Thursday, May 3, 2012

Columbus Man vs. Columbus Man 1.0

Columbus Man #1:
"They caught him the sick freak... xxxx xxxxxxx, 17, Commiskey, rape, child molesting and criminal confinement."

"We know he's guilty already?"

Columbus Man #2:
"Lol who knows but that's what he was arrested for."


Anonymous said...

"Summary - Mayor receives disconnect on her water bill...
We attempted to gain a copy of her bill, but at this time, don't have it."

Trying to get a copy of someone's PRIVATE utility bill?
And if this story is true (doubtful), it means that someone ILLEGALLY passed along this confidential information?.

Anonymous said...


Brick Layer = Bob Freeman
Spider man = Paula Jarrett

Those two couldn't hide in a quarry dressed like a rock.

Bob Freeman said...

Wrong. I don't know who either one is.

I haven't posted a word since I announced I was quitting Columbuzz....

If I remember right, Brick Layer has been upset with me recently.

Anonymous said...

I won't say whether you are being honest of not Bob as I don't know and don't want to accuse. I will say that even if Brick Layer was upset with you doesn't dismiss the possibility. It could be just a cover.

Dude said...

Bob, since it looks like you and Jeremy had a little falling-out, you should get your revenge and out him on my blog. :-)

"I haven't posted a word since I announced I was quitting Columbuzz...."

I'm surprised you're not on columbuzz or on Jeremy's facebook page defending Jaimie Johns. The comments are really getting brutal against him.

Dude said...

The sheeple that comment on Columbus Man's facebook page are pathetic. They believe everything he posts. Have they already forgotten the bogus article about the fireman dying?

Bob Freeman said...

I have made it clear about how I feel about my friend Jamie. I don't know anything about his business practices so I can't defend or accuse.

I know he, his sister Judy, and Jason Vest, have all treated me better than most have around here. They have been dear friends and I wish them the best.

I did not have a falling out with Jeremy.

I tired of needing to explain why I was trying to out bad guys. No matter what I said about someone, someone questioned my methods. I decided my methods needed to change.

For instance, on the Dr. Young thing.

I KNOW what he has done. I have had the proof in my hands. I couldn't show that proof, but I had it. The state has that proof now.

The reasons for the articles about him were intended to bring out witnesses, victims,of the doctor. And it worked. Columbuzz gets viewed 300-4000 times a day now. So word spread. We found victims. And I mean victims. Willing adults can sign on for what is represented but they can be scammed and lied to as the go along. The doctor is a calculated and precise predator. The similarities in his victims, their circumstances, and his method of capture are eery. That proof will surface soon.

Had I to do it over, we would have reported it all to the state, watched the proceedings and his downfall, and THEN reported the facts.

The full intent of Columbuzz is to inform people about what is truly happening, because there are so many people in power around here that want to do whatever they want and keep everything a secret.

Now that I have found Yeshua(Jesus) I see there is a better way to accomplish things.

In my work reporting on the church last year, I met some amazing people. More victims.

But victims that loved their abusers. They hated what they did, but they still loved them.

That floored me.

As I learned why, I learned a lot about myself and my life.

I apologize to you Dude, for the way I battled you and your family. It was in response to your attacks but at times my methods were wrong.

I still want to see the world become a better place. I still want to see the bad guys fall.

But it isn't my job to take them down. It's His.

Columbuzz will go on. And ironically, the procedures used that people had issues with will probably intensify. I was a calming factor there, believe it or not.
It wasn't only about getting a story for me. I wanted it to be done fairly.

That calming affect left when I did. Jeremy is on his own sense of fairness now. Getting a story out, and making it sensational is his goal.

I want to raise up instead of tear down. And that's what I will try to do. And I don't need to do it on a website.

I am not Brick Layer and I don't believe Paula is Spiderman. The IP address says she isn't.

And if I remember correctly, the fireman wrote the article about himself.....

You need to realize a couple of things.

Anyone can post an article there.

Some of the articles are simply comments someone posted as a comment and we made into an article because we wanted people to read them.

We get e-mails from people with stories all day long.

The articles about the church last year changed Columbuzz. That story made everyone aware of Columbuzz.

Ask people you see around Columbus if they know about Columbuzz. Most will say yes, and most will speak well about it.

People want to know. People need to know.

Now I want to find a better way to inform them of FACTS.

Bob Freeman said...

3000 to 4000 times a day, not 300 to 4000.....

Dude said...

Caye Hayes:
"Columbus Man, why did you not black out the little girls name before posting that email? in your story, you called her Sally and in the email you sent to the principal, you obviously used the childs real r u thinking?"

Way to go Jeremy, making things worse.

Columbus Man
"It is removed now... I try very hard to be conscientious and sometimes something slips. You know it wasn't my intention of posting that. Thank you for saying something."

Jeremy, conscientious? Since when?

Dude said...

"I have made it clear about how I feel about my friend Jamie. I don't know anything about his business practices so I can't defend or accuse. I know he, his sister Judy, and Jason Vest, have all treated me better than most have around here. They have been dear friends and I wish them the best."

And that's part of the problem. You can't be a legitimate whistleblower and give your friends a 'get out of columbuzz jail' free card. Intelligent people will see your blatant hypocrisy. He's been raided TWICE now by the FBI. If that happened to a Republican or someone you didn't like, you’d be ranting for months about it.

"Columbuzz gets viewed 3000-4000 times a day now."

You do realize that views do not equal number of viewers. And that doesn't mean people like what they're reading.

"Had I to do it over, we would have reported it all to the state, watched the proceedings and his downfall, and THEN reported the facts."

I've been trying to tell you this for months.

"The full intent of Columbuzz is to inform people about what is truly happening, because there are so many people in power around here that want to do whatever they want and keep everything a secret."

But people with an ax to grind might lie about 'what is truly happening'.

"I still want to see the world become a better place. I still want to see the bad guys fall."

But you were/are one of the bad guys.

"Columbuzz will go on. And ironically, the procedures used that people had issues with will probably intensify. I was a calming factor there, believe it or not."

Yikes! That's a scary thought.

"It wasn't only about getting a story for me. I wanted it to be done fairly."

Sorry, but fair is one thing you're not.

"That calming affect left when I did. Jeremy is on his own sense of fairness now. Getting a story out, and making it sensational is his goal."

He has made that obvious, and that will be his downfall. One of these days, he's going to tick off the wrong person and his 'empire' will come crumbling down. Does he realize that he can still be sued even though he's anonymous? I hope he has deep pockets or he will put his financial future at risk. What is his problem anyway? Why is he so mad at the world?

"I want to raise up instead of tear down. And that's what I will try to do. And I don't need to do it on a website."

I hope you stick with that plan.

"And if I remember correctly, the fireman wrote the article about himself....."

True, but Jeremy either posted it or allowed it to be posted.

"You need to realize a couple of things. Anyone can post an article there."

Bob, you and I both know that's not true.

"The articles about the church last year changed Columbuzz. That story made everyone aware of Columbuzz. Ask people you see around Columbus if they know about Columbuzz. Most will say yes, and most will speak well about it."

Have you done a scientific poll about how Columbus residents feel about columbuzz? If you only talk to your friends, then you'll get the answer you want. You have no idea what the majority thinks about columbuzz. As Jeremy attacks more and more people and local businesses, he will make more and more enemies. columbuzz is a ticking time bomb.

Anonymous said...

"I know he, his sister Judy, and Jason Vest, have all treated me better than most have around here. They have been dear friends and I wish them the best."
Birds of a feather...

"I did not have a falling out with Jeremy."
That's because his name is NATHAN.

"I decided my methods needed to change."
No, your critics decided.

"I KNOW what he has done. I have had the proof in my hands. I couldn't show that proof, but I had it."
Broken Record Freeman

"Willing adults can sign on for what is represented but they can be scammed and lied to as the(y) go along. "
Hmmmm, like if someone was purchasing a vehicle with an odometer that had been tampered with?

"I was a calming factor there, believe it or not."
-choke- Maybe when pigs fly.

"Anyone can post an article there."
Loudly calling 'BULLSHIT' on this one!

"I apologize to you Dude, for the way I battled you and your family. It was in response to your attacks but at times my methods were wrong."
Typical Freeman Apology...was Dude's fault for attacking, and Bob was only wrong some of the time.

"Ask people you see around Columbus if they know about Columbuzz. Most will say yes, and most will speak well about it."
I have, and they haven't, and don't. Someone is still delusional.

"Now I want to find a better way to inform them of FACTS."
Uh-oh. Out of the frying pan and into the fire for Ol' Bobby Boy.

Edgar said...

Bob couldn't have found Jesus.
He wouldn't know where to look.

Besides, I think Jesus would probably try to avoid Bob...the association might damage His reputation.

Handsome Hank said...

"Ask people you see around Columbus if they know about Columbuzz. Most will say yes, and most will speak well about it."

Personally I have yet to find anyone that is aware of Columbuzz but have found a few people that recognize the name Bob Freeman and they usually respond with something such as That nut, That Big Mouth, etc.

Bob Tracker said...

As illogical as it may seem it would appear now that Bob maybe was the "smart one" of the Buzzard's Team. Yikes !!

Nathan Kirtzz said...

Dude said...

Columbus Man wrote on facebook:
"Please refrain from using inappropriate language on my page Keldon, you have a voice and I want you heard but I'm asking you to respect the debate. And thank you for removing your comment and changing it. The "C" word is not welcomed EVER."

The "C" word was very welcomed on columbuzz not too long ago. More hypocrisy from CMan?

Dude said...

More hypocrisy from CMan:
"Profanity is one thing, using profanity in a context outside of derogatory use towards women is different. Being blatantly disrespectful is another. I sir will not tolerate it."

Dude said...

Misty's daughter wrote on facebook:
"No respectable man uses that word (c*nt) towards a female or ANYONE for ANY reason. Its disgusting and unacceptable."

I would assume from this statement that Misty's daughter believes Bob is not respectable since he uses the "C" word. Hopefully Misty feels the same way.

Anonymous said...

I've known Bob and Nathan for a long time now. I can tell you without a doubt that "Jeremy, aka Columbus Man" is Nathan Wiley. He's made this clear to those he trusts for years. The only reason he started hiding is because the City Administration, under Mayor Armstrong, threatened to fire him if he kept running Columbuzz while he was working for the City.

Jeremy Kirtz is NATHAN WILEY!

Call Me James said...

Wonder how Bob's Official, "The Doc has been "plunkin" Joanna's sister complaint is going? As I recall "ole recently found the Lord Bob" did pledge to keep everyone advised on the outcome.

Cesar Geronimo said...

"...we hope to bring the actual details soon."

...until then, we will continue to bring the gossip and heresay.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

A dead end story, just like the Kristen Brown Utility Scandal, and all the others.
No follow-up, no truth, no promises fulfilled.
Poorly educated, whining amateurs.

Josh Parker said...

Columbuzzard's Admin wrote the following:

"The idea people think violence at the drop of a hat shows the education level of North Vernon."

Someone on the 'staff' of Columbuzz is criticizing the education level of people from North Vernon?

Well...LOL...I guess it takes one to know one.

Dude said...

Another lie from CM:
"Tony, yes we have 104 subscribers, but we add about 40 friends a day..."

Dude said...

CM makes me laugh when he attempts to sound intelligent:

"I am biased as everyone is... it isn't until we really sit back and analyze why something is what it is... then, and only then, can we understand to make an informed decision. Though, we don't do this, because as a society we tend to act before we think, speak before we think, then fix it after we do it... I am opinionated because I want to give those a different way to think about something. "

Anonymous said...

The average is 22 a day but here recently it has been 35-40. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I think you're obsessed with me

Dude said...

Who are you, Anonymous?

Bogart said...

Sounds like the typical new age teen who wants to change the world.
We know it doesn't fit with his activities at Columbuzz, so I don't know who he thinks he's trying to fool.
Also, he probably got those words from some teen blogger in Vancouver.

Anonymous said...

Brick Layer said:
"Do as you have and ignore the critics."

Yup, that's Bob Freeman alright.

Dude said...

More lies from Jeremy:
"I don't hide my name - it is Jeremy Kirtz."
"Columbuzz is open to everyone"

Dude said...

Jeremy wrote on Columbuzz:
"Just stay on Dudes website as he seems to like hearing your constant rants, oh and when you think you're hidden over there, your not."

Actually, Jeremy, everyone is hidden on my blog, EXCEPT for Bob and you. You two get special treatment here, since you like to out others on columbuzz.