Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bob on Mudslinging

I said on my blog:
MAYBE Bob Freeman is a liar and a mud slinger.

Bob says in a comment on my blog:
Definitely not.

Bob says in a comment on columbuzz:
You know, I am being called a mudslinger and of running a smear campaign. I agree.

So Bob, which is it, are you a mudslinger or not?

Bob also says:  It would be mud slinging if it were false or exaggerations.  It isn't.

Obviously, Bob doesn't understand the definition of a mudslinger:
mudslinger one that uses offensive epithets and invective especially against a political opponent
epitheta disparaging or abusive word or phrase
invectiveof, relating to, or characterized by insult or abuse

Sorry Bob, you're a mudslinger!


Bob Freeman said...

I am not a liar.

I post the truth and the facts. If that makes me a mudslinger then so be it.

But the truth will be known. And the election will not stop the search for that truth, win or lose.

Dude said...

Well Bob, I believe you just lost the election today. By the way, notice that I didn't stoop to your level and "accidentally" delete your silly comments.

Bob Freeman said...

The election isn't for over three weeks. I haven't lost anything.

And if I get as rude to you as you were to me, you SHOULD deletemy posts. And when I said I accidently deleted them, I accidently deleted them.

No matter what you might think.

Dude said...

You're complaining about me being rude to you? And you're not rude to Fred Barkes, his family, and employees? If you are going to stay in politics, you need to grow a thicker skin. You can't just whine that people who are blunt and call you out on your BS are just being rude. I was just echoing the style of writing that I saw you use on your website. But I'm not a moderator (dictator), so I'm not allowed to be a jerk.

Bob Freeman said...

Define BS. The trth is BS?

Your daddy created that truth. Learn to differentiate truth from BS....

Dude said...

I have learned to differentiate, and YOUR truth is BS. You are naive and believe what everyone tells you, as long as it suits your purposes.

Bob Freeman said...

You should get out once in a while and learn what really goes on.

Your mother should be glad she didn't come to my dad's funeral like that. She would have been removed from the building abruptly..