Thursday, July 28, 2011

Top Ten Lies From Bob Freeman

10. "He (the police officer) agreed that crap on (Dude's) website was bringing about my posting of the information I have posted and that the best solution for her would be to get her husband to stop his nonsense."

9. "I told him (the police officer) I can't even post on your husbands crappy website. I haven't been able to for months."

8. "I stated earlier that I have people in my family with drug issues and I wouldn't comment on a son having a drug issue. No parent can stop that in this day and age."

7. "We reach a lot of readers. We try to post what they might find interesting."

6. "There are so many people that read about this here daily, and that number keeps growing. If you want to get the word out to those that matter, this is the place."

5. "I do NOT Own" "It isn't my website"

4. "We protect the privacy of those who post here."

3. "I broke no laws with the odometer deal."

2. "I thought his name was Opie."

1. "I don't lie."


Dude said...

My translation of Bob's latest rant:

Dude and his commenters forced me to post a picture of a child and then insult him. They also forced me to go on a racist tirade. Then they forced me to lie about both incidents to cover my butt.

Dude said...

Kudos to Bob:

He actually wrote an article about the fire department without attacking anyone!

Anonymous said...

I think Bob makes a new top 10 lies by Bob Freeman each morning at breakfast. Its the liars version of the army commercials. "bob Freeman lies more before 6 am than most people do in an entire day."

Ricky Berkey said...

What is so startling to me is how Bob so viciously counter-attacks even the slightest criticism of him and Columbuzz. Also truly startling is why he has such devoted supporters. What the heck is motivating Jeremy/Nathan and the "Bob-o-Bots"? My isolated circle of friends tell me to just leave it alone and stay out of the line of fire. They all just think he's a nutcase. They are of course correct but it's all so fascinating. I keep thinking he's going to self-destruct but he just keeps rolling along. Hats off to you Bob, you are truly one of a kind.

Anonymous said...

"He actually wrote an article about the fire department without attacking anyone!"

Maybe his wife slipped his prescribed medication (that he never takes on his own) into his morning coffee to achieve some sanity in her life.

Dude said...

"My isolated circle of friends tell me to just leave it alone and stay out of the line of fire."

That's what people have told me also. But if there's one thing I can't stand, it's an internet bully. I will not let him bully/intimidate me to shut down my blog. That would send Bob the wrong message, that he can bully critics into submission.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute!!!!!! I haven't been paying as much attention as I should the last couple of days.

That "picture" of Chris Chambers, where Bob said Chris should act better, is NOT Chris Chambers! Bob lied again. I knew Chris long ago and haven't seen him in years. I assumed it was Chris.

Bob even admitted it's not Chris when he was called out. (of course he waited until he was called out). This may all be old news, forgive me.

I could post a picture of a steaming pile of manure and call it Bob Freeman. It would be more accurate.

By the way, Papa John's is getting a call tomorrow. They may not care locally, but they will care nationally when sent screen shots of columbuzz.

Anonymous said...


"Thgen(sic) they responded with more of the typical crap that you allow them to post on your website. (f'ing retard comes to mind)"

Didn't Bob once say, on this blog, that he would never, ever use the word 'retard', because it was demeaning to the truly mentally challenged?

Another of his MANY LIES?

Anonymous said...

To add to my last post. As we all know, the best way to hurt columbuzz is to show others what columbuzz actually does.

Bob, I don't tell people about your crap site. I show them.

Ricky Berkey said...

I'm quite sure Bob has already checked me out but I'm no relative or even a supporter of the Barkes family or anyone at that Fire Station that he attacks so often. I'm foolish to use my real name but I've always stood by my online comments. Bob is a cyber-bully and he has demonstrated it over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Cyber-bully is right. In real life I saw him confronted. He wilted like a school girl. He bowed his head to a woman 20 years his senior (as someone should when caught in a lie)

Mercman said...

Bob Freeman the BIG FAT LIAR said on January 24, 2011 5:18 PM ...

"You sort of shook me up yesterday when I read that about the 'idiot' and 'retard' thing here.
I considered 'idiot' as an insult name. Like dickhead or butthole.
I truly did not know it was a term for a real mental defeciency. It bothers me that I didn't know that.
I have a few friends with kids with mental retardation and retard is an easy word for me to not use."


"It bothers me when I see someone mistreated for something they have no control over. Be it their color, physical defects, or mental defeciencies.
I am as guilty of that mistreatment by using 'idiot' as I would have been by using 'retard.'
So I will stop."


"I will also stop some of the attacks that are more personal than professional."


"I also agree that I do need to do more checking on stories that we hear before posting them.
They still need to be posted, but I agree that they need more research and more chance for the other side to respond BEFORE we publish.
I'm so sick of us fighting. Even with Merc. And he has heard a lot of this before. But it's true."


"I will do better.
And I will work harder to show and prove the facts."


Dude said...

One think I forgot to mention. When the police officer got off the phone with Bob, he said Bob blamed Jeremy for everything. Bob takes no responsibility for his actions. He justifies everything he does. If he lies, it's not really lying to him since someone forced him into lying. I can't believe he's trying to convince his readers that he actually thought my son's name was Opie and that his comment from Wednesday was not racist. I realize that the bots aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but give me a break. Just more evidence that Bob is their cult leader.

Anonymous said...

"Bob takes no responsibility for his actions. He justifies everything he does."

The 100% truth in nutshell...pun intended.

Dude said...

"Thgen(sic) they responded with more of the typical crap that you allow them to post on your website. (f'ing retard comes to mind)"

Bob is such a hypocrite. Just read some of Bob's old comments on here and you'll see he uses every four letter word in the book.

Anonymous said...

Bob thinks that people are dumb. He probably thinks that people don't notice when he changes comments.

Bob, you have no accountability and everyone knows it.

Dude said...

"Bob thinks that people are dumb."

And he tells the voters exactly that every time he loses an election.

Nunya said...


Politician - loses every election
Detective - has never solved a case
Homeless Shelter Manager - failed
IP Tracker - oblivious
Journalist - no credibility
Reporter - doesn't understand 'fact'
Concrete Tester - ?

Yard Man - seems to be able to operate a lawn mower...


Anonymous said...

"I truly did not know it was a term for a real mental DEFECIENCY.
It bothers me when I see someone mistreated for something they have no control over. Be it their color, physical defects, or mental DEFECIENCIES."

Hey, Bob......
It's spelled D-E-F-I-C-I-E-N-C-Y.

You know, the thing that you are afflicted with.

Anonymous said...

Bob is now posting entire text conversations between other people? need to get a life.

How white-trash and pathetic can one get?

Maybe someday, in the distant future, after you hone your skills, a high school will ask you to be a cub reporter.

Nevermind. I forgot that you said you avoid being around minors.

We are sick of Bob said...

Idiot, Jerk, Dimwit, Goober, Clown, Crook are words routinely used by Genius Bob in his Posted Articles and Comments.

Obviously, he must be looking in a mirror when composing these articles or comments.

Mr. Armstrong said...

Bob Freeman is really making the town of Columbus look bad.

He should go back where he came from and leave OUR town alone!

Hear that Bob?


Bob is a Bozo said...

Anyone notice this "ALTERED" Chambers Photograhpy Banner that likely head Buzzard Bob placed on the Columbuzzard website, yesterday for a bit and as well early this AM ?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that on there a couple of days ago. Can't Chris Chambers do something about that?

Anonymous said...

"Can't Chris Chambers do something about that?"

He could go to Lilac Ct. and beat the living crap outta Bob Freeman.

That's what I would do if Bob pulled that shit on me.

Someone WILL do that eventually.
It's bound to happen at the rate Bob is going.

He has stepped over the line too many times and is just asking for an ass-kicking...or worse.

Someone may end up going to jail for what they might do to Bob Freeman, but they will get sympathy from MANY of Bob's victims.

If they plead innocent to the charges, I'm sure the judge would understand and drop the case.

Dude said...

"Someone may end up going to jail for what they might do to Bob Freeman"

I hope this doesn't happen. Bob is not worth risking any jail time.

Anonymous said...


"We (I, Bob Freeman) felt that law enforcement might want to see proof of the threats, so we had the person sending them to us be sure to save them on their phone.

...I felt the childish and threatening responses should be posted.

If I was deciding on a church to start attending, this is information I would like to have.

And we (I, Bob Freeman) were careful to point out that a text comes from a specific phone, but it doesn't necessarily prove WHO made the text.
We (I, Bob Freeman) can assume, but that gets people in trouble.

What person, parent, or minister reacts like this when told their child is doing ANYTHING?"

What would BOB FREEMAN know about being a parent or a minister?

"What caring adult or minister gets this defensive and starts threatening the person telling the story?
Few parents would act like this. I think most would say 'so what?'"

Again, what would BOB FREEMAN know about being a caring adult, parent or a minister?

"Think about it."

Thnk about this, BOB FREEMAN...get your OWN life, and quit living vicariously through others.

BOB FREEMAN should be on medication.

Dude said...

Jared wrote on columbuzz:
"Because he blames everything that is happening to him on other people. He cannot blame himself. It is impossible for a narcissist to assume responsibility for their own actions."

Is he talking about Bob?

Dude said...

Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"So, notice to all you crooked bastards: Clean it up or keep it hidden. Otherwise, we're gonna tell on you. LOL"

So when is Bob going to tell on himself?

Anonymous said...

Meth, rape, boys, toys, bars, liquor stores...

The Miracle boys are NOT playing. Bob is messing with fire. This is not a threat, simply a realization of what is happening on Columbuzzzzzz.

Dude said...

Jared wrote on columbuzz:
"That's what narcissist do they are so in love with themselves they cannot accept blame for their actions."

Again, sounds like Bob.