Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bob The "Christian"

Bob spewed on columbuzz:
"Go for it Mark."

Go for what?  I'm not the one who will sue.

"They sued me last time for MY postings and MY opinions. Although I like what is geing posted, they aren't my words, or my posts. And this isn't my website."

So you say, but you're a proven liar.

"So threaten all you like."

Bob, that wasn't a threat.  That was a suggestion.

"People will finally understand what I was trying to tell them last year. They simply had to hear it from someone that wasn't running against him in an election. The best part is, I get to sit and watch the fall, without raising a finger. And to paraphrase what your uncle said last year after he won the election, 'It's been a rough one, so I'm going to enjoy it all the more.'"

Still can't let the election go, can you Bob?

"And it's ironic how you and your website 'helped' bring all this about. If YOU hadn't opened your big mouth and joined your buddies in the consant harrassment as you have, none of what is about to happen would be going on."

Bob the hypocrite.  What about your big mouth and constant harassment?

"And since you want to keep attacking everyone I associate with, you need to know that the good people who were with Milestone Ministries, and the good people at Tree Of Life, have become friends of mine. They have also shown me that there IS a God. In my 54 years, nobody else has been able to do that. They are good people, and good Christians. So now, keep on attacking them and calling them names."

Saying that I find them selfish and lacking empathy is not calling them names.  Now if I called them a bunch of c*nts, like you do, then that would be calling them names.

"So attack Christians now, as you have many others over the past year."

Bob, do you even see your blatant hypocrisy?  What about all of the people you've attacked over the past year?


Kathy Parker said...

"...none of what is about to happen would be going on."

NONE of what Bob EVER says is going to happen, or about to happen, or wait and see, EVER takes place!

Bob is just a raving looney-tune.
A nutball wrapped in idiocy garnished with delusions of grandeur.

Dude said...

"A nutball wrapped in idiocy garnished with delusions of grandeur."

Now that is a PERFECT description of Bob.

Dude said...

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"I will try my best to have you both removed from your so-called jobs and possibly thrown in prison."

So Bob, are you accusing Fred Barkes of criminal behavior without proof AGAIN? I hope you have your lawyer on speed dial.

"TRUTH will prevail."

And again, Bob proves that he has learned nothing from the previous lawsuit. He still believes everything he's told, as long as it's something he wants to believe.

Anonymous said...

""I will try my best to have you both removed from your so-called jobs and possibly thrown in prison."

Bob actually believes the people he complains to take him seriously and handle his complaints as if he were an important dignitary.

I have seen them shake their heads saying, "Who was that guy?", then laugh it off as just another weird person in this wonderful weird world we live in.

Anonymous said...

Bob Freeman: "And also, to be clear, maliscious BS from your attorney will be responded to in kind. Should you decide to pull an old Ironside, I will countersue you both and I will try my best to have you both removed from your so-called jobs and possibly thrown in prison.."

I remember reading Bob claiming the exact same thing during the last suit. 1) He was going to counter-sue (didn't happen) and 2) All the truth was going to come out and they (Fred Barkes and Rodney Ferrenberg) were going to end up in jail.

I don't know what happened, but according to the paper there was a settlement reached. There can only be a settlement if the suing party wins.

Once again Bob is making the same old threats and telling the same old lies. Of course, as we've learned, a there has been a change-over in the bob-o-bots. Alot of his old followers got tired of his lies and he has new ones. They will eventually see through him too.

Anonymous said...

Bob Freeman: "Remember, in a liable lawsuit, THEY have to prove WHO said it, and THEY have to prove it to be untrue."

Wasn't Bob the one making fun of people who spelled LIBEL wrong a few months ago?

Also, once again, Bob is trying to tell people what the law is. YOU CANNOT PROVE A NEGATIVE!!!!! According to my buddy who IS a lawyer: They don't have to prove its not true. They claim its untrue then the idiot from columbuzz has to prove it is true.

Sheepdog or good shepard or whatever, claims he/she had nothing to do with the doctored pic of Ferrenberg. I guess that was columbuzz. Hey Bob, pictures can be just as libelous as words.

Anonymous said...

"Hey Bob, pictures can be just as libelous as words."

The picture you are talking about is of a Columbus City Personal in the Fire Department Dress with the background of a family dining restaurant, and I would make the assumption the Chief is the one to make and enforce the rules.

Dude said...

"Columbus City Personal"

What's a Columbus City Personal?

Anonymous said...

"Wasn't Bob the one making fun of people who spelled LIBEL wrong a few months ago?"

He can't spell 'malicious' either.

As we already know, Bob is poorly educated and probably can't even bring himself to look up correct spellings of words.
HE has the final word and knows all.
HOW DARE a dictionary tell him, Bob Freeman, that his spelling is incorrect!

Bob is incapable of recognizing and admitting any fault of his own, as his own.