"While the City doesn't/won't show all the entries submitted, this logo I
believe doesn't appear capture the essence of diversity, culture as I
thought the logo was suppose to."
"How can u tell it is multi-ethnic? Is it because has white stick people
in the image? I'm confused - this isn't a painting where you
interpenetrate what you're seeing but rather a logo to represent the
Ethnic Expo."
Funny stuff.
"Interpenetrate" almost made milk come out of my nose.
Ooh ohh ohh Mr. Kotter, every time I see stuff like that from Jeremy, I think of the character on In Living Color who would use big words incorrectly.
Looks like Bob Freeman is again seeking funds for a cruise.
Hope you didn't have a cookie in your mouth. 8+}
I was DRINKING MILK at the time. That is why I said it almost came out of my nose. Laughing hard/drinking milk/out nose....understand, Einstein? I think you must live under a rock. My God.
So...you could have washed down a cookie with your milk. Silly boy. I do love those rocks though!!! I understood perfectly. I think you should loosen your panties, though, maybe then you wouldn't be so cranky ....
I paid $1500 for cruises for 4. The other 3 can't go now. I want to go.
I think the article explains it pretty well.
They were probably repulsed at the thought of spending time anywhere near you.
What happened to your multitude of newly found 'church friends'?
What Cruise Line is it? If you end up going, I'd like to be a Good Samaritan, by calling ahead to warn them about you.
You paid for 4, and 3 can't, or won't, go?
Hmmmmm...I guess that means that either your wife wasn't included originally, or she is 1 of the 3 who dropped out.
I'm guessing the former.
Oh mercman, why can't you just leave things alone? I know your smarter than to stoop so low!!
**you're** oops!!! Silly language!
Oh PJ, you should practice what you preach.
Yea, A. Nonymous, we all should!!!! I love to kill people w kindness, when they try to rattle my cage...Have a Nice Day, and don't forget that chill pill, and bigger panties...
Remember the late Gilda Radner, doing her persona of Emily Latilla(sp) on the old SNL, where she always got her words messed up? What an actress...
Back to the topic.....
More uneducated babble from Columbuzz:
"We're told J. Caldwell (we've kept his whole name out) was arrested and a photo my be floating around of the injured eye."
"...he didnt lose a eye and he is seating in jail at this time."
"...the initial idea of what happened to the subject got shot in the eye..."
And they have the nerve to criticize The Republic..haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.
3rd graders could teach Columbuzz a thing or two about word usage, spelling, and sentence structure.
Columbus Man can't have a very good job. Probably cook apprentice at McDonald's. Or concrete tester...hahahahaha!
Bob Freeman, with his piece of crap trailer, wants to park in front of your home.
I mow grass
Bob needs the money for his solo cruise.
I wonder if the IRS knows about Bob's income from mowing?
They sure didn't know about his illegal odometer tampering devices. He's probably still involved with that.
A known lawbreaker.
Oh, and the fake roofing company with his home address on Pearl Street.
I choose to give Bob the benefit of the doubt. True he has done questionable things in the past, said he had changed only to do them again (including to me), but I am still cautiously optimistic. If God is truly involved in things, then those are erased and although Bob will still fail, he will be a better person.
Wow..really?? It's sad you rely on your condenscending trait to make you feel superior. If you were the better person, and it would make you feel better, let it go. The readers get your point...
Are you replying to me anonymous @ 11:28 a.m. or the other anonymous? I only made that post which has different views. If mine, where is the condescending trait? If it is that Christians have the ticket to Heaven and His help, whereas others do not get them, then I am condescending (at least according to your definition).
Columbus Man wrote on facebook:
"So because you claim you witnessed it, you know... sorry I've been doing this a long time and I know who to believe and trust with info."
LOL! CM, you have NO idea who to believe and trust with info.
It's true and factual if...
1. it sounds good.
2. it may stir up trouble.
3. it may generate website traffic.
4. it's controversial.
5. it matters to nobody.
6. it came in an email.
7. somebody said it.
8. it was heard by somebody.
9. 'business' is slow.
10. Columbus Man wishes it to be true and factual.
It's odd that CM has removed most of his family members from his facebook page. Maybe they are embarrassed to be related to him and asked to be removed?
LOL...Love #1. #2. #4. #5. #7. #8. #9. #10. and #3....
Makes sense, since science hasn't yet discovered how one can change their own DNA.
I liked all of them except for #1, #9, #3, #4, #7, #10, #2, #8, and #6. LOL
We are such a hoot. LOL
I wish that rainbows were in bushes and covered with cherries....just sayin'.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I feel better about myself already, yesterday.
Don't I do?
Jp so silly. Dont forget those rose coloured glasses! !!! I always feel good each morning. Do I yes!!!
Columbus Man wrote on facebook:
"If they take their own life then they have given up and their memory will be in those closest to them, but soon will be a distant memory - life continues with or without them. Learn from life lessons, make better decisions and move forward to a better tomorrow. Bullying, we didn't put this out there for the world to see - they did!"
Wow, what a jerk!
Nathan....I mean Jeremy is such a dipstick. The Republic runs a series of articles on Lucas Brothers and the business picks up because the word gets out. Apparently at some point (most likely after reading about it in the Republic which is how they get a lot of their news and details) Columbuzz supposedly writes about doing a flash mob. Well of course that means that Columbuzz was the one who saved Lucas Brothers according to the delusional over there.
Next they will probably write about Huckaby's Chick-fil-a day on Wednesday and take credit for the increased business nationwide.
Get Real, in fairness, which is arguable on Columbuzz, the story about Lucas Brothers broke on Columbuzz over a month ago. The Republic picked it up (from who knows where).
The latest from Bob Freeman, as seen on Columbuzzed, is typical Bob Freeman.
95% bitching, moaning, and "I'm right".
5% apology and goodness
I never saw it. Nonetheless, the business was nearly dead until the Republic article and then business took off. So, Columbuzz's affect on it was negligible.
Brick Layer is Bob Freeman. Hey Bob, even when you use TOR/Vidalia, if you allow scripts your posts can be traced. HA HA HA HA Freeman is such a putz!
anonymous...what makes you think he's BL??? BL comment's have a completely different tone, even for Bob....IF you're right, I'm truly surprised, as the comments from BL, are so not the Bob I know. I had another person pegged for BL, and this friend fits the comments of BL...the sarcasm...and what's TOR/Vidalia???
OK...THIS BL I have been reading does sound like ole Bob...I hadn't read on there for a bit. Not that it matters, who is who. Such a game LOL. Seriously, though, THE FIRST BL comments were short and sweet...the last few that I have just read, I think what we have here, anonymous, is copy-cat Brick Layer LOL....
Bob has been known to post under other names and attempt to disguise who he was, but usually reveals himself. I don't know in this case or not, I am just saying it is possible and it has been done.
I can say the person who(M?)I thought was BL, isn't. Who hasn't used a different name??? LOL Surely, you jest??? Imposters????
Delusional Columbuzz "Reporter" Says
I think it's awful when a request is made to remove an article, they don't...so disrespectful to the families involved or family. That is sooo disrespectful and in poor taste.
Not at all. Being raised in s very strict Catholic upbringing, killing youself was like the worst thing you could do. It can be debated if suicide is a selfish act. They are thinking of only their demons, and not the hurt their actions will cause loved ones. It's a desperate act in a moment of deep depression. Nowhere have I said it diminishes the LOVE you have for that person.
"They are thinking of only their demons, and not the hurt their actions will cause loved ones."
How can you be so self-righteous as to claim to know what someone contemplating suicide is thinking of?
I would hate to be a member of a family like yours, who judges dead people...while their bodies are still warm.
I don't know what their demons were. Neversaid that. I'm not judging, you're puttin words in my mouth. I have asked the "why" question, and I dearly miss and love my niece. You are the one judging my thoughts of suicide. It DOES NOT diminsh my love.
To say that anyone who commits suicide is selfish, IS NOT LOVE.
Do you tell your niece's parents that she was selfish?
"I loved my niece dearly, but why did she take herself away from those who loved her? She was selfish, taking her life at 33."
HOW RUDE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you told me that my daughter was selfish for taking her own life, I would punch your heartless soul into oblivion.
You can talk all you want....you've already stated how you feel about people who are driven to suicide. You can't change what you've said.
It's your right to judge how you want, but people like you are not healthy for others.
I feel sorry for you and especially those around you.
UM...as I said we were raised in a very strict Caltholic upbringing. Her father, my brother, was beside himself in grief. You can love a selfish person alive. Yes, her father was grieving because in our religion, if you know about Catholicism, you will find in all passages, that "It is God who remains the soveigner Master of Life. We are not owners of the Life God has created, it is not ours to disposed of." So yes, in MY religion, it is considered a mortal sin, and your soul will go straight to hell. Anonymous, I suggest you do some reading about Catholics, and our beliefs.
•"Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God."
Anonymous, don't we have enough violence in the world?? Really??
Too bad you feel that way about your own dead niece.
So sad.
Suicide is wrong in most religions. That is not the point. I understand religious beliefs as they relate to suicide, but to actually come out and say that the recently deceased doctor was selfish for taking his own life, before he is even buried, is just plain sick and heartless.
How dare you imply that about the doctor.
You are an awful person.
You should apologize to the family.
And for you to say that about your own family member...forget about religious teachings...it's just wrong.
Your niece obviously didn't feel close enough to you to ask you for help. You are probably only her favorite aunt in your own twisted righteous mind.
Jen....not sad at all..... you cant take my memorirs...
Anonymous .....you didnt read about Catholics did you? ? You 'reI condemning a huge religious sect..Catholics....you want that on YOUR shoulders????
I love it...."Forget your religious teachings" Ha ha never been around a bunch of Catholics...
Catholics are every where. I stand solid w my beliefs. To go say otherwise is going against Caltholicism, which is a very large sect of people. Go against our teachings. Where does that leave you, standing w Him???
What are your beliefs about abortion, PJ?
Also, more stupidity at the Buzz. They don't research enough to realize that Lucas Brothers aren't open all day on Saturday, aren't open on Sunday at all and don't take checks or charges before posting the article. How hard is that to do?
They think that the Republic is after their stories. Once again they overestimate their role and how they are perceived by others.
Calling a spade a spade. You ate NOT my judge ..save your breath ...life just isn't fair....
Lol...my comments are based on how I was raised ....condemn my words = condem Catholicism. Not rocket science. I'm sorry his soul was lost....
I asked part of this below, but what are your beliefs on abortion? How about birth control? Sex before marriage? Homosexuals? I really want to know.
Is that right? Really?? We should be finding more about Mormons and why won't Romney show his taxes while he was at Bain?? Sounds like he's hiding something, eh?? Let's talk about something that's going on. Broaden your horizons w todays news. That's much more important LOL
"That's much more important LOL"
You and I would have a bone to pick if you were LOLing over my dead relative.
Very disturbing that you think suicide is not important, and funny enough to LOL your ass off.
Your social etiquette is nonexistent.
Jen, try to follow. What I believe is NOT as important as worldy events..don't go put words in my mouth. The referrence was about my beliefs, I think I made it clear about taking your life ...do try and follow dear. I wasn't LOLing over death...just the questions that were asked of me...good grief...do I need to draw you a picture??
"...do I need to draw you a picture??"
I think you are a very slow-witted person.
Your thinking, writing, and speaking are a mess.
I would hate to see your artwork.
Peddle your 'picture' elsewhere.
Follow, dear?
Jen, I agree with you 100%. Paula is rude and sarcastic and thinks a LOL makes her comments into something light hearted when it really only shows arrogance. Adults are able to share their opinions and thoughts while being respectful to others as well. The “do try and follow dear” is typical of Paula being condescending and an as*. You have made your opinion clear Paula, you can quite trying to turn this into a religious argument as that is not what it is about at all. It is your lack of sensibility and feelings as to what others are going through that is the issue. Using a little class can go a long way…
Why are you avoiding the questions, PJ? Are you ashamed of your faith or do you pick and choose which parts you like?
While we are talking hiding, what about "Barry" and his transcripts, real birth certificate, and applications? How about a game of show me yours and I'll show you mine? Oh, that's right, Obama and Dems always get a pass.
Here's an event for ya:
Im laughing at the questions posed to me...which is completely irrelevant to suicde. I cant make it clearer to what the LOL IS LAUGHING AT...questions of sex birth control, marriage...talk about getting of the topic....somethings need to let be..
Is that where it talks about the bully Mitt?? Whats he hiding??? Hard to show tax returns when there aren't any....
Really? ? Still whinning about his birth certificate? ????
"Im(I'm) laughing at the questions posed to me...which is(are) completely irrelevant to suicde(suicide). I cant(can't) make it clearer to what the LOL IS LAUGHING AT...questions of sex birth control(?), marriage...talk about getting of(off) the topic....somethings(some things) need to let be.."
Hard to show a birth certificate when there isn't one:
Oh, and I'm not "whinning" although it might have been a subconscious way of saying I am winning.
As far as the questions posed, Miss strays from topic far more than this, they are related to your Catholic beliefs which YOU brought up. So what are YOU trying to hide? Why are YOU avoiding the questions? I know, because you are a disciple of Obama and a true politician who wants to paint a picture and control the course of conversation.
Anonymous ...Before you correct me...I believe the word you want is QUIT..no room for typos
" Paula you can quite turning this into a religious ..." Tee hee....
Paula never replied to my questions and points above. Why? Could it be because I have her cornered? Nothing like an Obama disciple in avoiding issues while making unfounded accusations about Romney. Of course she drinks the MSNBC and NPR kool aid while having no clue about the issues. Then again, she is a buddy to Scalf.
"Is that where it talks about the bully Mitt?? Whats he hiding??? Hard to show tax returns when there aren't any...."
Does Harry Reid release his tax returns? Just wondering.
"It is your lack of sensibility and feelings as to what others are going through that is the issue. Using a little class can go a long way…"
I agree with you E. Most of us have a filter. We may have opinions about something, but realize it may not be an appropriate time to voice those opinions, such as immediately after a suicide. To me, it doesn't matter what your religious beliefs are. It's about being respectful to people who already feel bad enough. Paula, you seem to have no filter. It seems you'll say/write anything that pops into your head. You don't seem to consider that your words could hurt others.
Alright, PJ, pretend this is one of those infamous talk what you want to talk about threads of which you are so fond. Will that make it easier for you? Since you were so great at answering the previous questions (sarcasm) let's try another. Are you behind or against the Westboro Baptist folk who picket the funerals of gay people?
I will attempt to answer for Paula the questions asked by what I recall her saying before. Please correct me if I am wrong.
WHAT I BELIEVE PAULA Perry JARRETT's positions are:
What a woman does with her body is her business.
Birth control: What a person does to their own bodies are their own business.
Sex before marriage:
What people with to their own bodies are their own business.
What people do with their own bodies are their own business.
For the record, I disagree with all of the above although God gives us the free will to decide. I believe abortion should be illegal because it is murder and we should protect the defenseless child. Of course Mrs. Jarrett is likely against murdering animals including the unborn babies of pregnant animals who she would consider to be babies.
I also am against suicide, but understand people who do are likely out of their minds. However, God will decide in each case what the outcome will be. I feel for the victims who felt they had no hope or choice and I feel for the ones left behind.
So, the question is, why does Paula feel the need to espouse her views about suicide after the one who did it is gone and their families are grieving (thus really just pouring salt in the wounds of the innocent) using her religion as the reason, while refusing to answer questions about other sinful activities in the Bible where the aren't even anyone in specific mentioned. Answer me that, Jarrett.
My bad: What a person does...IS their own business.
I also realized earlier I did a poor edit job:
Sex before marriage:
What people with do with their own bodies are their own business. (My belief of Paula's answer)
You're just opening a can of confused worms.
She will reply with a bunch of nonsense that will be six streets over from the main drag, and so plentiful, that it will seem to be endless.
She has shown in the past that she has trouble understanding the simplest of concepts and terms.
When she feels backed into a corner, she will use LOL's, and talk about how good she feels about herself, and how she get's a 'hoot' out of what is being said about her, attempt to change the subject, and she may start Googling and posting links and information, as if she knew it all along.
She may even relate a personal story that has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
Then, when you try to simplify things, to make it easy for her, it will only result in more confusion for her.
I'll just watch.
This all such bullshit. My first comment was someone requested an article be removed..and I guess this place was getting rather dull. So those of who who don't know me, don't judge.
Everyone is judging me, and that's the very thing you were bitchin about..me judging. This has all been very entertaining
Its been way too quit . Oh I mean quiet.
Hey AC...you say I bring something up that has nothing to do w the story at hand...well guess what so did someone else on here do the same thing that you are accusing me off. Hmmmm...interesting how people on here turn around and do the same thing
This was about suicide remember, NOT about ANY other topic..focus...gosh so hard when you are talking about sooo many other irrelevant topics than my original comment....I really hate to burst all your bubbles, but your words don't fase me...oh I mean phase.
*YOU *
Actually, this particular blog entry was "More Illiteracy From Columbuzz Admins" so, the suicide thing was even off topic. :) I also tied my questions to the suicide topic, but I guess you don't see it. It also appears that AC had you accurately pegged at least some so far.
I actually wanted to know how you felt about those other issues, but you refused to answer, so I tied them into the suicide thing and you still aren't happy.
Excuses excuses excuses. You lnow the saying about assuming ...you're making an ass out if yourself
Typical ... resort to name-calling because you are cornered and lack the skill or standing to debate. I am not going to stoop to your juvenile behavior. If I am wrong, correct me. Put up or shut up.
You can't even get that right. It means you and me. Convenient how you left the last part of the definition out. Of course that is what you libs do.
Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to the put LOL after that.
PJ, I am sorry for my attitude on the past few posts, but I really was trying to have a rational discussion with you. Nonetheless, I should not have responded back in kind.
Yea sometimes I do use coloful words on occasion
All you AA's can't see the forrest through the trees.
All you AA's are making moutains out of molehiils
Yep assumimg is an asshole out of you me....
Not closed in..or cornered. Sorry to say that; but you're wasting your time thinking you had me up against a door. I'm being screwed, so obvious in your attempts to be so condenscending. Not working
Somebody needs Spellcheck....BADLY!!!!!
Probably hard to type with her fists clenched...LOL...just sayin'...what a hoot!
Glad you got a hoot...
Reid isn't running for president
NA.....you could read it couldn't ya??
Read this...
Too bad for you that you didn't graduate High School.
Was Junior High too rough for you as well?
(these are places that offer an education in spelling)
Your alleged 'professor' father would be so proud of your keen ability to spell simple words.
And puhleeeeze...do not give one of your stupid speeches about the English language, and how funny words are, etc. That got old looooong ago.
One's words fall upon deaf ears when one cannot muster the intelligence to spell them correctly.
Ok...whatever u say
I just wanted to be the 100th comment on this page.
Sorry, but that's not a good excuse. He's just your typical hypocritical politician (note I said politician, not Democrat).
By the way, I can use the same argument against Reid. If he doesn't show his tax returns, then they must not exist. I bet if he did, you'd find some interesting info on his return, just like Romney.
Then why don't you answer the questions. Do you follow ALL of Catholic church doctrine or not? If not, then why do you pick and choose? Why do you follow the doctrine on suicide but not on other things? You can't use the argument that not following church doctrine on suicide is, and I quote, "going against Catholicism, our teachings" but not apply the same argument to other issues (like abortion, birth control, etc.).
Regardless of religion ...suicide IMO is selfish. If you can't respect MY feelings..thats's your business. My niece committed suicide, and I miss her dearly. Of course u probably think I'm making this up.
Columbus Man wrote on facebook:
"Already getting reports of a teacher at Northside embarrassing a student because his chair squeaked on the first day - share your stories"
Alert the FBI! Get a life already CM.
"Regardless of religion ...suicide IMO is selfish."
Good for you. Now just keep your opinion to yourself next time there's a suicide. The family members feel bad enough. You don't need to make things worse.
You are directing tthat request at the wrong person. I didn't write that article, and if you read, I never said it first. Wrong shot ace.
Someone else needs a life.....
"I never said it first."
Sorry, ridiculous argument. You said it.
No you ...Have you nothing better to do than troll around, and make fun of people? Im not the one w the blog.
How many jobs has Romney outsourced? Romney wants to do away w BC..He won't prove he paid taxes..why is that??? His dad showed several years back taxes. He has no clue to women's health issues. Why does he jat Obamacare, when it was Romney's plan.
Maybe you should start one.
Do you know how?
"Have you nothing better to do than troll around, and make fun of people? Im not the one w the blog."
Have you nothing better to do than troll around on my blog and on columbuzz, exposing your lack of class and sensibility?
"How many jobs has Romney outsourced? Romney wants to do away w BC..He won't prove he paid taxes..why is that??? His dad showed several years back taxes. He has no clue to women's health issues. Why does he jat Obamacare, when it was Romney's plan."
Blah, blah, blah. Obama's great. Reid's great. They're Democrats so they can do no wrong. Romney's the antichrist.
You're the one who created this blog. Reading these is like tabloid reading. Again, direct your complaints of lack of class to joanna n the buzz. I did respond in kind...the yahoos on here are the ones who ran the story in the ground..
This whole thing is ridiculous. Your readers blew this one out of water
Sorry you suffer from SMS, Dude
You know, you didn't have to comment at all on the story, but we all know that's not your style. By the way, don't blame others for your own actions. It's YOUR lack of class I'm addressing at the moment, not Joanna's.
Yes, I agree, it is ridiculous that multiple people (you included) said something like that publicly. It's wrong and you should apologize. But I guess you never do anything wrong or you had a good excuse, so no apology needed, right?
Ok...and I'm sorry. Name calling=no class
"Reading these is like tabloid reading."
Tabloids are infamous as being melodramatic.
Take a look in the mirror.
"Again, direct your complaints of lack of class to joanna n the buzz."
In psychology, this is referred to as transference. Re-directing one's own characteristics, feelings, attitude, as another person's.
Bob Freeman has that unsavory habit.
"I did respond in kind."
Be careful using phrases that you don't understand.
"..the yahoos on here are the ones who ran the story in the ground."
Yet, YOU are just as guilty as the accused by replying to each and every comment on "the story".
**SIGH** and now you have joined the rest, pirate...private, to throw your dogs in. Lessons learned........
pS Private....next time I will look up phrases before I use them RE : respond in kind.....
“Then why don't you answer the questions. Do you follow ALL of Catholic church doctrine or not? If not, then why do you pick and choose?”
Keep asking Dude, I dislike reading any of PJ/Lucy’s comments, but if I have to, I would like this answered. It seems like a really selfish person to cause extra drama and grief, citing they are only following the doctrines of their religion and then find out they selfishly choose which ones apply to them and which ones they can condemn others of.
Dude, I would apologize if there was something I did wrong. I said I was sorry for their loss, and a great loss to his patients, and those who loved him.
Why aren't YOU sttacking the other two who made the remark before me?? You only single one out at a time??? Im done w this topic
Paranoia, it'll destroy ya.
It's sad that you don't think you did anything wrong, but I'm not surprised. You basically said:
"Sorry for your loss, but he was a selfish man whose soul is now lost."
or put another way:
"Sorry for your loss. Too bad that selfish man is now burning in Hell."
PJ, try to put yourself in the same situation. Let's say your husband (or son) committed suicide. How would you feel if multiple people publicly said that he was selfish and, too bad too sad, but his soul is now lost, plus they added a few LOLs for good measure? Would that comfort you? Make you feel better?
"Why aren't YOU sttacking the other two who made the remark before me?? You only single one out at a time???"
I feel like I'm arguing with a child:
But Johnny did it first, and, and Sarah did it too! Don't blame me!
More Illiteracy From Columbuzz Admins
"The log yards roof is on my car! Their sprinkler system too, tree on neighbors car, house our house. I thought we were going to die!"
House our house??????????????
Tornado believed to hit Locas St - but we're told straight lined winds hit."
It's 'straight line', not lined.
"Another said "trampolines are gone on Meadow pl we're I live there is a gazebo at the end of the street trees down it."
we're I live????????
Even a dumbass has the ability to go back and look over his work. They must be below dumbass level.
Bob Freeman must have handed over his title of Village Idiot to Columbus Man.
Gonna be busy this week. Turning on comment moderation.
Columbus Man is poorly educated:
"The Bartholomew Sheriff had the work crew out their clearing the brush from the streets..."
"If you wasn't aware..."
You don't see The Republic publishing stories with such incorrect grammmar.
Columbuzz has a looooooooooong way to go, to be on par with The Republic.
There is no depth to how low the buzz goes...
I was just wondering....I see PJ getting criticized for her 'way'. You have to face it, she does get things mixed up a lot, and writes in a confusing way that's frankly, all over the place. Is she learning disabled? Because, if she is, I think it's rude for people to say some of those things to her.
Bob is posting stories on that trash site....the one about the Bahamas tickets he was trying to pawn off on somebody, and the Joe Willy's, for sure. Probably others too.
He's still there, but no longer uses his name, which he used to so proudly display. Not anymore.
BTW, Joanna......well, let's just say she tests concrete for a living. Known fact.
And Columbus Man talks about he can't afford certain sandwiches, then turns around and says he can afford more than one might think. Contradicts himself...LOL
Anybody who can't write, or spell, can't have too prestigious of a job. L-O-S-E-R
You are correct Anonymous. Joanna is the name Bob Freeman has been using on Columbuzz.net.
I have to admit, this sounds exactly like Bob:
Joanna 19/08/2012 09:07:48
Ellery Queen, you are wrong. I only asked you to stay on topic. Take your debate about taco prices to the taco article. Otherwise your comments will be deleted.
And yes, there is censorship here. We must limit the stupidity to keep the website civil.
I simply asked you to keep petty arguments about opinions of taco prices on a roach coach and steroid bullies out of an article about a great place to eat. If that's too hard for you to comprehend, then maybe we can delete all of your comments to help limit your confusion.
For instance, if your next comment in this article isn't about the subject of this article, you won't see that comment posted. Clear enough?
Or do I need to post it in Spanish or German?
Por ejemplo si su próximo comentario en este artículo no está acerca del sujeto de este artículo, usted no verá ese comentario anunciado.
Zum Beispiel wenn Ihre nächste Bemerkung in diesem Artikel nicht um das Thema dieses Artikels ist, werden Sie jene aufgestellte Bemerkung nicht sehen.
Somebody knows how to use an Internet Language Translator...whoopee.
It was hard for me to believe that Bob had ever left Columbuzz, or any blog. It looks as if he never left at all. Just in hiding....or maybe he was advised by counsel to abstain from his former behavior....or court ordered.
"Check out some of the photos people sent us throughtout(throughout) the night."
"awe(aw) how cute this is..."
"photo below - of the(The) Republic's article of Foreigner coming to town, in an effort of "hurring"(hurrying) to get something online before us, they misspelled the name and what does the title even mean(?)"
Columbus Man's glass house can't withstand even the slightest of stone throwing.
A true idiot will never realize his own stupidity.
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