Sunday, July 31, 2011

Characteristics of Abusive People

I believe this also applies to verbally abusive people as well:

Abusive People frequently have the following characteristics:

  • Often blow up in anger at small incidents, often easily insulted, claiming hurt feelings when really very angry.
  • Have a poor self-image; are insecure.
  • Blame others for their own problems.
  • Blame others for their own feelings and are very manipulative. An abusive person will often say "you make me mad", "you’re hurting me by not doing what I ask", or "I can’t help being angry".
  • Often are alcohol or drug abusers.
  • May have a family history of violence.
  • May be cruel to animals and/or children. 
  • May have a fascination with weapons.
  • May think it is okay to solve conflicts with violence.
  • Often make threats of violence, breaking or striking objects.
  • Often use verbal threats such as, "I’ll slap your mouth off", "I’ll kill you", or "I’ll break your neck". Abusers may try to excuse this behaviour by saying, "everybody talks like that". 
  • May hold rigid stereotypical views of the roles of men and women.
  • Are very controlling of others.
  • May say things that are intentionally cruel and hurtful in order to degrade, humiliate, or run down the victim.
  • Tend to be moody and unpredictable. They may be nice one minute and the next minute explosive.


Nunya said...

Bob definitely has a chip on his shoulder about something.

Maybe he was picked on in school when he was younger.
* * * * * * * * *

Here is more nonsense from Bob Freeman:

-"He has also had about a year to address any and all of it. I guess he thinks it best not to address it."

Sometimes it's best to ignore idiots and troublemakers like you, Bob Freeman.

-"We don't need his word to verify what many many people repeat as their truth."

'we' = Bob and his multiple personalities.
Many, many people said the earth was flat.
That doesn't make it true.

-"And I have had too many seperate conversations with too many of them for it to be made up or a mistaken interpretation on their part."

It's s-e-p-a-r-a-t-e you fool.
The 'made up' and 'mistaken interpretation' is on YOUR part, Bob.

-"In my opinion, an innocent man would defend against phony accusations. At least try to put his side out there."

Your opinion doesn't count, Bob.
And normal people should not have to defend themselves against preposterous ravings that a lunatic publishes on his website.

-"In my opinion, an innocent man would lash out at people who are simply telling hm what is going on."

Your opinion is worthless.
Lashing out is what sick people like you do, Bob.

-"To me, his daughter buying booze isn't a big deal. She has the right."

You published it on the World Wide Web, and continue to mention and feed the issue.

-"But the point we're showing here is his response to the information. Not checking to see if it's true, then attacking and threatening the person that called and told him."

There you go with that 'we' malarkey again.
When you've been accused of being a pedophile and child molester, did your family members do any checking to 'see if it's true'?

-"THEN, watch him act like a fool."

Bob, is it hard for you to look at yourself in a mirror?
Do you not like what you see?
Is that why you are in such denial of your own personality, behavior and actions?

-"But this story isn't about a preachers daughter buying booze."

It's about a pathetic man with no life (Saviour Bob) who interjects himself into others' lives to cause as much trouble as he can in order to feel important to himself.

Anonymous said...

SEP 19 2009
"There are few people in this world that are around children less than I am. I mean EVER. I am NEVER around any kids."

There will be children there.
If Bob attends, it will be PROOF that he is a liar.

Anonymous said...

"We don't need his word to verify what many many people repeat as their truth."

Columbuzz is not interested in verifying anything.
If stories on Columbuzz required verification to be posted, there would be no stories.

Anonymous said...

Once again, COLUMBUZZED has skewed, and manipulated the facts:

"Mosquito found with West Nile virus; plagues Columbus Indiana"

Columbus is not 'plagued' by West Nile Virus.

Such huge drama from such small minds.

Anonymous said...

Drama from Columbuzz?? (GASP)

Anonymous said...

Bob Freeman: "I'm not sure why it mattered that the adult daughter of a preacher was buying booze, but I felt the childish and threatening responses should be posted."

--- Then why show the video? If it didn't matter, why try to support the claim they were there?

Besides what a crappy video. That shows the evidence Bob needs to claim something on columbuzz. A grainy video that doesn't even show people? Can't even really see the vehicle.

Take your word for it Bob? Just like you've asked people to do so many times. Take the word of your anonymous "Andrew"? If its legit give his name and phone like you did Miracle's.

Why don't you post that video and claim its Elvis leaving the liquor store? It would have the same validity. You might even get some people to believe you. Probably the bots.

Anonymous said...

Huffington Post had a story about journalists in Chicago that purposefully editted the comments of a child to mislead their viewers:

What they showed -

Reporter: When you get older are you going to stay away from all these guns?”
Boy: “No.”
Reporter: “No? What are you going to do when you get older?”

Boy: “I’m going to have me a gun!”

How the conversation really went -
Reporter: When you get older are you going to stay away from all these guns?”
Boy: “No.”
Reporter: “No? What are you going to do when you get older?”
Boy: “I’m going to have me a gun!”
Reporter” “You are! Why do you want to do that?”
Boy: “I'm going to be the police!”

Nothing like lies and sensationalism to get attention. Hey!!! When did Bob Freeman and columbuzz start covering Chicago?

*** I tried to share the link but couldn't. Its from today's

Anonymous said...

The reason the story was posted is because the Miracle family claims to be saints, including his daughters. I don't care if your daddy is a preacher you are going to party when you get the chance and try to keep it from daddy, hell daddy may have been drinking with them. I know people who have partied with the Miracle girls and one who went with one of them to get an abortion. They should practice what they preach or in their case spend a whole cult service yelling at you about. The whole cult, what is left of it, act like they are the only people in the world going to heaven. Tim Miracle is a evil man. When Bob says "we" he is referring to the many people who's stories he has helped get out about Tim and his cult. There are lots of evil men in Columbus but since you don't live here Dude you wouldn't know. If you ever had to go to the trustee and ask for help you would know he is a mean old man also. Nice to know the Hill's have found your blog they will fit in nicely with the bunch on here.

Say What Bob O Bot said...

Bob O Bot Says "There are lots of evil men in Columbus", that is likely true, but in my opinion none more evil than ole Bozo Bob himself.

Not Hill, Not Dude, Just Watching the Circus said...

"The reason the story was posted is because the Miracle family claims to be saints, including his daughters."
So what?
Mind your own business.

"There are lots of evil men in Columbus..."
Like Bob Freeman.

"When Bob says "we" he is referring to the many people who's stories he has helped get out about Tim and his cult."
The only person Bob has ever been interested in helping is himself.
Anyone who can't see that is as blind as the people you claim have been under this so-called magical spell of the great cult leader Tim Miracle.

Ridiculous, boring, gossip.
Columbuzz is like two old biddies talking over the fence about this and that and who was where doing what.
You people are so sad to have such a boring life that you have to focus on everyone else whose business is none of yours.

Dude said...

"They should practice what they preach"

Who should? The father or the daughter? Does the daughter preach on Sundays?

"Tim Miracle is a evil man."

Bob Freeman is an evil man.

"There are lots of evil men in Columbus"

Is Columbus any different than any other city? If so, then maybe you should move to get away from all of the "evil" men.

"If you ever had to go to the trustee and ask for help you would know he is a mean old man also."

There are many people who have had good experiences with the trustee. Maybe you were the problem?

Alicia said...

I'm glad I found this blog too! And you don't need to get on here and tell your lies about the miracle girls. You've done enough of that on scumbuzz.

Roy G. Biv said...

"If you ever had to go to the trustee and ask for help you would know he is a mean old man also."

I'm sure there is a lot of abuse of assistance programs.
Strictness must be implemented to prevent as much of this as possible to protect all taxpayers.
Taxpayers include Bob Freeman and any who request the assistance.

It is unlikely, and difficult to believe, that those who warrant assistance, and seek it legally, correctly, and genuinely, are treated any less than civil.

There are those who thrive on complaining.
There are those who abuse assistance programs.
There are those who are freeloaders.
There are those who are lazy.
There are those who think they are entitled.
There are those who expect government handouts.
There are those who are parasites of The System.
There are those who want everything for free.

THESE are the types of people who bellyache about such nonsense.
And these are the types of irresponsible people who believe that all others should be taking care of problems that they have caused for themselves, while they sit back without lifting a finger to improve their own lives and situations.

Then there are those who are sincere, and are worthy of a helping hand.
These are the type of people who would NOT be complaining about such nonsense.

Anonymous said...

There's an old story I heard as a child. The moral is you find what you want.

Bob Freeman didn't have a problem with the trustee until he set his sights on the job. Fred Barkes had been trustee 7 years before Bob decided he was evil. He was on the trustee advisory board for 12 years before that. The only change in Fred Barkes was that Bob was running for 4-5 other government jobs during that time. Bob was looking for bad and (despite the validity) found it.

Now Bob and columbuzz are looking to be relevant. They set their sights on the Miracles. They will milk that cow until its dry. When it is, they will find something/someone else to attack (maybe free moldy bread stories will take hold). In essence, Bob is a parasite.

Some parasites can serve a purpose (see pilot fish) others do not (see mosquitoes). Bob Freeman and those at columbuzz are mosquitoes.

Like mosquitoes pass on malaria and west nile disease etc., those associated with columbuzz are passing on filth too. No one is the better for being touched by them.

Jimmy Olsen said...

WE have received reports that Bob Freeman was seen driving a motorcycle on the Interstate.

Crack-Man Bob

Anonymous said...

Alicia you wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you in the face. You are a flat out liar and that has already been proven. You are just mad because columbuzz exposed the truth about what has been going on at Milestone. If I was you I would protect it too since it is also your home and your free ride. You should have found this site a long time ago with all the time you have on your hands. Like I said you will fit right in here with all these hypocrites. It is only a matter of time before Tim does something stupid and goes to jail with all the threats he is making against people. Not to mention the illegal activity going on there. No one is perfect not even Tim and his precious daughters. It is already been proven Tim is an cheater and was doing it in the church. Yeah that is a great example of a good preacher. Wake up and see the truth!!!

Dude said...

"You are a flat out liar and that has already been proven."

Bob and Jeremy are both flat out liars and that has already been proven.

"Like I said you will fit right in here with all these hypocrites."

You do realize that Bob is the king of the hypocrites, right? Have you read my Bob vs. Bob series on here? Those are all Bob's words.

Lemley Gilbert said...

Hey Anonymous (from 11:46PM comment)...

This site isn't about the goings-on, and the he said/she said of some church.

Take your church comments to the gossip site - Columbuzz.
Better yet, if there is illegal activity that you are aware of, as a responsible citizen you should go to the police.
A very simple solution to the issues that are festering in your tiny mind.
BTW, Columbuzz is NOT the police.

Dude said...

"Wake up and see the truth!!!"

You also need to wake up and see the truth. Bob is using you to draw attention to himself and columbuzz. Do you really think he cares about you?

Bystander said...


"Shouldn't they send whatever help is available?"

Shouldn't Bob Freeman test concrete ony on Tuesdays?
Shouldn't Bob Freeman only use alloy blades to cut grass?

SHOULDN'T BOB FREEMAN MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS AND LET THE PROFESSIONALS (who know more about their job than some jerk like Bob Freeman) HANDLE THEIR OWN JOBS?

Shouldn't Robert Dewayne Freeman be on heavy medication for his psychological/behavioral disorder?

Alicia said...

I haven't lied about anything. Bob Freeman shouldn't be stealing peoples conversations from facebook and only posting some of the conversation and not the whole conversation. All I tried to do was warn crissy about the people she was running to. What I said has been proven, she ran straight into a rats nest. Got on scumbuzz with the rest of you and started in with the lies. I agree with lemley- stay on your scumbuzz with your cohort bob and tell your lies there.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha yeah you just didn't want the money they gave to Milestone to leave. Crissy is much happier since she left. There is no rats nest, they are caring and loving people. Something you and the leech's at Milestone know nothing about. How many families did you tear apart that are now reunited? How many marriages did you tear apart that will never be repaired. How many women are the leaders sleeping with in the "church"? You are blind and stupid. If will all come to an end soon. I can't wait, when that building is empty and closed down I will have a party in the parking lot to celebrate the fall of an evil place and man that you all worship. You all make me sick!!! When a factory is back in that building I will be sure to work there for just one day too. I am proud to be back in a real church and out of your cult full of mind control and lies and money grubbing fools!!!

Anonymous said...

FYI- I wasn't talking to anyone on here but Alicia and could care less what you all have to say. I seen the whole conversation on facebook any you Alicia are a LIAR!!!

Anonymous said...

One more thing Bob Freeman is a caring compassionate man who could teach your "preacher" Tim a thing or two about how to treat people. I know him personally and he is a very giving man. I never seen Tim give to anyone but himself, his family, and the leech's living at the church!

Anonymous said...

"Bob Freeman is a caring compassionate man."

Wowwwwww. He's efficiently pulled the wool over your eyes hasn't he? You really need to read the words that Bob has posted on this blog.

Dude said...

"and could care less what you all have to say."

Then why are you here?

"You are blind and stupid."
"Bob Freeman is a caring compassionate man."

This is funny stuff. Who's blind and stupid? I guess Anonymous has a new cult leader.

"I never seen Tim give to anyone but himself, his family, and the leech's living at the church!"

Here's a good example of a leech for you. From Bob's Facebook page:

'A buddy and I are trying to see who can get the most donations toward a cruise in October. Please send a dollar or a few to 3225 Lilac Ct. Columbus, Indiana 47203 Thanks.'

Anonymous said...

"One more thing Bob Freeman is a caring compassionate man who could teach your "preacher" Tim a thing or two about how to treat people. I know him personally and he is a very giving man."

Hmmmm. This comment had to have been submitted by either Bob Freeman himself, or Jamie Johns.

If this commenter really believes these words, they should spend some time looking at many of Bob's comments on this blog AS WELL AS on Columbuzz.

Bob is very easy to figure out.

Bob is an egocentric selfish bastard...his own words, and behavior PROVE that.

Anonymous said...

"Bob Freeman is a caring compassionate man."

Some quotes by Bob Freeman…
Nimrod sounds better than asshole
Wanna deny sending nude photos? I will have posters made and placed all over town as my PROOF.

"Raise your right hand and say you believe. "Hal le lu yah Brother, I is a memba!!! Thank God Almighty!" One reason why so many Republicans are Christians and why so many Christians are Republicans; it's easy to belong. No hard work studying who you worship and vote for. No knowledge of the person is needed. Simply vote as your masters tell you to vote. Blindly belong and blindly follow."

There are so many to choose from but I don’t have all day to make a list…..

Dude said...

Another quote from the "caring and compassionate" Bob:

"I know where some of you live. You want to cross the line, then lets cross the f***ing line. It would be worth some time in jail to destroy your homes. And the lives of some of your family."

Brian said...

Mercman's post is right-on about the psychopath Bob Freeman. The same Bob Freeman who was cheating on his wife on Interpals. The same Bob Freeman who claims to be all knowing and all seeing.

Mercman said...

"The Seven Deadly Sins
and Their Opposing Virtues"

Pride - Humility
Seeing ourselves as we are and not comparing ourselves to others is humility. Pride and vanity are competitive. If someone else's pride really bothers you, you have a lot of pride.
Avarice - Greed
Generosity This is about more than money. Generosity means letting others get the credit or praise. It is giving without having expectations of the other person. Greed wants to get its "fair share" or a bit more.
Envy - Love
Love actively seeks the good of others for their sake. Envy resents the good others receive or even might receive. Envy is almost indistinguishable from pride at times.
Wrath/Anger - Kindness
Kindness means taking the tender approach, with patience and compassion. Anger is often our first reaction to the problems of others. Impatience with the faults of others is related to this.
Lust - Self Control
Self control and self mastery prevent pleasure from killing the soul by suffocation. Legitimate pleasures are controlled in the same way an athlete's muscles are: for maximum efficiency without damage. Lust is the self-destructive drive for pleasure out of proportion to its worth. Sex, power, or image can be used well, but they tend to go out of control.
Gluttony - Faith and Temperance
Temperance accepts the natural limits of pleasures and preserves this natural balance. This does not pertain only to food, but to entertainment and other legitimate goods, and even the company of others.
Sloth - Zeal
Zeal is the energetic response of the heart to God's commands. The other sins work together to deaden the spiritual senses so we first become slow to respond to God and then drift completely into the sleep of complacency.

...and this:

Mohandas K. Gandhi - Seven Social Sins

Politics without principles
Bob attacking his opponent, and his family, with lies and name-calling
Wealth without work
Bob asking for 'Cruise Donations', and his attraction to, and use of, Pyramid Schemes
Pleasure without conscience
Bob's sick satisfaction, and glee, to see someone 'get what's coming to them', e.g., instigating violence, harrassment, and vandalism against others
Knowledge without character
Bob using any information available to discredit or disgrace others
Commerce without morality
Bob attempting to sell, illegally, odometer tampering device
Science without humanity
Bob pointing out minor faults of others as if he is perfection personified
Worship without sacrifice
Bob's failure to acknowledge a higher being, yet citing laws of morality, civility, and religion, that he fails to abide by himself

Talk about nailing someone down precisely and accurately....
It's almost as if the ones who made these lists had Bob Freeman in mind!

Mercman said...


*Avarice/Greed - Generosity