Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bob is Now Attacking One of Fred Barkes' Sons

How can Bob stoop so low.  It's just unbelievable that Bob is now attacking Fred Barkes' son for a drug possession arrest from March of 2009.  How exactly is this relevant to the trustee campaign?  And Bob claims he's not a mudslinger.  In my opinion, he is getting desperate since he knows he will most likely lose the election.  I just can't imagine someone like him as the trustee.  It would be a disaster for Columbus Township.

Again, if you are as appalled by this as I am, contact the advertisers on Columbuzz and voice your displeasure.  Let the Bartholomew County Chair of the Indiana Democratic Party Gary James Bell know that Bob's tactics are unacceptable.  You can contact him at (812) 342-6550 or

Statement from Fred Barkes:
My family, like so many families, has been affected by the very real problem of drugs in America. Our son has struggled with addiction.  We love him and pray for his well-being daily.

The drugs were found in a duffle bag he carried with him. Unlike the portrayal my opponent sets forth, the various materials to produce drugs found on my property were scattered in different locations.  I nor my wife knew these items were on the property. To be honest, we would not recognize they could be used to produce drugs if we saw them.  We thank the people of Columbus for their understanding in this matter.


Bob Freeman said...

Nobody attacked his son. We posted part of an article that was in the paper.

We pointed out that out Township Trustee had crystal meth IN HIS HOUSE.

Dude said...

We all know why you posted this old story. It's obvious to everyone, since it has absolutely NO relevance to the election.