Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bob Loves Fred


Bob is sucking up to the mayor again.  Big surprise.


Phil Swaim said...

I don't mind Bob saying there things that Fred has done, promoted, or helped to happen that are good. Indeed there are many things over the pst 16 years that he has had a hand in making happen that has made Columbus great,

but when he basically says that Fred has done nothing wrong and anyone who says he has done anything wrong doesn't know what they are talking about, then he is starry eyed.

columbus is strong, but we cannot over look the things that need to be improved just because many good things have happened. That's a rosy vision, not a 20/20 vision.

Brian said...

Wow, I agree with Phil again. I think the State of the City is strong but to keep it strong we need a 20/20 vision. Certainly mistakes have been made, politicians are people and people are human. I hope, sincerely, that those elected can continue to build Columbus into an even stronger community and believe they will.

Dude said...

"but when he basically says that Fred has done nothing wrong and anyone who says he has done anything wrong doesn't know what they are talking about, then he is starry eyed."

Now Phil, since Fred A. is a Democrat, he can do no wrong (according to Bob).

Dude said...

Oh, and Phil, you really need to stop confusing Bob with facts when you comment on Columbuzz, since Bob hardly ever bases his "opinions" on facts.

Phil Swaim said...

Hahaha. Sorry that I have a fact based nature when i journalize.

Hey Brian, we probably agree on more things than we might think we do. I want to see a Mayor keep the good things going and improve where certain people have failed or have been lacking, but the mayor, and the council, must be open to people addressing concerns with decisions and projects. The current one really doesn't want that. Those people are automatically labeled naysayers and then the Mayor goes on about how the naysayers want to stop everything, job creation, education, industry, safety, development.

i have yet to see that naysayer, and let me be the first one to say how wrong that naysayer is for Columbus!

Brian said...

Phil, I agree again, we are closer. I am just tired of hearing the ad-nauseum rants by those who want to throw this administration under the bus for the sake of an election. That being said, I hope those elected can do an even better job.

Jeff said...

Bob Freeman said to Phil Swaim, "Where's your proof? Isn't that what your butthole buddies at the other site always harp about?"

Why is Bob so obsessed with that particular part of the human anatomy?

There is something wrong him.

Brian said...

Bob Freeman is clearly a BIG part of what's wrong in Columbus. He will never be part of the solution to anything. His putting pictures of an "asshole" on his web-site speaks volumes about him, his demeanor, attitude, cultural upbringing and morality. Bob is the town joke and Columbuzzzzzzzzzz is the town rag. I don't know anyone who takes it seriously and therein lies the problem with Bob. No one takes him seriously.