Tuesday, April 26, 2011

King of the Gullibles


Bob wrote on columbuzz:
"Sadly, the congregation will probably grow again and we will have a whole new group of gullible to worry about."

Bob criticizing others for being gullible?  Priceless.  Hey Bob, did you know that gullible is the only word that's not in the dictionary?  Look it up.

"We're told there is a church across town that is almost identical in nature.  Open your eyes.  Use your brain.  See what is actually going on around you, before it's too late."

I think Bob is talking to his bots here.  He should really take his own advice.  He still believes everything he's told.


Anonymous said...

I understand this other church Bob is talking about tithes in an interesting fashion. They get paypal accounts and leave their tithe in Walmart behind the Metamucil.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Bob is about the last person who should be calling people gullible. He has fallen for practically every get rich quick scheme he has heard about, fell for Merman's trick about buying the info, and believes everything he hears (as long as it is something bad about a church, Republican or someone he doesn't like.)Other than his friends, relatives or Democrats, if someone is said to do something wrong, he buys it, no need to investigate or try to verify.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

While we are on the subject of Columbutts, who does Bob think he is fooling with not naming the churches in his article? First of all, he already mentioned the rumors about what's his name, in the Milestone post. Maybe his lawyer gave him some tips on not naming specific names in articles he hasn't verified. That would mean Bob listened though.
I assume that the second church he is alluding to might be the one on the West side of town that was started by some ex members, but I don't know that.

Also, on that previous post, he talked about malicious emails sent to advertisers. Malicious? Give me a break. If he wants to see malicious, he should look at some of his posts here or many of the articles and comments there. I guess things aren't malicious unless they say anything negative about him. Saying an opinion about Columbuzz and its tactics does not malicious make.

Dude said...

"Also, on that previous post, he talked about malicious emails sent to advertisers. Malicious? Give me a break. If he wants to see malicious, he should look at some of his posts here or many of the articles and comments there. I guess things aren't malicious unless they say anything negative about him."

Just more proof that Bob can dish it out, but can't take it.