have also been stung by him in the past and anyone can decide daily how to act and whether to give into our flesh or not. I am rooting for him and hope that he has had a heart change and life change.

Dude said...

"your opinion means nothing to me."

Right back at ya.

"When I just received a 25/25 on that 20 page final paper and my final grade was 99%. I have no self-confidence issue and based on my almost perfect GPA and graduating soon in the top 3 of my class my intelligence is not something I question."

Depends on what school you're talking about.

"It seems you spend a lot of time following Columbuzz and Bob Freeman"

Actually, just columbuzz now. It seems you also spend a lot of time on columbuzz.

"you might want to find a new hobby since the one you have may involve a psychiatric problem."

Right back at ya.

"Being a Christina you should be supportive of Bob finding God and doing good things with his life instead of sitting hoping for him to fail."

My name is not Christina and I'm not hoping that he fails.

"It seems Bob has moved on to better things in his life something you should also try instead of staying fixated on every move made on Columbuzz."

Right back at ya.

"Good luck"


"I pray Bob keeps proving you all wrong."

And I'll pray you stop being so blatantly hypocritical. By the way, why are you so angry all the time? Do you have an anger management problem? You need to chill out. It can't be good for your health.

Morning Roy said...

Paula is a Libtard, a Scalftard, A Bobobot, lives in Edintucky, plus worships at the alters of Obuma and OMSNBC, other than that she would seem to be OK.

pjj said...

A quote from Dude: "One mistake here and there is no big deal." I don't see that happenin Dude.

Anony7...I wasn't a nurse.

Morning Roy: the old saying "sticks and stones" comes to mind here.

I didn't think this was a chat room, but amazing how quickly it has turned into one. This site is attacking posters, just like the buzz.

I love living where I do, Morning Roy.

pj said...

Anony7 wrong person. Apologies...

PERRY WHITE..I was NOT a nurse...making comments of my upbringing is not bragging. Being able to introduce Obama...yep I did have bragging rights.

If you watched Meet The Press this am, Gregory made McCain looked like an ass.

Perry, why are you afraid to reveal your true identity? Your first name is not very common, just like mine...interesting.

pj said...

excuse me: Gregory made McCain LOOK like an ass

Gotta be perfect on here, despite what Dude has claimed: One mistake here, no big deal.

Heavens, after your one mistake, the swords come flying out !!!!!! GEE reminds me of the buzz...

pj said...

a quote from Dude: " I try to defend the people that are attacked by columbuzz, including you and Paula."

But those who hide behind anonymous names, attack us here on your site.

I think it's funny to see adults (?) say some of the things I read on hear.....er I mean here.

Your goal is to make this site superior, and the truth is, it really isn't. You are stooping to the same level as the buzz, minus the pictures.

Dude said...

"Gotta be perfect on here, despite what Dude has claimed: One mistake here, no big deal."

You do realize that I don't submit all the comments, right? Or should I run all of the comments by you first to see if they are appropriate before they're posted?

"But those who hide behind anonymous names, attack us here on your site."

What's your point? I have explained many times that I have a mostly open forum, Lucy.

"Your goal is to make this site superior"

Incorrect. My goal is to expose columbuzz for what it is, a tabloid website run by morons.

Dude said...


Amazing, columbuzz is outing anonymous posters again. I'm shocked.

pj said...

You have a good memory, Dude! I haven't been Lucy in soo long...after her I had been rosebud, and redbud...then I came clean w my name. I'd like to think I'm a cross between Lucy and Sally :-)

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Perry White - "I guess I see which on which side you ladies fall on". I fell down on the job editing my own piece. I should get some credit for catching it myself now as well as the time of night I was posting to begin with. It should have read: "I guess I see on which side you ladies fall.

Paula "not a nurse" Jarrett (with two "t"s):
PERRY WHITE..I was NOT a nurse.
You mean accuracy is important after all? I thought it didn't matter as long as people knew what you meant. Or does that only work when it is you and other liberals who don't get it?

PERRY WHITE..Making comments of my upbringing is not bragging. Being able to introduce Obama...yep I did have bragging rights. Actually some comments about upbringing can be bragging. Why mention more than once that he was a professor if you weren't bragging?

Perry, why are you afraid to reveal your true identity? Your first name is not very common, just like mine...interesting.
Who says it isn't my true identity? Even if it isn't, I would not be afraid, just wise. There are many lowlife scoundrels out there who have proven time and time again their lack of trustworthiness and shown how vindictive they are in attacking. No thank you. Besides, I don't see Superman revealing his identity although I have suspicions on who he might be.

Please Play Misty Again For Me
Paula you are a great lady and a sweet heart and if these "gentlemen" actually took the time to get to know you like I have they would not be treating a lady the way they are treating you.
Well, she is nice and caring at times, but you have not witnessed the behavior from her that I have off and on for several years. So, she isn't the saint you think she is, but she isn't as bad as others might think she is.

"When I just received a 25/25 on that 20 page final paper and my final grade was 99%. I have no self-confidence issue and based on my almost perfect GPA and graduating soon in the top 3 of my class my intelligence is not something I question." While both may be accomplishments of sort, it depends on how liberal the teacher is in grading, which school and how many students. Being 3 out of 4 students wouldn't be as big of an accomplishment as 3rd. out of 200. Being 3rd. at community college against adults who take less care than you isn't as big of an accomplishment as at I.U. against students who are very competitive.

Funny!!! I am not a narcissist since everything I stated is true. Perhaps you would be 2nd. if you understood what a narcissist is. A narcissist is wrapped up in themselves. Normally the things are true, but they don't have to be. Narcissists have self-love and are obsessed with themselves.

This blog is no better then Columbuzz. Paula you are right about this blog being no better and in my opinion worse then Columbuzz with their bashing of people and making fun of people. There is a huge difference. There the admins call out people by IP, take part in the bullying (in fact starting it a lot), make fun of people, not allowing everyone to comment etc. Dude only makes fun of the ones over there dishing it out. He doesn't pick on innocent people or put up things that aren't verified. Sure some users here do pick on some, but that is a casualty of allowing everyone to have nearly free speech here. Over there, some would attack others and they weren't allowed to defend themselves. That is a big difference.

Dude said...

Bailey Moss on columbuzz:
"Can they get writers who actually know the rules of the written English language? That site is awful."

Columbus Man:
"Bailey Moss U want the Editors position? One just opened up."

Bailey Moss:
"Ha nevermind. I just read the 'About Us' section. I will gracefully decline anything to do with that cluster **** of a website."

Hey Columbus Man, stop trying to get other people to do YOUR job. It's YOUR website. Take an English class (or two, maybe three) and edit it yourself.

Dude said...

Columbus Man:
"One's expression is another thought to the point of using your example the 'fire' and house that was torn down."

Say what?!?

Dude said...

Bailey Moss:
"It amuses me that you find my criticisms offensive, but not the content of that site (columbuzz). I have seen more intolerance and hate-driven flaming in my feed from Columbus Man's threads and Columbuzz threads than from anywhere else. If the flavor you are looking for in your local current events is 'repugnant', you've come to the right place.

And Columbus Man, I am fully aware of what you thought about that house and the people who lived there. In fact, from that thread alone you lost four readers just from my friend's list because of your deplorable propaganda."

Dude said...

Columbus Man:
"Only those who seek improvement are those who fail to help improve."

Why should anyone help you? It's YOUR website. Own it. Take responsibility for it. Stop blaming everyone else. People don't have the time it would take to improve columbuzz. It's an impossible task, especially if you're still the admin.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

In my experience those people who complain about people being "anal", "picky" etc. about grammar and spelling are usually those who lack knowledge in grammar and spelling. So, like typical liberals, instead of attempting to correct things, learn things, reason about things, or debate things, they attack the messenger. Sure there is room for some slack in conversations, testing, chat, and maybe even message board / blog comments, one should take some pride and care. The fact that Lucy, Sally, Spike, Redbud, Rosebud, Paula, PJ etc. wrongly made the same word possessive twice tells me she must not know the proper usage. There might have been a reason to believe a typo had it only happened once.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

*texting. I never said I was a great typist.

Nasty Ned Knott said...

ROTFLMAO @ this "Quality" Columbuzz Administration Comment/Response.


Dude said...

"You have a good memory, Dude!"

That's why my Bob vs. Bob series was so successful. I would read a comment from Bob and remember that he had previously written something completely contradictory.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...


The information was parodied from The Republic so if they had done all the research then we wouldn't be discussing the fact

1. A parody is a humorous takeoff such as Weird Al's song parodies or movies such as Spaceballs. It is not copying information from another site (which is plagiarism). It is not taking information from another site and slightly changing it so it isn't a direct copy. Calling it a parody doesn't protect you from the penalties of plagiarism.

2. If only those bad, inept people at the Republic had done their research adequately we would have had more accurate info when we stole it from them. If only my neighbor in school had studied harder I would have gotten a better grade when I cheated from them. See how stupid that sounds? At least they made some effort and accomplished something on their own without stealing someone else's work.

Paula "not a nurse" Jarre double T
I would venture to guess he was proven guilty, when there in his pocket outs comes the lye. Given that is was also reported in the paper he was arrested, having a 10,000 bond. What more proof do you need, when he had been charged?

You apparently don't realize the legalities news sources face, nor the law. Someone can be guilty as sin. Whether or not they are ever caught, they are guilty. However, a news source needs to report things that can be proven. Right now, he hasn't been convicted even though he is likely guilty. So, they protect themselves by saying "allegedly" which means he appears to be, but they have no tangible proof in the form of conviction or evidence. I understand the confusion here though since a lot of your news comes from Columbuzz who do post things without a shred of evidence except someone told them it was true (if even that).

Chadwick Fitzpatrick

Way to make Columbus look worse than it already does with your horrendous grammar. My sixteen year old could write a more interesting article on less an interesting subject (if one could even conceive a duller topic). Good thing no one outside Columbus would have any mild interest in reading this twaddle anyway. Columbus is a hick town, but that doesn't mean they should be the ones to log its current events (which is why I don't read the Republic). Leave the rest of us some dignity and either re-take the eighth grade and come back or re-think what you like to do in your spare time, and for God's sake if you get paid to write this blather then watch out, my tenth grade son's coming after your job. Journalism was once a revered practice; if you make a travesty out of it like you have here then you can expect this. I've written longer text messages, you can at least attempt to proofread it for crying out loud. You could even ask your thirteen-year-old nephew or your invalid grandmother to proofread it for you. Hell, skip a step and just have one of them write it next time. Anything. Just don't post junk like this, it insults our intelligence.

I admire your wanting to raise the standards over there, but please don't insult many teenagers or even some elementary age students by comparing their abilities and knowledge to the norm at Columbuzz.

Robert Zimmerman said...

"The information was parodied from The Republic so if they had done all the research then we wouldn't be discussing the fact."

That didn't make sense to me either.
They seem to think that using big words makes them look smarter....too bad they don't look up their meanings.

LucyPJSylvester: "...he was arrested, having a 10,000 bond. What more proof do you need, when he had been charged?"

Dang! Those Canadian professor's daughters don't have the intelligence to be qualified as a 'peer'.
I hope she is never chosen for jury duty.
A charge and arrest IS NOT proof of guilt in this country, you muttonhead.

Dude said...

"Bob is doing good things for the community through his church and no longer cares to be a part of the drama on Columbuzz."
"Bob has moved on to better things in his life something you should also try"

Um, maybe you should follow Bob's lead, move on to better things in your life, and stop stirring up drama on Columbus Man's facebook page? Just a thought.

pj said...

Lol...such chidish behavior, just like a bully LOL....AT ZIMMERMAN....the joke is on you ..Lol

pj said...

Dude, you need to change your ad of mistakes are ok here. LOL You're a hypocrite...prtct me on the buzz, but I;m the the sacrificial lamb here...who goes after the bullies on here dude....

Dude said...

"you need to change your ad of mistakes are ok here"

Do what?

"You're a hypocrite...prtct me on the buzz, but I;m the the sacrificial lamb here"

Open forum. Why should you get special treatment? I don't even give myself special treatment.

"who goes after the bullies on here dude"

You did some bullying/name-calling back in the day on columbuzz. Did anyone go after you?

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Try to keep up, PJ.
1. The Admins do the attacking (or some of it) there. Dude doesn't attack you or others.

2. The attacking happening here to you is pretty mild. I am not condoning it, but calling you a few names is not the end of the world. At least Dude would allow to to speak your mind here and defend yourself. Over there, they might edit out your responses.

3. Many of the people attacked there are attacked by the mods or by articles which are supposedly by someone else. You don't see Dude attacking innocents or people outside of the forums on here. Even when he does point things out, they are things people over there have done and is able to be substantiated.

I hope you are able to see the logic and differences I pointed out. This isn't the first time attempts have been made to explain the differences to you.

pj said...

You're a cyber bully, face the facts....you do the very same thing LOL....I'm just laughin at the aquaintenance, who thinks they know me, but "they" can't tell me their name. Such cowards....I really don't care whatever names you come up with...This site is slow to process comments....

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

You used to not use your name and the way I see it, you are considerably older than I, so even though you do it now, I have several years before it is my turn. :)

However, the joke is on me. I shouldn't waste my time trying to speak logically to you. You have had trouble many times in understanding things. So, go ahead and live in your own delusional world where Democrats, Meet The Press, MSNBC, Obama, Scalf, Bloomington and such are all great. The only place those things are true are in your own fantasies, so have at it. I know you better than you think.

Dude said...

Lucy, the cyber bully, wrote on December 27, 2010:
"Michelle, he is the instigator of alot of problems on ANY board that involves Bob, he harrarrases bob, and vice-verse. They act like brats...sorry Bob...but IF the whistledick site is the same fellow as merc , charlie, nunya. R.stone, you see michelle, this person uses many aliases, and maybe even the name michelle LOL"

Wally Hardbanger said...

"I so needed a laugh and thanks..."
"oh I so need this laugh."

These are only two of the many quotes of Paula Jarrett referring to 'needing a laugh'.
She must have quite the pathetic life to be so needy of such a thing.

PJ's Words Regarding Columbuzz.net:
"We ALL know what a joke of a website it is."
She must frequent that site to get the laughs she so desperately needs.

Dude said...

Misty wrote:
"I have no self-confidence issue and based on my almost perfect GPA and graduating soon in the top 3 of my class my intelligence is not something I question."

Stupid is as stupid does.

pj said...

This site is a joke too, dude. I thought you claimed this site doens't get hung up on errors....Now who call out all the bullies on this site? And how sorry it is an acquaintenance of mine can face me and tell me the things in person. I've used my real name for awhile now, so the past names are just that, in the past.
I didn't realize that laughing is a bad thing??? Laughing has several benenfits.

Dude, the TX sun has fried your brain....speaking of pathetic, it's those who feel the need to TRY and down others, to only make you feel superior...

now remember, this isn't a chat room...

pj said...


Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

PJ, I've seen how angry you can get and how hard you can attack. I wouldn't be complaining about the mild crap here when you have done considerably worse when you had one of your bratty temper tantrums.

Dude said...

"I thought you claimed this site doens't get hung up on errors"

No, I said I don't get hung up on errors.

"Now who call out all the bullies on this site?"

It looks like you do.

"Dude, the TX sun has fried your brain"

Maybe so, but at least I have one.

"speaking of pathetic, it's those who feel the need to TRY and down others, to only make you feel superior..."

Look in the mirror and tell yourself that. Also, I didn't see you telling Bob that on columbuzz when he constantly downed others.

pj said...

LOLOL Dude, take your blinders off. this site is full of brats w superior attitudes, just so they feel empowered. Whatever it takes, LOLOL...go blow somewhere else...
I don't have or care to find all the insulting remarks, which is so childish LOL... which is no different than the buzz. I get a hoot out of all those silly names....

pj said...

Oh BTW dude, you defended me on the buzz, but you don't have the balls to cave on your own site...what a hypocrite...

Dude said...

"this site is full of brats w superior attitudes, just so they feel empowered"

And you're now one of the brats. Welcome.

Dude said...

Pot. Kettle. Black. You didn't have the balls to defend anyone on columbuzz until the doctor and you were attacked. There's a long line of people who were attacked and you said nothing. You even joined in a few times.

By the way, the world isn't always black or white. Just because I defend you in some cases doesn't mean I'm going to defend you in all cases.

Misty said...

Paula is awesome!!! Yeah she doesn't take any crap and she has told a few people off, so what. It is pathetic that you haven't had Bob to pick on so you are moving to Paula. I have seen a few comments about myself but I love columbuzz and Columbus Man has helped me clear up a few problems in the past few weeks. See you at lunch soon Paula. Have fun picking my post apart, not sure what to call you guys, but to stay nice I will stick with you guys :)

Misty said...

It is all resolved now so no worries. I got the attention of the people I wanted to and the whole problem is taken care of and the whole status is gone. I am happy that Bob is in church and doing so good but I still have trust issues with church as I am sure you are aware so for the time being I think I will keep being a bitch. My kids are my life and if someone messes with them I will do anything in my power to protect them. I also won't be told to stay out of a town by trailer park trash who claimed the town marshal was going to arrest me. That post got back to the town marshal and he called me and the whole problem has been taken care of. Yeah I maybe did push it a little further then needed to be but when a 22 year old man tells my 12 year old to shut her fucking mouth and threatens to beat my 3 year old grand daughter's ass, he is lucky all that happened was him and his family getting called out on Columbus Man's facebook page as straight up trailer park trash. Um maybe you should do the same and move on to better things in life since you have been on this blog for how long?? As I already stated I am going to college right now so I am moving on to better things just in my professional life and not my spiritual life. Got to run, have homework to finish. Later Dude!!

pj said...

WWHHHOOOO ME a BRAT??!!!! Thanks for the doormat 8-)

pj said...

Now, Mr. White, as the song "I am WOMAN, hear me roar..." comes to mind... 8-)

Dude said...

"I got the attention of the people I wanted to"

Yes, you seem to love the attention.

"so for the time being I think I will keep being a bitch."

Well, I guess you should keep doing what you're good at. :-)

"I also won't be told to stay out of a town by trailer park trash"

You should be careful calling others trailer park trash.

Dude said...

"It is pathetic that you haven't had Bob to pick on so you are moving to Paula."

I'm not picking on Paula, just pointing out her hypocrisy.

"I love columbuzz"

That's sad. I would think only trailer park trash would love columbuzz.

Misty said...

I love bring attention to things that need attention and when I start activating for the right of people with disabilities it will be a great skill to have. I am proud of my ability to be a bitch when I need to be, I have worked years perfecting my skill. I guess you would have to live here to know the difference between a person that lives in a trailer and trailer park trash. I would not have a problem living in a trailer myself, I have lived in a few but was never trash. I have always taken care of my own and have never had to rely on the government to do so. I currently am listed as disabled myself but I still work and go to school full-time while others are able to work and live off of the government and are encouraged to do so. I also have family who retired in Florida who live in beautiful trailers and they love it.

Dude said...

"I guess you would have to live here to know the difference between a person that lives in a trailer and trailer park trash."

Um, OK, you do realize I'm a native Hoosier and I now live in Texas, right?

"I would not have a problem living in a trailer myself, I have lived in a few but was never trash."

That's your opinion. I would guess many in your community would disagree, especially since you spend a lot of time stirring up drama on columbuzz and facebook. But I guess you get to decide who is trailer trash and who isn't because of your high IQ.

pj said...

Oh Mr. Hardbanger...I love to laugh...laughing is good for the soul, and it makes ya feel good. do you have a problem w that???
Love your name.... 8-)

pj said...

Oh Dude, don't accuse me of the same thing that I see here...LOL

Dude said...

"Oh Dude, don't accuse me of the same thing that I see here"

Oh Paula, don't accuse me of posting all of the comments. Remember, you're the one complaining about it.

Dude said...

From columbuzz:
"Misty represented Columbuzz by accepting our VIP invitation"

Looks like Misty is still in the columbuzz cult, even after what they did to her and Paula. It's sad that some people are so easily manipulated.

pj said...

I see hypocrites on here...just sayin, Dude. I'm just pointing that out. It's not complaining, just stating what is obvious. As an intelligent adult, why do you even bother w the buzz or what goes on there? Aren't you too good to read that site??

pj said...

And I gave it back to joanna. If I was manipulated, I would have said nothing.

Dude said...

"I see hypocrites on here...just sayin, Dude."

How so? I haven't seen any blatant hypocrisy lately. And remember, just because the comment is from "anonymous", that doesn't mean that it's the same person.

"As an intelligent adult, why do you even bother w the buzz or what goes on there?"

Good question. Maybe because what they do to people is wrong and they should be called out. Why do you bother with the buzz?

"Aren't you too good to read that site??"

Well, yes, but if I didn't read it, I wouldn't be able to comment on the trash there.

Dude said...

I was mostly talking about Misty, but you've had your moments too, especially when Bob was an admin.

Dude said...

Going to be too busy this week to check the blog. Temporarily turning on comment moderation, so if you don't see your comment, that's why.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Forgiving is a good thing, but to support such an awful place who has done such horrible things when in all likelihood they will do the same thing again is reprehensible and stupid.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...


Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Dude, I read this last night and you were killing me. I laughed out loud and was afraid I was going to wake the whole house up. Fortunately I didn't.

Misty said...

It was a great event to help a great organization raise money and I got to talk to some great people. It was VIP and the beer was great. It was an invitation that I accepted because it was a cause that I support. I had a blast and if they have another opportunity in the future I will help them out again.

misty said...

Make sure you read the full article and donate to Access-Ability!!

Anonymous said...

Why did columbuzz take all articles about dr young down ?

Dude said...

I guess they had you at free beer.

Anonymous said...


Misty said...

I had 1 beer that I bought myself since I was driving and didn't go to drink but to help a great organization raise money and talk to people who work in the same field I work in. The 1 beer I paid for was good on a hot day though :)

Misty said...

Just part of the changes being made by Jeremy to improve columbuzz and move in a positive direction in the future. There are lots of great changes going to take place and I am proud to be a part of helping to do more positive things and help great organizations like Access-Ability gain support. I will gladly help again if they need to for such a great group helping people with disabilities live better lives. I will volunteer my time to any organization connected with United Way in Bartholomew County.

Misty said...

"Forgiving is a good thing, but to support such an awful place who has done such horrible things when in all likelihood they will do the same thing again is reprehensible and stupid."

Forgiveness should not have a "but" involved, you either forgive or you don't. Since you have never supported columbuzz I am sure no one will be hurt if you continue to not support what they do. This was a great event and I am proud to have been there to support them and talking to Clay Mills was a great experience.

I am always RIGHT said...

I suspect a couple of law firms have much to do about the no longer there Dr. Young Articles. Just as with the Raped by the Dentist Story which has now dissipated.

There is little doubt that big time legal troubles are ahead for Jeremy the Troll and the Columbuzzards Web Site.

Dude said...

"Just part of the changes being made by Jeremy to improve columbuzz and move in a positive direction in the future. There are lots of great changes going to take place"

You're scaring me Misty. Have you been drinking the columbuzz Kool-Aide again? We always hear of great changes that are going to take place but they never happen. Jeremy is an Internet troll. That's what he does.

Dude said...

OK, then, they had you at beer. :-)

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

I suspect lawyers had something to do with it. Jeremy was the worst in not caring what he posted as long as it brought traffic in. People like that seldom change their ways. I could see them saying it was something they decided to do in order to save face. They want people to still think they will out people and won't be controlled by others.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

They say every man has his price. I guess we know what Misty's is.

pj said...

Those made me sick. they should have never been on the board. Somethings do require respect and sensitivity of the subject. Glad it's off.

pj said...

Mr. White....I have to concur about articles, being printed for the main reason is to attract readers based on the tabloid-like articles; and as you say wo caring what is posted.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Misty, there is a difference in forgiving and supporting what they do. For instance, you can forgive a child molester for molesting your child, but would you ask for them not to be punished for what they did or even worse have them over to babysit? Would you drive them to places where children hung out and pick them up several hours later "no questions asked"?

It would be one thing if they changed their ways. Then, if they had I could see going back there. But I doubt they have. So, by aligning yourself with them, you are in essence supporting the bad things they do even if the thing you went to was one of the rare good things they might do.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Mrs. Jarrett, I am glad yo concur, but I wish you would agree.

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...


Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

By the way, Mrs. Jarrett I had put a note between two arrows and the Blog site treated them as tags and apparently thought it was HTML code. It said [said tongue in cheek].

pj said...

Mr. White, You are slap-happy. I think you are over worked. A good deed for a cause is just that. Perhaps you read too much into doing a single good deed.
Listen to some Jimmy Buffett....it's good therapy ...;

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

I do feel the need to slap at this moment. ;) Mrs. Jarrett, let's turn this around. How would you feel working side by side with Joanna as long as you were doing something nice for someone? Let's take it a step further and say it was something she organized and in her name thus lending your reputation to hers?

pj said...

Mr. White, I see your POV. Never would I do ANYTHING Joanna is involved with. She has no shame...anything for a story...I do see crystal clear, now. She has no discretion for anyone.

pj said...

PS . Slap me, happily.

Dude said...

Angry Joanna wrote:
"As a gesture of good faith and fairness, it was removed, but there is nothing legally that can be done to force media to remove something filmed on a public street in daylight."

What? Isn't columbuzz a blog now?

"If you don't agree, take us to court and spend a lot of money for attorneys fees and counter-suits."

Um, Joanna, you'll also spend a lot of money for an attorney if you get sued.

"And, oh yea, anonymity DOES mean invisibility. That's the whole point, nimrod. If we start revealing our sources, we end up without any sources."

And in some cases, if you don't reveal your source in a court case, you go to jail for contempt. Are you prepared to go to jail, Joanna? Is Jeremy?

Anonymous said...

They received a Cease and Desist order from an attorney. They even posted the letter on their site...but later removed it.
Again, Jeremy, Nathan, claimed no responsibility in what is posted there, yet he proved control, by removing the article.

Jerry Atrick said...

I have always believed that Joanna (obviously a fake name, as no Columbuzz Admin reveals their true identity for shame), is also Bob Freeman...along with the nickname Bricklayer.
We all know that Bob Freeman does not have the ability or desire to keep his mouth shut. To believe he has left Columbuzz is nonsense.

pj said...

I get a hoot when people try to figure out who is who. I still stand by my opinion, that BL is not Bob. I know Bob's humor, and BL is too laid back for Bob. Could be joanna, as there is much anger and power has gone to "joanna's head" like it did Bob.
But who really cares??? Mr. White, I hope you are enjoying the festivities of the 4th...

Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet said...

Thanks, PJ. Just in case you think I am Jerry Atrick, I am not. I haven't posted here since the June 30th comment above as far as I know and certainly not with a different name. Happy 4th!

pj said...

Mr. White, I realize you aren't Jerry. The last sentence pertained to your absence on here, taking a vacation, and to wish you a Happy Holiday. Happy 4th to Dude, and all the others,,And I did have a happy 4th, thank you

Anonymous said...

Wow. Talk about your Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Somebody is schizoid.

pj said...

We all have some schizoid in all of us. Women have it worse, cause of our silly hormones!!!

Dude said...

Happy 4th to you too, pj.

Troll Watcher said...

Jeremy is blowing smoke again, "I use my middle name as my first as administrator of Columbuzz. My first name - that isn't relevant or anyone's business.

Thanks for the update NATHAN !!

Newman said...


Anonymous said...

So funny. I wonder why "Jeremy" masked his entire name on the Cease and Desist request he received from an attorney that he posted online.
This just in.......because Jeremy Kirtz is not his real name, and his REAL name was on the letter!
"Columbus Man" is a 2-bit punk with only a double digit I.Q.

Anonymous said...

This is bogus, I didn't block out my name cause my name wasn't on it - not that I have to verify anything to you bloats but it was addressed to:


"To whom it may concern"

Jeremy is my real name - just not my whole name.

The Real Story said...

Once a Nathan always a Nathan, phony IDs can't change that !!

"This is bogus, I didn't block out my name cause my name wasn't on it - not that I have to verify anything to you bloats"

Dude said...

It's supposedly your middle name, but what about Kirtz?

By the way, I noticed that you didn't respond to Angela's comment on columbuzz:

"I just wonder why Columbuzz has always been so quick and eager to expose or identify people by name, however the Admins and lessee of this site remain 'secret'. Why are they hiding? If it is fear of repercussion, why don't they exercise the same respect when naming others? Seems hypocritical. Freeman built his own tarnished reputation, but at least he didn't hide from it."

Anonymous said...

"bloat"?????? LOL

Nathan, you don't have to pick up a book anymore, to learn a definition. It's as easy as clicking your computer mouse. You should try it sometime.

Anonymous said...

"This is bogus, I didn't block out my name cause my name wasn't on it - not that I have to verify anything to you bloats but it was addressed to:
"To whom it may concern"

You posted the document on your website. Everyone who saw it knows that it was a document sent to an address through the U. S. Postal Service, and the name and address were obtained by gleaning the real name of the one who pays the subscription fee to GoDaddy, for the use of the Columbuzz site, i.e., Nathan Wiley. YOU!

Deleting something, doesn't mean it never existed, or was never seen by others.

If you kept better track of your shenanigans, or had a higher level of education, your lies might be a little more believable.

Dude said...

This is one of the funniest linked in profiles I have ever seen:


Dude said...

And he still has not responded to Angela's comment.

pj said...

Dont chew gum or drink from a straw, and you won't bloat, from swallowing air...just sayin...

Anonymous said...

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