Saturday, April 30, 2011

Democratic Days of our Lives

Quotes from Lucy on columbuzz about Chris Rutan:

"Repsect and civility are two words, that are NOT in (his) vocabulary"

"They (Democratic Central Committee) can't afford to have him shame the party as he has..."

"This candidate brought on all the unfairness to himself. The other candidate is very gracious, a word not familiar with this candidate."

"He thinks he's above any rules that pertain to him. The CC doesn't need people of his kind. Maybe if he could have kept his mouth shut, he would have been able to speak at functions, but can the Central Committee afford to take the chance of how this individual might further embarrass the Democratic Party? I think not. Especially when there are better qualifed people running against him."

Is Lucy talking about Chris Rutan or Bob with these statements?  Sounds to me like they apply equally to Bob.

I will have to say, the Democratic Party soap opera with Lucy and the Central Committee vs. Rutan playing out on columbuzz is quite entertaining.  To me, with the current Central Committee, it's like the blind leading the blind.


Anonymous said...

Dude! Do you not see how you're just a childish bully? Nobody of any importance will openly comment on this blog because they know it's ignorant. Have you not noticed that the vast majority of your comments are from "anonymous" people? At least on Columbuzz, those making factual statements generally don't hide behind a fake name like yourself and your couple of friends. At least when Bob makes a statement, he uses his name. So does Chris Rutan. So does Judy Jackson. So does Jason Vest. Etc, etc.

Why can you not see that you lose all credibility hiding behind fake names? If what you're saying is true, take ownership of it! Stop hiding!

You're nothing more than a bunch of cowardly bullies.

I'll join the crowd of cowards by not signing my statement. It's the mob mentality. Act as those around you are acting.


Anonymous said...

There's you Jamie Johns supporter again. Prediction: DEMS WILL LOSE AGAIN IN COLUMBUS AND LOSE BIG!

Dude said...

"Dude! Do you not see how you're just a childish bully?"

Wow, someone's got his panties in a bunch.

"Nobody of any importance will openly comment on this blog because they know it's ignorant."

So I guess you're unimportant?

"Have you not noticed that the vast majority of your comments are from "anonymous" people?"

Just like you.

"At least on Columbuzz, those making factual statements generally don't hide behind a fake name like yourself and your couple of friends. At least when Bob makes a statement, he uses his name. So does Chris Rutan. So does Judy Jackson. So does Jason Vest. Etc, etc."

Writes Mr. Anonymous.

"Why can you not see that you lose all credibility hiding behind fake names? If what you're saying is true, take ownership of it! Stop hiding!"

Bob would love that, wouldn't he? Sorry, after reading Bob's threats and those of his friends, I think I'll remain anonymous for now. Are you sure you're not a bot in disguise?

"You're nothing more than a bunch of cowardly bullies."


"I'll join the crowd of cowards by not signing my statement. It's the mob mentality. Act as those around you are acting. COWARDS!"

Use whatever excuse you like. You're still calling yourself a coward.

Don't Call Me Bob said...

Only an attention seeking fool would post their real name on an Internet blogging type site, such as those individuals referenced by Lecturer Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

OK, lets throw the Jamie, Jason, Bob, Chris gay thing out the window...forget about it...never-mind...consider it gone.

Why the ad-nauseum defense of Jamie Johns, the Democratic County Chairman, and evidence on Columbuzz of a more than cozy relationship with Bob Freeman? Hmmmmm? If you are so concerned with Jamie Johns worthwhile virtues, it seems incumbent upon me that you get your rolodex out and call him and ask him about his RELATIONSHIP with Bob Freeman.

I will suggest the following are "possible":

1.) Bob Freeman is a mouth-piece, albeit subversive, FOR Jamie Johns.

2.) Jamie Johns is afraid of Bob Freeman.

3.) Jamie Johns is trying to mitigate more damage to the Democrat party by being nice to Bob Freeman but in reality wishes Bob would move back to California.

Any of these are plausible and I have been told that Jamie talks out both sides of his mouth. I would suggest that ANONYMOUS call up his or her pal Jamie and get some answers!

Anonymous said...

How many people actually post on Columbuzz? Only a handful. It's already been proven how much traffic this blog gets.

Gertrude said...

I am thinking about starting a new blog because, to be honest, Jamie Johns as Democrat County Chairman is every bit as entertaining as Bob Freeman as Editor In Chief, Trustee Candidate, Candidate for [fill in the blank], Town Idiot!

Jamie Johns is mean and has more dirt than than anyone could EVER imagine. I still find it unreal that he is the County Chairman. Somewhere someone said people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones to which I would add or become the County Chairman. Anytime your ready anonymous, bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Jamie is demo chair just because no one else wanted the position and the work it takes to do it right. If we think the Demo's have problems now, just wait a while.

Anonymous said...

Jamie Johns will crash and burn as Dem Chairman just like Operation Life in Clark, Martin, Johnson, Floyd......

Anonymous said...

Actually there were 3 contenders for Democrat Chair and Jamie was elected.

Dude said...

To Anonymous May 2, 2011 1:19 PM:

Can you answer the question about Jaime's relationship with Bob or will answering that question be embarrassing to Jamie? As Bob would write, we just want the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

The first post sounds like typical Lucy style to me. Angry sarcasm dripping from every word…..

Hey Lucy, the reason most people do not use their real names on this blog is because we have seen what Bob and even yourself have done to people who do. Want to talk about bullies? It appears you need to do some soul searching as you can be one of the most offensive writers on that site, attacking others b/c they feel differently than you. Of course you usually throw in your sarcasm and LOLs like that will make everything ok but as most adults with sense know, it doesn’t.

By the way, I love the line” those making factual statements generally don't hide behind a fake name like yourself and your couple of friends”. Factual statements? There are very few of those coming from Columbuzz, mainly opinions shared between the few commentators on there with negative intent meant.


Secret Santa said...

I have seen firsthand how Lucy loses it, flips out and turns on those with whom she has been friends. I won't even name names, but it has happened time and time again on the different boards. Sometimes it was jumping from one board to another while blasting the preceding board and its members, other times it is going back to someone with whom she has had a falling out with after she has a falling out with the current person.

Bob has been one with whom she has had falling outs. It is quite possible it will happen again although Bob has had his lips perched firmly on her derriere. However, word has it that her open thread was gone, so perhaps it will happen again. I suppose there aren't a lot of places to which she can go other than there, but when she gets in moods such as she has in the past, she doesn't think straight. Who knows, she might end up here one day if she ever wises up to the defecation spewed over there. I figure it is only a matter of time before someone over there sets her off and she moves on the greener pastures.

Anonymous said...


Jamie and Jason's "relationship" with Bob is they are simply his friend. Bob has pissed both of them off at times but he's been a friend to both of them for a long while now.

Anonymous by Neccessity said...

Kudos to "E" in the above remark. I tried to post something similar on Sunday when the site was having issues.

Apparently the author of the first comment on ths section has either a poor memory or a very selective one. Allow me to refresh said memory.

It has been mentioned a few times on this site why people do not sign their names. Bob Freeman threatens and attacks anyone he dislikes.

Bob Freeman has called the Columbus Township Trustee a crook without proof. He accused the trustee of being at fault for the death of a homeless man. He attacked one of the trustee's sons because he was arrested 2-3 years ago. Bob Freeman has called the trustee's wife a cunt and suggested someone should harm her physically.

Bob Freeman has called called the employees of the trustee's office "bitches" and said they were incompetent.

Bob Freeman has maliciously attacked fire department members and the chief on numerous occasions. Bob Freeman has repeatedly passed rumors (without a shred of proof) that the chief's wife sent someone nude photos. Bob has promised to publish those photos if he ever gets his hands on them (of course he hasn't....more unfounded attacks?)

Bob Freeman has posted the names and addresses of at least 2 people he thought might be the infamous mercman. He suggested people disturb their peace. (tell me, if Bob only posts the truth and only posts that which he can prove, why post 2 different names?) Logic dictates he wrongly attacked at least one of them.

Bob Freeman has threatened to find "dirty secrets" about all who oppose him and publish those. Bob's track record shows he is not above making up lies and passing them as truth.

Bob Freeman has tried to pay hundreds of dollars to someone he doesn't know for dirt on someone he dislikes. When it turned out it was a hoax, Bob Freeman still posted the innuendo that a man married over 40 years was cheating on his wife. Bob doesn't care about the truth as long as he can start a viscious rumor.

One of Bob Freeman's supporters has, on this blog, threatened gun violence against anyone who confronts him.

These people have families. I have family. My family doesn't deserve to be attacked by an idiot with a website because I think he is a menace to society and have said so. My family doesn't need to be the victims of gun violence because I used my name or personally told Bob what I think of him. That is why I do not use my name.

It is well known Bob is being sued for the lies he has posted. Bob has been threatening to counter-sue for months. It is not going to happen because 1) Bob is lying about the counter-suit and 2) he is the last person who wants the real truth out there.

Also, you call us cowards for not signing our names. You say people on columbuzz do. Well, ok Lucy, Misty, Change, and (my favorite) Jimmer Jones. Way to put yourselves out there.

Dude said...

"Jamie and Jason's "relationship" with Bob is they are simply his friend. Bob has pissed both of them off at times but he's been a friend to both of them for a long while now."

OK, but that only answers one question. How about:

Why are Jamie and Jason friends with someone as nasty as Bob?

Did Jamie approve of Bob's campaign tactics?

Is Bob a (big) mouth-piece, albeit subversive, for Jamie?

Anonymous said...

I guarantee Columbuzz would not have allowed anything critical of Chris Rutan when he was acting as Bob's de facto campaign manager, running for the trustee advisory board, and posting articles on columbuzz. You can't tell me he is any different as a person now than 6 months ago.

The only difference is Bob doesn't need him right now. Ladies and gentlemen, the true Bob Freeman!

Anonymous said...

Chris Rutan got bitch slapped today. Way to go BOB! Proof again that affiliation with Bob is political death! By the way, the GOP out-polled Jamie Johns Democrats by a comfortable margin. What an incredible waste of time.

Anonymous said...

DUDE SAID - "Is Bob a (big) mouth-piece, albeit subversive, for Jamie?"

I have known of Jamie Johns for a long time. Jamie has always been a trouble-maker who is unelectable in his own right. He is very much like Bob Freeman. He is a wannabe. He ran for Coroner and got beat...bad. He was Trustee in Columbus Township (because the Trustee who was in office died) and when he had to run on his own got beat BAD. People in Columbus do not like Jamie Johns making him like Bob Freeman.

Jason Vest is Jamie's mouth-piece but is smarter than Jamie when it comes to people skills which is why he is not universally loathed. Jason, however, is as unelectable as Jamie because of his affiliation with STAT.

Chris Rutan was a Bob-picked candidate for City Council but the people of Columbus are not stupid and can smell Bob Freeman from considerable distance.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I don't agree with what you say about Jason Vest and Stat. Jamie may have a bad history or be disliked by some, but what has Jason done? I have dealt with Jason on many occasions, both with Stat and politically, and he is a very nice man. Stat has been nothing but caring and professional with my father. I just don't get the connection here. I'm not sure why all of you group them together, even if you have a problem with one of them. If you have a problem with Jamie, that's separate from Jason or Stat. They are all 3 separate things. It's just ignorant to think you have to group all 3 together.

I'm not saying Jamie is bad. I just don't really know him. I do know Jason and I think he's a great guy. I also know Stat, from using their ambulance for my father, and they were wonderful.

Have any of you actually had a bad experience with Jason? Have you had a personal experience with Stat? If not, why assume they're bad?

I get it with Bob Freeman, but once again, he isn't part of Stat or Jamie or Jason. From what I've read on here, they are only friends. Sometimes, our friends don't act like we'd want them to.

Dude said...

"Sometimes, our friends don't act like we'd want them to."

True, but if Bob was a friend of mine and I saw what he posted on columbuzz and here, he would no longer be a friend. I could not be friends with someone that nasty and hateful.

Anonymous said...

There is a reason Jason is the "face" of STAT Ambulance. It's because Jamie ruined the business when it was Operation Life. Jamie is universally loathed in the EMS community throughout Southern Indiana. This is a FACT. Bankruptcy, bounced checks, not paying their bills, violating EMS regulations were COMMON PLACE when Jamie was at the helm. I know. My husband worked for Operation Life.

Jason may be a 'part' owner or whatever title has been bestowed. He is not a bad person, nowhere, anywhere has anyone suggested he is anything else HOWEVER he is allied with Jamie Johns who giggled like a school girl with Bob Freeman. That automatically raises questions and if it doesn't, I suggest your revisionist views of the ambulance service at 1704 Central Avenue are rose colored and not based in reality.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It looks as though Nikki has reared her fat, ugly head again. You are stuck in a timewarp! Get over the past. Operation Life had their troubles. That's history. Stat doesn't have a history of bankruptcy or EMS violations. Contact the EMS Commission. FACT! I worked for them for 4 years and I know how the business is ran. Jamie and Jason are both incredibly strict with customer satisfaction. Patient care is top priority.

I could care less who they have befriended. I don't know much about Bob Freeman other than what I've read. I do know that Jamie and Jason shouldn't be held responsible for Bob's actions simply because they are friends. Many people on this blog have said incredibly unkind and untrue statements about the two of them. The difference is they have hidden behind an anonymous title. Otherwise, would you end your friendship with them if you knew them?

The FACT is that so far, none of the comments on here have stated actual "facts" about Stat, Jamie or Jason. It's all a bunch of opinionated bullshit based on rumors and innuendo.

So, Nikki, and the rest of you, get it right. Call Jamie or Jason and do your research. I'm sure that either of them would take your call and answer any questions you have about their business. I know you want to hide behind your anonymous names to spew lies but even if you call you don't have to say who you really are.

Otherwise, STFU! You're just stupid!

PS... Nikki... tell Joe that JS says hello.

Dude said...

"I do know that Jamie and Jason shouldn't be held responsible for Bob's actions simply because they are friends."

No one is saying they should be held responsible for Bob's actions. But as part of the Democratic leadership, they should speak out against Bob's campaign tactics, assuming they disagreed with his tactics.

"Many people on this blog have said incredibly unkind and untrue statements about the two of them. The difference is they have hidden behind an anonymous title. Otherwise, would you end your friendship with them if you knew them?"

It would depend on what they wrote, but I might. Have you read Bob's comments from Dec. 5? They are disturbing. If one of my friends wrote what he wrote, they would be unfriended immediately.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Stat lover, tell JJ, JV, CH and the rest MG says hello. Has Jamie talked to Mark Ball lately????

Anonymous said...

'It's all a bunch of opinionated bullshit based on rumors and innuendo.' ~~

Like Columbuzz which brings us full circle. Jamie Johns and Jason Vest yucking it up with Bob Freeman. Hello???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tell Jamie that DR is still around and KNOWS the truth!

Anonymous said...

"The FACT is that so far, none of the comments on here have stated actual "facts" about Stat, Jamie or Jason. It's all a bunch of opinionated bullshit based on rumors and innuendo."

Regardless of what you say on here or The Republic's website, the bottom line is you can't change the minds of people that experienced these things firsthand. You, nor anyone else, can not convince me that I (and many others) have seen their ambulances run lights & siren at inappropriate times. We've seen it with our own eyes. Deny it until you're blue in the face if that makes you feel like you're accomplishing something.

AG said...

There are plenty, (READ A LOT), of ex-Operation Life, ex-STAT employees and confidants who will back up most of what's been said. This one person who has a blind allegiance to Jamie Johns is either in love with him or just some idiot who really doesn't know any better.

EX-employees don't go away, we are still around, tucked away here and there watching and witnessing. Say what you want about Jamie but the truth is the truth. His own sister was the Deputy Mayor and the city STILL refused to contract with STAT. Sing their praises all you want by the truth is NASTY.

Julie said...

"It looks as though Nikki has reared her fat, ugly head again."


Anonymous said...

Don't get me started on Jamie Johns. He used to run red lights and siren for his own pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Dishing the dirt on Jamie Johns! PRICELESS!!!!!!

DH (former Operation Life now living out of state)

J said...

The FACT is that so far, none of the comments on here have stated actual "facts" about Stat, Jamie or Jason. It's all a bunch of opinionated bullshit based on rumors and innuendo.


Anonymous said...

Lol... FATSO! I haven't heard that word used since elementary school. Ya gotta love these bloggers.

Tell MF that JB, MA, KK, LBJ, DT and SQ said hello and that PP, JL, TO are meeting up at BWW if they wanna come. LW and CR won't be there. BTW, WH was ROTFLHIAO when he heard that JS was pregnant. Can you believe what MG did? Crazy!


Does any of this make sense?

Anonymous said...

It's a riddle for Jamie Johns...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a 'Stat' fight!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like some of the children that have been posting on here lately.