Saturday, May 14, 2011


From columbuzz on Facebook:

"Business Big and small, Now is the time to advertise on - the cost FREE. Doesn't matter what type of business you have, anything goes. We will even design the ad for you.

With 2 commercials playing on Qmix daily, along with user interaction, someone seeing your business is higher than not advertising at all. You don't have to support what Columbuzz does to display your company."

Why are Bob and Jeremy so desperate for advertisers?  Strange.


Anonymous said...

The cost is free? This makes no sense unless they are trying to drive traffic to their web-site.

Anonymous said...

You don't drive traffic TO your website with ads at your website. I believe they're just seeking the appearance of legitimacy.

Their website is useless. It does nothing and serves no purpose except for a place where a few people can get together and gossip about things. What have they actually DONE? Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the continued support. We appreciate it!

Marge Innavera said...

"...someone seeing your business is higher than not advertising at all."

Huh? What?
I think they're huffing metallic paint again over there at Colnumbnuts.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
QUESTION: What's the difference between a fourth grade drop-out and a Columbuzz 'staff member'?

ANSWER: It's a trick question. There's no difference at all.

Dude said...

"Their website is useless. It does nothing and serves no purpose except for a place where a few people can get together and gossip about things."

Not entirely useless. They did expose the Great Moldy Bread Crisis of 2011.

Anonymous said...

"You don't have to support what Columbuzz does to display your company."

No. But I bet Qmix is concerned whether its listeners and advertisers support columbuzz and its hate speech. I'm sure that is a concern when deciding whether to continue to offer columbuzz free advertisement. I am drafting my letters now.