The goal of this blog is to blow the whistle on the so called whistle blowers at
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
200 comment limit should be fixed now.
Thanks for fixing the comment thing for us IE users.
And yes, Bob is alive and kicking on Columbuzz. I have left criticizing comments there, only to have them changed around to praise the ADMIN and the site. Typical Bob Freeman. He cannot handle criticism, and if it makes him, or Columbuzz look bad or foolish, it won't be published. Bob is nothing more than a punk with a severe personality disorder.
I called them on a threat that someone had posted as a comment. The admin approved and published the threat. Their "policy" says they don't do that, so after I brought it to their attention, they removed it. LOL You can tell by the smart-ass comments of the admin that it is Bob Freeman. He sticks out like a sore thumb, though he thinks he's hiding. He's too scared to use his own name anymore.
Hey losers, wrong again! Much too buzy with my cult, my Cub Scout troop and noodling Paula to be on the Buzz. I have all your names and addresses on my Roladex. Don't mess with me I warn you!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Leave me out of this. I rarely post on the buzz, as the Admins are just rude. They treat poster w such disrespect, it's sickening. I get a chuckle on here, when I get called names; noone realizes, that I don't care..
Haha They call me names but I been wearing trash bag snow pants while Bob washes my dainties. LOL Have a cookie. Ain't I just a joker, gotta laugh along with me or I'll be so sad. not!!!!
I did not post the above...some pple really need to get a life. One thing I will say, is this site doesn't have petty posts on here. The ribbing of me here, is not taken at all serious, n the same on the buzz.
It's all about you Paula! Who really cares about Bob anymore?? BTW we are serious about our opinions dear. It's the one thing that this forum and the Buzz has in common. Kinda sad actually that we would try to torment your feeble mind. I'm kinda ashamed of myself.
Anonymous, you are so full of baloney. I'm just a reader. Opinions of what people call me, run of my back, silly goose. And ya, I might be an easy target, but I am far from feeble minded!!!! When will you and the others, learn that opinions are just that.
PJ feeble-minded? Her comments pretty much prove that as fact. So sad that the 'feeble-minded' aren't aware of their malady. As far as this forum goes, it looks like it's turning into The Paula Jarrett Show. Congratulations, PJ.....this is your 15 minutes of fame. Too bad you're so damned lonely that you come here to 'talk' to yourself.
Happy Birthday to me. I gotta party tonite at Scotty's. Bob's buying me dinner to celebrate. We both got our own websites now. LOL. RESPECT I gotta lotta stories to tell!
I have nothing to do w Bob, you silly goose...not my post. How childish to steal my identity..dude will you clear this up, that I haven't made posts w my initials.... that would be a swell bday present.
pj said... Happy Birthday to me. I gotta party tonite at Scotty's. Bob's buying me dinner to celebrate. We both got our own websites now. LOL. RESPECT I gotta lotta stories to tell!
Not my post, not my post, Dude please these guys are gonna spoil my good name. Dude I got some personal issues to discuss so PM me.
pj said... Happy Birthday to me. I gotta party tonite at Scotty's. Bob's buying me dinner to celebrate. We both got our own websites now. LOL. RESPECT I gotta lotta stories to tell!
No,no, no I'm the real pj. Bob will shut this site down if you don't show me some RESPECT. He knows all bout this 'puter and I met the governor, the mayor and Rupert!
The perp has been identified and the prosecutor has issued a search warrant to seize his computer. You are advised to not post here until we give you the go ahead. This jerk is gonna pay. No warning needed. His ass is grass!
Now that that ass is gone we can can get back to conversating. Anyone know a good shop for cat clothing? Gotta recipe for ham jerkey? What about those Colts, I'm still wearin' my Colts teddy. I need a ride to Topeka. My car smells like fish. Dis you know Bob has a tail? HEHE. Keep that one secrets. LOL happy Tuesday!
From Columbuss ADMIN: "The person that took the picture might have filed a complaint. We don't know. We didn't take it.
But, this guy took the initiative to notice a city employee breaking the law and city policy. He didn't sit around making sarcastic comments like you did. He actually did something to make others aware.
We have laws for a reason.
Just because some nimrods want to act like the law is stupid, or what the person did was no big deal, SOME people try to be good citizens. People like you shouldn't ridicule them with stupid remarks in order to try to diminish the good that they do.
Someone on a cell phone while driving with a Commercial Drivers License is breaking the law, and is a danger to the rest of us. If you don't like the reports we get here, go back to reading Sesame Street...."
This is clearly Bob Freeman. He used to boast about always using his name and not hiding behind another. His methods have change, but his voice is unmistakable. Why are you hiding, Bob. Law got your tongue? LMAO!
They seem to have a no name policy now. You never see "Joanna's" name anymore as an admin and the mythical Jeremy has apparently committed suicide. Bob doesn't want to tarnish his good name since he is a member in good standing of the weird religious cult that captured most of the ex-Miracle followers.
Bob IS my bitch, and has been my puppet in the past, countless times. I can pretty much predict his reactions, as well as evoke them at will, but I am totally innocent.
It appears that Bob Freeman is in full control of Columbuzzed now. Where is Nathan Wiley/Columbusman/Jeremy Kirtz? Poor old dumb fat Bob is on a tirade. He may be getting ready to blow another gasket. Comical stuff. That guy is so delusional. He should be on medication. It is clear that Bob has some type of mental disorder. He is a danger to society, and someone should do something about his 'condition' before it's too late.
Google the company and columbuzz is the top google hit...proof that columbuzz is behind the scam. Plus bob seemed to get defensive with the first commenter.
Yeah, just like the cruise thing Bob was trying to peddle. He is delusional. Bob thinks there is some kind of shield around him that prevents others from seeing his stupidity. If there is a shield, he's wearing it backwards. LMAO! Thank goodness Bob Freeman never produced children.
Guess bob knows he would be at risk of lawsuit and/or prosecution pushing his ponzu scheme on buzz, so to shield himself he registered his scam sight under Stacy Freeman. Sacrifice a family member to save himself I guess.
Bob says: "You can make money from this without ever putting any of your own money in."
Seriously? Bob fell for it because he is stupid. There is no such thing as free money.....except when you tell Bob you have information that will win him an election, and he makes a secret money drop at the Walmart. Hahahahahahaha!
Hey Bob! Have I got a deal for YOU! Give me a penny, and I'll give you a dollar! No strings attached. Okay? LMFAO!
I want to be rich without earning it. And someday I will be! Just yesterday, I traded my lawn mower for some magic beans. My wife Kathy was mad, but it will make me into an important man, once they begin to grow!
I know of another incident where CM said he would keep a story from printing IF the $$$$ was right ..that site needs to be removed, for the way they treat everyone now. As rude as they have become( which is way out if line now) the posters have to be the 'admins.' Where is Jeremy? Where is Joanna, and what became of Bricklayer? ? The last time I said anything was because of the frequency to which they were using the F bomb. What happened to their 'filters?'...and they call this a familt website? ??
We will pay you $200 to keep all your comments (and your great other writings) on Columbuzz where it belongs. Come home honey. We will rule the Buzz together. Forget about these whistlepencildicks.
Ole Bob the Shyster must think/hope that everyone is as dumb as he is.
Bob Freeman shared a link . 9 hours ago After 5 business days.
First account, 170 day personal plan, zero invested. Pays 2.15% interest per business day. Commissions from other account, and interest on those commissions, balance after 5 business days, $35.53 total. Interest ro...See More
PJ...look up God Complex. Once again, as always, you are confused. Eat a cookie, blow up a balloon, and dance around in your pajamas while singing "I'm a Nut".
Pay attention pj, Bob does all his secret transactions at Walmart. Your cash is behind the douchebags. Hurry and then get busy writing some great new Columbuzz articles!
Well excuse me Bill. I had never heard that term before. Geeze... And Anonymous, you're the one asking about the money at walmart....and you say for me to get w it??? I think you ate too many cookies...
pj, the point is to pick up your payoff from Bob at the Walmart and then start posting some of your great articles on the Buzz. He has a much higher readership there. I heard the Pope logs in every day from a Cummins computer at the Vatican. The Catholic church is picking up a lot of extra cash from Bob's moneymaking plan. Give him something fun to read. LOL Yippee
PJ doesn't understand that ANONYMOUS can be anybody, or multiple people, not just one person. But don't try to explain it to her. The more you explain, the less she understands.
LOL Silly ones What do you mean I'm not pj??? I did get a proclamation from the governor when I testified about my cat collection. LOL Whippee Smile Smile Smile
Anonymous you are so insightful. We need many more people like you w no identity. So bold, yet so paranoid, so many people hiding. Why is that? Have you been convicted of a felony? Why do all you jane/john does feel the need to shield yourself? Can you not accept yourself for being the cowards that you are? You are so clueless. Makes me laugh. When you gonna tell pj to get her rosey colored glasses out???? Must be tricky keeping all anonymous separate. So clueless.....
It's not paranoia if the threat is real. There are many creeps on the Internet, and many vengeful, hateful people, like Bob Freeman, who would use a person's real name to defame, slander, and more, the person behind the comment. Being anonymous is wise, as well as safe. Those who use their real name on the Internet are fools. And Nunya....I know you're not the infamous Nunya of forum fame, and I know Nunya is not your actual name, so that makes you a hypocrite. Also, you are like Bob in the way that you think you are invisible. It's you, PJ.....very transparent.
So you swaping...big deal who cares. Others take on my initials, People like you who do it too are so two faced. And nunya just popped into my mind...nunya had a bunch of names....and screwed up and got busted over using a name....that was so funny....and you will always be clueless.....
I commented under the church needs help "story" stating that if the churches needs were not to pressing they could just invest in bobs link and have all the $$ they need in 170-240 days. "Admin(shh but I think it was bob)" added the web address to my comment. I made another comment asking "admin(shh but I think it's bob)" to please cite thier addition rather than portray it as part of my comment. Admin(shh but I think it's bob) *****'ed out my post and states there, prob solved. How funny, right? Hmmm
What is your problem ....whoever this is?? Words don't phase me. Is your cranium so dense, it doesnt soak in....what a piece of work you are..calling people names makes you look the fool. I know I can hold my head up w no shame. Your poor mother. You will always be clueless...LOL
OMG! Now Bob is trying to sell Miracle Weight Loss Pills on Columbuzzed! Who would by weight loss products recommended to them from a bonafide fat-ass? LMAO
No pill is going to work. It has to be a combination of cutting calories, and exercise. A quick scheme never works. Low fat-high protein works, also, along w exercise. I can't believe so many fall into the stupid trap of thinking there is a quick solution to weight loss. And those pyramid scams don't work either. Of all the people I have known who have tried these in the past, didn't make a dime...
Wow, thanks pj. We had no way of knowing. We already ordered our pills and used mama's burial money to invest in Bob's plan. I guess we need you here after all! Sorry for our confusion!
Stacy went in and bought the domain name. The domain ' goes to a landing page he designed that tells about and allows you to sign up, if you choose, for the program 'Profitable Sunrise.' We own the domain name my landing page, not the program.
Thanks Bob for clearing that up. I'm putting all of mamwaw's social security checks in there. We can buy her dog food rations with the daily earnings. Awesome!
Bob, shouldn't the domain name have been, ''? Or how about ''? If you think they worked on you, it's not a pill anybody should want. You are a fat slob. You say you wear it well? LMFAO! That's like saying "I'm pretty smart for being as stupid as I am", or "I'm really good-looking for being so ugly".
Thanks for fixing the comment thing for us IE users.
And yes, Bob is alive and kicking on Columbuzz. I have left criticizing comments there, only to have them changed around to praise the ADMIN and the site. Typical Bob Freeman. He cannot handle criticism, and if it makes him, or Columbuzz look bad or foolish, it won't be published.
Bob is nothing more than a punk with a severe personality disorder.
I called them on a threat that someone had posted as a comment. The admin approved and published the threat. Their "policy" says they don't do that, so after I brought it to their attention, they removed it. LOL
You can tell by the smart-ass comments of the admin that it is Bob Freeman. He sticks out like a sore thumb, though he thinks he's hiding. He's too scared to use his own name anymore.
Hey losers, wrong again! Much too buzy with my cult, my Cub Scout troop and noodling Paula to be on the Buzz. I have all your names and addresses on my Roladex. Don't mess with me I warn you!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Leave me out of this. I rarely post on the buzz, as the Admins are just rude. They treat poster w such disrespect, it's sickening. I get a chuckle on here, when I get called names; noone realizes, that I don't care..
And....who cares where I post???? Get over yourself Bob...
pj....pretty sure that's not really Bob. Looks to be a parody.
Haha They call me names but I been wearing trash bag snow pants while Bob washes my dainties. LOL Have a cookie. Ain't I just a joker, gotta laugh along with me or I'll be so sad. not!!!!
For all I know, you could be Bob, Parker, or one of the buzzes. The remark about Dude's uncle sure reminded me of Bob. It's all just a game anyhow.
I did not post the above...some pple really need to get a life. One thing I will say, is this site doesn't have petty posts on here. The ribbing of me here, is not taken at all serious, n the same on the buzz.
It's all about you Paula! Who really cares about Bob anymore?? BTW we are serious about our opinions dear. It's the one thing that this forum and the Buzz has in common. Kinda sad actually that we would try to torment your feeble mind. I'm kinda ashamed of myself.
Anonymous, you are so full of baloney. I'm just a reader. Opinions of what people call me, run of my back, silly goose. And ya, I might be an easy target, but I am far from feeble minded!!!! When will you and the others, learn that opinions are just that.
BTW's HAVE in common
PJ feeble-minded? Her comments pretty much prove that as fact.
So sad that the 'feeble-minded' aren't aware of their malady.
As far as this forum goes, it looks like it's turning into The Paula Jarrett Show. Congratulations, PJ.....this is your 15 minutes of fame. Too bad you're so damned lonely that you come here to 'talk' to yourself.
LOL...whatever you say, Doris.....
HA HA LOL Have a cookie! Don't blame me, I voted for Bob!
Gee no one has posted. Maybe it is all about Me lol HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME....
Cookies on the house LOL
Happy Birthday to me. I gotta party tonite at Scotty's. Bob's buying me dinner to celebrate. We both got our own websites now. LOL. RESPECT I gotta lotta stories to
I have nothing to do w Bob, you silly goose...not my post. How childish to steal my identity..dude will you clear this up, that I haven't made posts w my initials.... that would be a swell bday present.
pj said...
Happy Birthday to me. I gotta party tonite at Scotty's. Bob's buying me dinner to celebrate. We both got our own websites now. LOL. RESPECT I gotta lotta stories to
Not MY post....Only you Dude can confirm this...
January 9, 2013 9:22 PM
Not my post, not my post, Dude please these guys are gonna spoil my good name. Dude I got some personal issues to discuss so PM me.
pj said...
Happy Birthday to me. I gotta party tonite at Scotty's. Bob's buying me dinner to celebrate. We both got our own websites now. LOL. RESPECT I gotta lotta stories to
Not MY post....Only you Dude can confirm this...
January 9, 2013 9:22 PM
Imposters I didn't say that stuff. Pretty sad when you STEAL an identity. for God's sake, get a life...
I haven't talked to
Bob in about six months, Who/m ever is sayin this junk has no idea , which makes them the fool...
sorry Dude, I have no issues to talk to you about, as the imposter insinuates. that shows the ignorance of some of the people on here....
No,no, no I'm the real pj. Bob will shut this site down if you don't show me some RESPECT. He knows all bout this 'puter and I met the governor, the mayor and Rupert!
The perp has been identified and the prosecutor has issued a search warrant to seize his computer. You are advised to not post here until we give you the go ahead. This jerk is gonna pay. No warning needed. His ass is grass!
Now thats funny....
Now that that ass is gone we can can get back to conversating. Anyone know a good shop for cat clothing? Gotta recipe for ham jerkey? What about those Colts, I'm still wearin' my Colts teddy. I need a ride to Topeka. My car smells like fish. Dis you know Bob has a tail? HEHE. Keep that one secrets. LOL happy Tuesday!
Um its thursday...
HAHA to Jeremy and Joanna. Now I always get the last word in! Happy Sunday and eat more corn flakes! LOL
Columbuzz (Columbusman) King Troll of the Local Trailer Court Trash Facebook Crowd.
From Columbuss ADMIN:
"The person that took the picture might have filed a complaint. We don't know. We didn't take it.
But, this guy took the initiative to notice a city employee breaking the law and city policy. He didn't sit around making sarcastic comments like you did. He actually did something to make others aware.
We have laws for a reason.
Just because some nimrods want to act like the law is stupid, or what the person did was no big deal, SOME people try to be good citizens. People like you shouldn't ridicule them with stupid remarks in order to try to diminish the good that they do.
Someone on a cell phone while driving with a Commercial Drivers License is breaking the law, and is a danger to the rest of us. If you don't like the reports we get here, go back to reading Sesame Street...."
This is clearly Bob Freeman. He used to boast about always using his name and not hiding behind another. His methods have change, but his voice is unmistakable.
Why are you hiding, Bob. Law got your tongue? LMAO!
Bob Freeman:
"Not me. I am not Joanna. Sorry to disappoint you. If I ever post there again, I will use my name."
More lies from Bob?
They seem to have a no name policy now. You never see "Joanna's" name anymore as an admin and the mythical Jeremy has apparently committed suicide. Bob doesn't want to tarnish his good name since he is a member in good standing of the weird religious cult that captured most of the ex-Miracle followers.
LOL Somebody has pushed Bob's buttons again. He's really got his dander up. Are you responsible, Mercman?
Bob IS my bitch, and has been my puppet in the past, countless times. I can pretty much predict his reactions, as well as evoke them at will, but I am totally innocent.
Bob wrote:
"Not afraid to look stupid; done it many times."
Bob Freeman said:
" What I say about others is true.
And I hope you can prove any accusations you might make."
Wow. Ridiculous statements considering Bob's proven, and documented, reputation.
It appears that Bob Freeman is in full control of Columbuzzed now. Where is Nathan Wiley/Columbusman/Jeremy Kirtz?
Poor old dumb fat Bob is on a tirade. He may be getting ready to blow another gasket. Comical stuff.
That guy is so delusional. He should be on medication. It is clear that Bob has some type of mental disorder. He is a danger to society, and someone should do something about his 'condition' before it's too late.
Boy oh boy Bob is back! He just posted another of his crazy get rich schemes on Columbuzz:
Google the company and columbuzz is the top google hit...proof that columbuzz is behind the scam. Plus bob seemed to get defensive with the first commenter.
Yeah, just like the cruise thing Bob was trying to peddle. He is delusional. Bob thinks there is some kind of shield around him that prevents others from seeing his stupidity. If there is a shield, he's wearing it backwards. LMAO! Thank goodness Bob Freeman never produced children.
Another Dumb, frequently used, comment by Homeless Shelter Not, Bob.
Bob Freeman: Most of us are just a few paychecks from being in that same situation.
Guess bob knows he would be at risk of lawsuit and/or prosecution pushing his ponzu scheme on buzz, so to shield himself he registered his scam sight under Stacy Freeman.
Sacrifice a family member to save himself I guess.
Bob says: "You can make money from this without ever putting any of your own money in."
Seriously? Bob fell for it because he is stupid.
There is no such thing as free money.....except when you tell Bob you have information that will win him an election, and he makes a secret money drop at the Walmart. Hahahahahahaha!
Hey Bob! Have I got a deal for YOU!
Give me a penny, and I'll give you a dollar! No strings attached. Okay? LMFAO!
I want to be rich without earning it. And someday I will be!
Just yesterday, I traded my lawn mower for some magic beans. My wife Kathy was mad, but it will make me into an important man, once they begin to grow!
I've been keeping them magic beans in my shorts and guess what happened. See you at the Farmers Market!
Bob and Stacy Freeman have a history of Ponzi Scheme activity. Check this out:
I guess this particular Ponzi Scheme didn't work out for Bob.
Does he never learn? I think we've all seen plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Remember, Bob has issues with math.
It's interesting that CM wants his minions to fight his battles for him.
CM and Bob have both thrown each other under the bus. The funny thing about it is this....neither recognizes when the other is doing it!
From Bob Freeman on Columbuzz, APR 28, 2012:
"Effective immediately, I will no longer be involved with Columbuzz."
Bob the Liar.
I would suggest that the Columbuzzards reveiw the definition of the legal term, Extortion.
Columbus Man
17 hours ago via mobile
We did tell the mother of the girl being beat we would take down the video for $200 however as I had expected it quieted them down.
I know of another incident where CM said he would keep a story from printing IF the $$$$ was right ..that site needs to be removed, for the way they treat everyone now. As rude as they have become( which is way out if line now) the posters have to be the 'admins.' Where is Jeremy? Where is Joanna, and what became of Bricklayer? ? The last time I said anything was because of the frequency to which they were using the F bomb. What happened to their 'filters?'...and they call this a familt website? ??
The webpage has not been available the last 2-3 times I've checked in the last 10 hours or so....
It is an amateur website with amateur practices, amateur abilities, and immature Admins!
We will pay you $200 to keep all your comments (and your great other writings) on Columbuzz where it belongs. Come home honey. We will rule the Buzz together. Forget about these whistlepencildicks.
BTW, I will leave you the money at our local Walmart store! Shhhhhhhh!
Ole Bob the Shyster must think/hope that everyone is as dumb as he is.
Bob Freeman shared a link .
9 hours ago
After 5 business days.
First account, 170 day personal plan, zero invested.
Pays 2.15% interest per business day.
Commissions from other account, and interest on those commissions, balance after 5 business days, $35.53 total. Interest ro...See More
What's the story about leaving the money at Walmart?
Its not typical of God 's "complex."I If you are never happy w what God has provided, then you will never find happiness.
I like the second half of that quote.
PJ...look up God Complex.
Once again, as always, you are confused.
Eat a cookie, blow up a balloon, and dance around in your pajamas while singing "I'm a Nut".
Pay attention pj, Bob does all his secret transactions at Walmart. Your cash is behind the douchebags. Hurry and then get busy writing some great new Columbuzz articles!
Well excuse me Bill. I had never heard that term before. Geeze...
And Anonymous, you're the one asking about the money at walmart....and you say for me to get w it??? I think you ate too many cookies...
pj, the point is to pick up your payoff from Bob at the Walmart and then start posting some of your great articles on the Buzz. He has a much higher readership there. I heard the Pope logs in every day from a Cummins computer at the Vatican. The Catholic church is picking up a lot of extra cash from Bob's moneymaking plan. Give him something fun to read. LOL Yippee
The anonymous that asked about Walmart and the anon that said get with it are 2 different annons
PJ doesn't understand that ANONYMOUS can be anybody, or multiple people, not just one person. But don't try to explain it to her. The more you explain, the less she understands.
LOL Silly ones What do you mean I'm not pj??? I did get a proclamation from the governor when I testified about my cat collection. LOL Whippee Smile Smile Smile
Anonymous you are so insightful. We need many more people like you w no identity. So bold, yet so paranoid, so many people hiding. Why is that? Have you been convicted of a felony? Why do all you jane/john does feel the need to shield yourself? Can you not accept yourself for being the cowards that you are? You are so clueless. Makes me laugh. When you gonna tell pj to get her rosey colored glasses out???? Must be tricky keeping all anonymous separate. So clueless.....
It's not paranoia if the threat is real.
There are many creeps on the Internet, and many vengeful, hateful people, like Bob Freeman, who would use a person's real name to defame, slander, and more, the person behind the comment. Being anonymous is wise, as well as safe.
Those who use their real name on the Internet are fools.
And Nunya....I know you're not the infamous Nunya of forum fame, and I know Nunya is not your actual name, so that makes you a hypocrite.
Also, you are like Bob in the way that you think you are invisible. It's you, PJ.....very transparent.
So you swaping...big deal who cares. Others take on my initials, People like you who do it too are so two faced. And nunya just popped into my mind...nunya had a bunch of names....and screwed up and got busted over using a name....that was so funny....and you will always be clueless.....
I commented under the church needs help "story" stating that if the churches needs were not to pressing they could just invest in bobs link and have all the $$ they need in 170-240 days. "Admin(shh but I think it was bob)" added the web address to my comment. I made another comment asking "admin(shh but I think it's bob)" to please cite thier addition rather than portray it as part of my comment. Admin(shh but I think it's bob) *****'ed out my post and states there, prob solved.
How funny, right?
Hey robbi.....Hi Paula! You can't hide...LOL the only 'clueless' one is you, you old bag.
What is your problem ....whoever this is?? Words don't phase me. Is your cranium so dense, it doesnt soak in....what a piece of work you are..calling people names makes you look the fool. I know I can hold my head up w no shame. Your poor mother. You will always be clueless...LOL
OMG! Now Bob is trying to sell Miracle Weight Loss Pills on Columbuzzed!
Who would by weight loss products recommended to them from a bonafide fat-ass? LMAO
No pill is going to work. It has to be a combination of cutting calories, and exercise. A quick scheme never works. Low fat-high protein works, also, along w exercise. I can't believe so many fall into the stupid trap of thinking there is a quick solution to weight loss. And those pyramid scams don't work either. Of all the people I have known who have tried these in the past, didn't make a dime...
Wow, thanks pj. We had no way of knowing. We already ordered our pills and used mama's burial money to invest in Bob's plan. I guess we need you here after all! Sorry for our confusion!
LOL...oh bite me anonymous ....those cookies are addin up!!
LOL TeeHee Gotta love it here! Gotta put my kitty in the blender. POPSCICLES! I just don't care about the poopheads here. Go Bunnies Go!
So glad the other pj is so easy to tell it's not sweet lovable moi!!!
Has Buffalo Butt Freeman mentioned on Columbuzz that this scam is owned by his "found the Lord, too", brother ?
Stacy Freeman
Stacy went in and bought the domain name. The domain ' goes to a landing page he designed that tells about and allows you to sign up, if you choose, for the program 'Profitable Sunrise.'
We own the domain name my landing page, not the program.
Thanks Bob for clearing that up. I'm putting all of mamwaw's social security checks in there. We can buy her dog food rations with the daily earnings. Awesome!
Bob, shouldn't the domain name have been, ''?
Or how about ''?
If you think they worked on you, it's not a pill anybody should want. You are a fat slob. You say you wear it well? LMFAO! That's like saying "I'm pretty smart for being as stupid as I am", or "I'm really good-looking for being so ugly".
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