Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bob is Whining Again


Bob wrote on columbuzz:

"And I'm the One being Sued?"

Yes you are, for libel.

"I'm the One Attacking People?"

Yes, I believe you did.

"This is from a website set up simply to tear down what we do here on Columbuzz.net. They accuse me of enciting violence."

If Bob is implying that the picture is from my website, then he's lying AGAIN.  And the last time I checked, the picture has been removed from the "Bob Freeman King of the World" website.  Plus, you'll never convince me that this isn't INCITING violence: http://columbus1.ath.cx/index.php?news=4770


Anonymous said...

It's just really getting under Bob's skin that he's getting called out for what he's said.

Bob, whatever some person did on the internet with your picture doesn't change the fact that you promoted violence against a woman and wrote many false libelous claims.

Anonymous said...

Quote from Bob Freeman on Columbuzz:

"I do know we don't need this sort of insane attitude in the White House.
It was out of line, and wrong in so many ways.
The statement was wrong for an adult, for a minister, and for someone running for the office of President.
I'm glad we learned about this part of his personality before he had a chance to win the election."

What's that saying? IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE