Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Something Bob Cannot Spin

I asked Bob to provide an explanation of why he would even attempt to sell a device whose sole purpose was to defraud.  If it were someone else, say a public official (except the mayor, of course), Bob would rant for days on columbuzz about it.  He would probably say something like "This idiot tried to sell a device whose only purpose was to defraud, and yet he's a public official?  He should be removed from office immediately and prosecuted for his shenanigans."

But Bob has no spin for this one.  It's not only illegal, it's immoral.  Bob was once a Boy Scout leader.  Is this something a Boy Scout leader should do?  Is this being trustworthy?


Brian said...

This point is right on target. Deny this Bob! You can't! You knew damn well this was fraud when you started in this shady business. This makes you a LIAR time and time again. A fraud and a liar!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the real world Brian.

Bob at his best said...

More insight from the whistle-blower himself:

"Why don't you meet me and my stepsons and you tell them you think I'm a child molester. I would enjoy watching you get the fuck beat out of you."

I have a better idea Bob, why don't you grab your own whistle and blow those 2 morons yourself? Or is that why your wife originally divorced you in California in the first place? Were they part of your scout pack Bob?

Or was she one of the people your brother stole from in his pyramid scheme?

Come on tough guy. I know you say you want to get at the truth, so let's do exactly that.

Mercman cringed and said...

Bob only became a Boy Scout Leader to get a piece of paper to hang on his "Memorial to Myself" wall.

Would you want Bob Freeman being any type of leader, teacher, example, or custodian of your child?

I cringe at the thought.

Me again said...

Bob Freeman as a Scout Leader:
"Gather 'round the campfire kids, and I'll teach you how to turn a malicious, spiteful lie into nothing more than a little mistake."

"After that, we'll have Bob's Hobby Hour, where I'll help you make these little toys that make the mile numbers on your car stop rolling over."

"Then before we finish up, I'll quiz you all on the vulgar, nasty, cuss words I asked you to memorize yesterday."

"And Billy....I want you to stay after the other boys leave. I need to show you the proper way to tuck your shirt into your pants. But let's keep it a secret, okay?"

Brian said...

Bite me anonymous troll!

Anti-Brian said...

@Brian - you're the one who so quickly jumped on Bob's "reformation bandwagon" and encouraged others to do the same in spite of so much past evidence and precedent.

I can understand how you feel ashamed and embarrassed that you let Bob fool you so easily so I will let the "bite me" comment slide this time.

In the mean time, please try to pay closer attention to what's going on around you.

Mercman said...

Brian wasn't the only one on that Bandwagon to Nowhere.

Sometimes people want something badly enough, they convince themselves that hope nourishes attainment.
It can, and sometimes does, but putting gasoline in the tank of a car with no engine, won't get that car to haul your ass to Cleveland, no matter how much hope you have.

Bob and Hope do not coincide.
Empty Can

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

@ Mercman, yeah they kind of do/


NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

A song for Bob

To everything (spin, spin, spin) Bob has a reason (spin, spin, spin)
and a time for every purpose....whistelblowing.

Mercman said...

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...
@ Mercman, yeah they kind of do.

I thought you had me here, but the comedian isn't really a true Bob.
His given name was Leslie Townes Hope.

Is Bob Freeman truly Bob Freeman?
Did Bob Freeman have his name changed?
Perhaps to avoid something attached to his name that happened in California?

If only this website had highly skilled, elite detectives like Columbuzz does.

Or......I could announce what I know.
State it as fact, and then wait for Freeman to respond.
Then have him try to prove me wrong. (He can't)
More to follow.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me for my confusion on this, but didn’t Bob previously say somewhere that he makes it a point to not be around kids alone? And yet he was a Boy Scout leader? Something does not add up on this one….

Brian said...

First, I recognized then and recognize now that you cannot polish a turd. You can hope some of the smell wears off but that's about it. For whatever it's worth, I tried.

Second, if the person we know as Bob Freeman is actually an a.k.a., it is incumbent upon us to notify the authorities in California. I agree that Bob's comments about being a Boy Scout leader and now "will not be alone with children, ever" are disturbing.

It is not uncommon for people to flee from potential felony sex charges, change their names and so on. If the family did not push the charges or the child was nearly of age, they may not have pushed it quite as hard since Bob left. This is all conjecture because I don't know. I am speculating.

Bob Freeman is an idiot. He is mentally deficient to have ever been considered for public office. His reasoning skills are worse than those of an 8 year old and his knowledge of the legal system is seriously lacking except when it comes to making accusations that he cannot prove.

Bob, is that what happened in California? Where there allegations that could not be proved? Is that why you fled to Indiana? Know this Freeman, the people on this blog truly loathe you and would enjoy nothing more than to see you in prison. If you have a questionable past, there is still time to get out of Columbus and head to maybe Florida or the Northeast before the law catches up.

Dude said...

"the people on this blog truly loathe you"

I don't loathe him but I don't like him either. I just can't take him seriously at all, so he mostly amuses me. But I can understand if others loathe him, especially those he attacked.

Mercman said...

"Excuse me for my confusion on this, but didn’t Bob previously say somewhere that he makes it a point to not be around kids alone? And yet he was a Boy Scout leader? Something does not add up on this one…."

He was still a very young man when he left California, but young men commit sex crimes too.
If they are under a certain age, then their names are usually not published, which would make it difficult to trace back to Bob, or whatever his name is.

Regarding the Scout Leader position and being a Big Brother (yeah, what's up with that one?), maybe something happened while he was in those positions, and now he refuses (or is not allowed), to be around children.

Anonymous said...

Indiana 1957 to 1967. I was ten years old. Then my folks moved.
California 1967 to 1971. Then my folks moved.
Indiana 1971 to 1972. Then my folks moved.
California 1972 to 1976. Then my folks moved.
Indiana 1976 to 1980. Then my family moved.
California 1980 to 1982. Then my family moved.
Indiana 1982 to present.

I was a Big Brother until I got married in 1977.
Always had his family around.

I was a Scout Leader at New Point until I moved my family to California in 1980.
Always had an assistant Scout Leader around.

I'm not fond of false accusations so I have always tried to be careful about that.

Dig all you like. I have nothing to hide.

You're the sick one to even bring up such a subject.

Brian said...

We are the sick one's, Bob? Tell me, what is in the recesses of your mind when you -- make it a point to not be around kids alone -- yet, you were a -- Scout Leader at New Point -- and a -- Big Brother?

Why do you "fear" being around children Bob. Boys in particular? Are you a pedophile, Bob? Is this something you are being treated for?

If you joined the local Boy Scouts, Bob, would they have you as a leader?

I have two pieces of advice, Bob, before you answer these questions. If you have nothing to hide, I would recommend a full fledged response with any accompanying proof you have.

If there is even a part, regardless of how small, that any of this is true, you should probably keep your hole shut because you are in way over your head trying to do battle with people smarter than you are.

You, Bob, are a mental midget when answering direct questions because you frequently seem to be hiding something or you get caught up in your own lies.

Anonymous said...

By his own account, Bob Freeman never lived anywhere longer than 4 years. Why? Are you a military brat, Bob? Do you touch children, Bob? Have you EVER touched children?

Anonymous said...

"I don't loathe him but I don't like him either."

Yes, you do. ***LOATHE> to dislike greatly and often with disgust or intolerance : detest***

Mercman said...

My Goodness.

Something has struck a nerve in Bob Freeman.

Posting as Anonymous because of his filthy mouth. LOL

Yes, he moved around quite often.

What were you running from, Bob?
Who were you hiding from?

How's your blood pressure?

Does it feel like your fat head is going to explode?

How does it feel with the shoe on the other foot, Bud?

Probably nothing.
He is without feelings.
Only rage, temper, aggression, selfishness, conceit, and blame.

A Defect of Humanity.

Brian said...

I would gather that we are on to something here regarding Bob Freeman and his inter-actions with children. Instead of answering the questions posed, Bob chose not to shut his hole but to go on the attack and make threats. It's OK, Bob, I am not afraid of you...at all.

What's wrong, Bob? It is when you search the recesses of your mind that those memories come back? Perhaps the thoughts about what you would like to do if you had the chance? Is that why the line between you and children is so important?

Let's just, for the sake of argument, Bob, forget about the Barkes', the Ferrenburg's and the blanket allegations you have thrown around. Lets focus on you.



Well, Bob. Have you settled down yet?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We need to stay focused on this, we're on to something:


"Why don't you meet me and my stepsons and you tell them you think I'm a child molester. I would enjoy watching you get the fuck beat out of you."

I have a better idea, why don't you grab your own whistle and blow those 2 morons yourself? Or is that why your wife originally divorced you in California in the first place? Were they part of your scout pack Bob?

Bob really goes ballistic over these comments. I suspect we are very close to the truth here. Uncomfortably close. Perhaps Mrs. Freeman should be deposed to see what she knows. Perhaps the police SHOULD talk to Bob's stepsons. There is something here out he wouldn't go off every time it comes up.

Anonymous said...

I am from Columbus, but I now live in Southeast Texas and have been for over 10 years.
I left to better my family. That I have done. I still have a large amount of family in Columbus.

On to my point.
I was there that day.

I was approached by this woman. She did tell me who she was and what she was doing there.

She also asked why me or my brother didn't help with the expenses.
I was approached at the door where the greeter was and she introduced herself. I asked her if I could help her with something.

She said she wanted to make sure that every thing was done that was paid for. (my thought was, shouldn't she be talking to the furneral director?)

I want to know where MY apology is? I was there paying respect and in support of this family member.
I did not know they wrote this until I checked on Columbuzz today!!

I am sure I am not supposed to know it was written due to it was none of my business. I am so angry about Columbus Trustee and their politics. They have run good people off.

My niece is not blowing anything out of proportion, there is more to this story than has been told...

Why would you lie about this?

She did not need to let me know who she was.. I couldn't of cared less. I don't need to know...

She couldn't impress me with her title, it was just grandstanding. She was there to solicit money .. To see who had money and who didn't..

Well, she found out because she spoke to my cousin and found out there was going to be an estate from his mother and father that had just passed away earlier that year.

How would she have known if she was there out of concern for the family, over concern for supposed friend of a family member? That family member has gone to the trustee's office for help.

Sandra Barkes calls herself a friend but she sure in hell wouldn't be and hasn't been invited her to her house. She doesn't call her. She doesn't gather at any events with her. She just knows her name from getting help from the trustee's office.

Also, why is she signing her name and Columbus Township Trustee???

She humiliated me asking my financal state.. The only ones that got paid were Barkes, Weaver, and Glick!

My niece had to come up with $500 cash burial cost.

We got the plot ourselves..SO BARKES, WEAVER, AND GLICK is who got paid.

Another lie was stated when she said they paid the burial expense. His brothers helped with the burial at the cemetary with the man and his backhoe.

The vault was not in place when they took him to the cemetary. The brother carried him and placed him in the vault above ground!!!

And they helped put the cement top on and then helped place it in the ground....

So the expense was kept to a minimum, let me tell you.

Apparently the trustees office is run by his wife and not who you elected...

I am glad I am no longer a resident and and am now just a visitor..

Dude said...

"I expained about the odometers"

No you didn't. You didn't explain why you would even attempt to sell a device whose sole purpose was to defraud.

"Fred Barkes is a fing thief and I showed the proof"

You showed no proof that he's a thief. What exactly did Fred Barkes steal?

"You demand that I prove all of my accusations against others, you refuse to accept that proof, and now you want me to prove something DIDN'T happen?"

You have no proof Bob. And don't you always say "Prove me wrong. You can't!" Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Quotes from the SBOA reports.....

"Due to numerous posting errors relating to book and bank transfers, temporary loans between funds, erroneous entries relating to loan proceeds, posting to incorrect funds during the period examined, the financial records presented for examination were incomplete and not reflective of the activity of the Township."

"Annual Reports for 2008 and 2009 were inaccurate and did not reflect the financial activity of the township. The 2008 Township Fund ending cash balance was changed to $150,624.33 to balance."

"Depository reconciliations of the fund balances to the bank account balances presented for examination were incorrect."

Dude said...


Anonymous said...

An incompetent trustee with a an even more incompetent staff who enjoy mistreating those in need of assistance.

Dude said...

Says the incompetent lying whistle blower.

Dude said...

"that won't believe the facts that are laid out in front of him."

What facts? You have facts? I haven't seen any yet. All I've seen so far is uninformed opinion.

"Barkes can't do any wrong in your eyes, can he Dude?"

You can't do anything wrong in your eyes, can you Bob?

"Are you sleeping with him? That wouldn't surprise me."

You accuse people of being gay quite a bit. I've heard that those who do that are deep in the closet themselves.

Dude said...


You don't understand. The Columbus "Mafia" controls the SBOA, the DGLF, the CIA, the FBI, and the XYZ.

Anonymous said...

You wish I had those tendencies. You hate to homosexual all alone don't you?

I think we need to explore why some get preferencial treatment at the trustees office. Known drug dealers, lesbians, and prostitutes.

Now there's a story.

And I'd bet that pedophilia story you keep looking for is in one end of that building. What ya think.
Wanna explore the possibility?

But let's post it here,where half a dozen people will read it. Let's put it on Columbuzz so all of the county can read all about it.

And anon, I've answered my last question here. Again, FUCK YOU ALL... LOL

But be sure to watch Columbuzz. It's about to get real interesting, assholes.

Dude said...

"Let's put it on Columbuzz so all of the county can read all about it."

Wow, the whole county reads columbutt? You mean to tell me that there's only 200 people in the entire county?

Dude said...

"I think we need to explore why some get preferencial treatment at the trustees office. Known drug dealers, lesbians, and prostitutes."

Yes Bob, please do. You should definitely tick off the drug dealers. That sounds like a great idea.

"And I'd bet that pedophilia story you keep looking for is in one end of that building. What ya think. Wanna explore the possibility?"

Please do. I would love to see you sued for libel.

"But let's post it here,where half a dozen people will read it."

Try 200.

"But be sure to watch Columbuzz. It's about to get real interesting"

More empty threats from Bob.

Anonymous said...

And I'd bet that pedophilia story you keep looking for is in one end of that building. What ya think.
Wanna explore the possibility?


Merc said...

Is this real?

Take a look at this 'Demotivational Poster'.
Sure looks like the same Bob to me.



Anonymous said...

"Bob only became a Boy Scout Leader to get a piece"


Anonymous said...

You made a smart move ass-hole backing off from your attacks. Now we will back off of ours. We can get just as f*ing nasty as you can and our information is factual in relation to the local Dems. Just let a sleeping dog lie or this story will eat you and the leadership up, completely.

Enough said, Bob?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not attacks. Stating facts.

Dude said...

Bob, you still haven't addressed the morality issue regarding the odometer tampering device. You preach to others about the morality of helping the homeless.

Anonymous said...

I have explained what I did and why. I'm done talking about and giving you more stuff to twist around. I'm done.

If you're so sure I've broken a law, have me indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced.

Dude said...

"If you're so sure I've broken a law, have me indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced."

I'm not talking about the legality. I'm talking about the morality. Don't have an answer, do ya?

Anonymous said...

It was like selling a bong or roach clip.

Legal to sell and illegal to use.

We weren't going to be using it so we thought it was okay. Then we learned selling them was illegal too. So we didn't.

That'smy answer. I'm done talking about it.

Dude said...

"That'smy answer. I'm done talking about it."

You're still evading the question. So I guess it's morally OK to help others break the law?

Anonymous said...

Bob has no morals. His friend is a pedophile and was investigated as such. I suspect Bob is also. Bob when will Columbutt expose the Democrat hierarchy?

Anonymous said...

Not threats Bob, facts!

Misty is bottom of the barrel said...

Misty on 04 February, 2011 09:26:00
"I can't figure out if it is whistle dicks or the cult. Either way just as bad."

@Misty, try to stay focused here. You are the one that actually admits to joining a cult and then getting self righteous by making accusations on Bob's website. You must be really really stupid and unworthy if the only cult you can belong to is Bob's.

Cult Question said...

"You must be really really stupid and unworthy if the only cult you can belong to is Bob's."

That is a good point.

Bob is not:

- Good looking
- Intelligent
- Charismatic
- Wealthy
- Powerful
- Successful
- Political
- Useful
- Truthful

Why would anyone follow this guy?

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone follow this guy?

Birds of a feather...