Sunday, July 31, 2011

Top Ten Lies From "Jeremy Kirtz"

10. "Mr. Freeman never attacked a child and this information if told to you was false, Mr. Freeman hasn't said or posted anything in a context which a child was being libeled, attacked, insulted, etc."

9. "we posted your information because people need to know who you are and what you do, the things you say etc."

8. "If you wasn't aware, Bob hasn't posted on here for over 3 months."

7. "I didn't threaten her!"

6. "I have checked, nothing about claiming you are Chris, where was this posted claiming you're Chris. Chris contacted us to advertise for him so we are obliged to do so."

5. "Maybe he did request it when he called our advertisers. I am sure that is where the confusion is..."

4. "Sorry we have been working on issues with Mozilla's Browser we've encountered, please be patient with us while we correct the issue."

3. "no money is earned with "Google Ads" shown on our site."

2. "we have no intensions of blocking anyone"

1. "We allow anything on Columbuzz... Got a story share it on Columbuzz."


Mercman said...


"I still say we should pool money together and hire a PI to do some dirt digging."
Why do that when you have Detective Freeman?

"Some real hard undeniable evidence that can be posted."
It doesn't have to be real, or hard for Columbuzzed to post it.

"And why on earth would they cut my cable or vandalize my car?"
Really. Everyone loves Bob, don't they?

"These aren't my stories.
I didn't write the stuff, and I didn't act in such a way that ex-friends want to write this garbage about me."

Lies and denial...the theme continues.

"I don't make this stuff up."
Bob actually thought Dudes son was named Opie?
Bob is so very smart and astute.

"I would suggest that if he doesn't like the truth that is coming out that maybe he change the truth."
Columbuzzed will be giving lessons on how this is done. Bob Freeman will be the Instructor.

"A friend asked me the other night, why do I bother with it?
What do I care?
Just let it go."

Bob should listen to his friends.
Especially since he has very few, and some of the few are now 'ex-friends'.

BOB FREEMAN 08:24:50
"These aren't my stories.
I didn't write the stuff..."

BOB FREEMAN 09:14:42
"We have preachers, right here in Columbus, that lock doors during services, have ushers that carry guns, misuse church money, screw members of the congregation, cheat on their wives, threaten people with bodily injury, break the hunting laws, and on and on and on...."

"My wife has me and two sons that won't hesitate to show what we think about assholes bothering her car...."
Here's a thought, stupid idiot.
Maybe you shouldn't behave in such a way to cause people to want to do harm to, or vandalize, you or your wife's property.
YOUR ACTIONS have made your wife a potential victim.
Think about it.

Anonymous said...

BOB FREEMAN SAYS - "We currently have a staff of 18 people."

18 = Bob Freeman + Nathan Wiley + 16 aliases used by both of them.

18, yeah right. LOL

Anonymous said...

From Bob Freeman:
"My wife has me and two sons that won't hesitate to show what we think about assholes bothering her car...."

If Bob's wife, Kathy Freeman, and her sons, Eric and Josh Parker, share Bob's opinion on 'assholes', and are so willing to 'show' what they think, then why don't we ever see their participation or support on BOB'S WEBSITE?

I'm pretty sure Bob leads an almost separate life from these people he calls family.

Anonymous said...

Well, he IS a raving lunatic. I wouldn't want people to know I was associated with him either.

Poor folks. It must be embarrassing for them at times.


Bob Freeman on 31 July, 2011 06:12:45

. But I do care when a so-called preacher threatens people like this clown does.

wow Bobby boy.. kind of sounds like you huh..

Be carefull Tim and Jim are 2 ole boys you dont want to mess with...........
cant wait to see what they have in mind for your fatass...................


Dude said...

More hypocrisy from Bob:
"But I do care when a so-called preacher threatens people like this clown does."

Anonymous said...

Whenever Bob claims he 'cares', there is ALWAYS an ulterior motive.

Bob doesn't care.
He only wants to stir and attract attention to himself.
He has a sick desire for validation that is not validation at all, but degradation.

Eric, Josh, Kathy...please seek counseling for Bob, and convince him to accept the help.

Gladys Kravitz said...

Someone aboard Bob's dilapidated gossip wagon said, "It is quite simple to find out who was in the liquor store and van, I am quite sure there is video for security at the business inside and out."

All Bob has to do is show the liquor store owner his Cap'n Crunch Junior Detective Badge, and I'm sure they'll turn the tape over to him.

Then we will get to the bottom of who was in the liquor store!
Because, by Golly, the people of Columbus want to know such things!

Dude said...

"Eric, Josh, Kathy...please seek counseling for Bob, and convince him to accept the help."

They should check out this website:


Looks like there's a support group in Bloomington:

DBSA Bloomington

Anonymous said...

RE: Looks like there's a support group in Bloomington:

DBSA Bloomington

The meetings are in a church.
Doubtful Bob would enter such a building, and if so....

....he would probably instantly incinerate upon crossing the threshhold.

Anonymous said...

I have been following this blog for a long time and can't just sit back and read Bob's comments here and on Columbuzz without posting my opinion. In reading Bob's comments, it is my opinion, as a DBSA facilitator, that Bob does indeed need a mental mood disorder support group. Just my opinion...

Anonymous said...

Nathan Wiley uses the name, "Jeremy Kirtz" as an alias. I'm surprised that no one has figured this out yet. Check into it. Nathan is behind the columbuzz website and is trying to hide behind this ridiculous name.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Nathan Wiley was also Bob Freeman's campaign manager when he ran for Columbus Township Trustee. Isn't this correct? It's now apparent that this Nathan Wiley character is behind it all.