Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Columbuzz Math - UPDATED

$1.1 million - $1.05 million = $500,000?  Fail!
$1.1 million - $927,000 = $623,000?  Fail!

By the way, Jeremy, I think the reason Kristen ignores you and columbuzz is because you are rude, idiotic, and illiterate. Some prime examples:

"March 20th The Republic reported that Mayor Brown had identified the $1.05 million in savings necessary to eliminate the trash fees in Columbus. In the March 21st issue, that number had changed to $927,000, and now today the number jumps to 1.1 million still with no explanation. That is an increase of $500,000 found or I should say about found in proposed savings."

Idiotic and illiterate.

"Either way the info is inconstant most of the time and this just proves it once again. The reporting body doesn't know what the other reporters are writing about."

"Which is Mayor Kristen?"

"The fact you are Mayor is just a small pin in this system, you will fail and continue to show the people you are nothing but a rat who jump into a pool you can't swim in."


"You are so black it's hard to say you would even be transparent."

"The fact you are Mayor is just a small pin in this system, you will fail and continue to show the people you are nothing but a rat who jump into a pool you can't swim in."

"Another example you aren't for the people. Guess chalk that up to racism too!"

"...I would expect that from a person of your caliber."


Explanation (lie) from Jeremy:

"Thanks JD - Slip of the finger with the zero. We're not the newspaper and we aren't held the same standards."

So, typing $623,000 instead of $173,000 is a typo?  Fail again!  I would have a tiny bit more respect for you Jeremy if you would just admit that you can't do simple math.  Hey Jeremy, here's a new math problem for you:  $173,000 is what percentage of the annual budget of Columbus?  I know this will be difficult for you since it involves actual research and simple division, but you might get lucky.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Simply amazing.

Conrad Holton said...

Obviously Jeremy and the other Mentally Incompetent Columbuzzards underachievers are seeking to draw visitors to their play like news site with their routine bashing of Mayor Brown while hiding under the veil of anonymity.

The only support they seem to be receiving is from Scalftard Comment Posters such as Air Headed Paula and P-101, as well as a few disgruntled ex or present disgruntled city employees.

Conrad Holton said...

Sorry for the duplicate usage of the adjective Disgruntled, unfortunately spell check doesn't catch poor editing of content prior to posting.

Dude said...

I don't think Jeremy really understands that he's not anonymous. If someone really wanted to find out his real identity, they could very easily.

Columbuzz Sucks said...

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Thanks JD - Slip of the finger with the zero. We're not the newspaper and we aren't held the same standards."

So, they admit they are hacks? They constantly belittle the Republic for messing things up (a valid gripe), and often place themselves above the Republic (a joke), but then they essentially admit that they are hacks. Own it, Jeremy. Be a man. I would have more respect if you would admit you screwed it up.

It is sad anytime that someone is satisfied with being less than the best. What I mean is they say they aren't held to the same standards. That already makes them shoot for and settle for being second best or less. Why not strive to be the best instead of settling for less? If you settle for being less, you will get it.

Laughin @ the Buzzards said...

The total ignorance of those that maintain the Buzzard's Web Site can best be exemplified by the fact that Bozo Bob appears to be the smartest one of the bunch. Yikes !!

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Jeremy is Nathan Wiley. There is NO SUCH person as Jeremy.

Dude said...

I'm not convinced that Jeremy is Nathan Wiley. I've read some of Nathan's posts on the internet, and his style seems different than Jeremy's. Nathan is semi-literate, Jeremy not so much. Jeremy's real first name might actually be Jeremy, but I don't think "Kirtz" is his real last name. Probably a combination of Kirts and Kurtz. He probably should have used a more believable last name considering his alleged family ties, something like Klingler, Moore, Hendershot, or Wilson.

Dude said...

The funny thing is that Jeremy can't even get his fake profile on facebook right. It says he was born in 1972, graduated high school in 1984, and graduated college in 1991. Anyone else see a problem with this timeline?

Anonymous said...

Nathan Wiley is a smarta$$ who thinks he is clever. NOT! Jeremy is his gay ulter-ego (no offense intended). Nathan created Jeremy and is smart enough to put himself into his Jeremy persona when writing but he is truly an illiterate buffoon (i.e. his profile) and other comments that don't make sense.

Wiley & Jeremy are the same person. Wiley is a psychopath!