Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bob the Hypocrite

Bob wrote on Columbuzz :  "I had another conversation with Elder Nick Hill tonight.  His concern, as I took it, was mostly that by the things being posted here without giving the church a chance to respond to the accusations first, was unfair and damaging.  He makes a good point.  In my experience dealing with the trustee during my campaign, everything was always denied, no matter what. If it was true, they always had a good reason for it.  So maybe I jump too quick to the conclusion that people accused would lie about it. Maybe I should have called them."

Bob, you just now thought of the idea to present BOTH sides of the story? I thought there was only one side, Bob's side.

"I have tried to remain out of the fight on either side. I have simply tried to allow those on both sides to express their views, which is what we do here."

I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Give me a break!

"I told him that either the things said are true, someone thinks they're true, or they made some people mad enough to make up lies about them, which says they need to fix something."

Let's turn this around, shall we? We shall. Either the things said about Bob are all true, someone thinks they're true, or he made some people mad enough to make up lies about him, which says he needs to fix something.

"But I help run this website. And our goal here, from the beginning, has been to get the truth out."

Laughing out loud again!

"And if I had a church and I had people ticked off like Gina and a few other ex-members, I would find out why and fix it so others didn't get upset for the same reasons."

And shall we turn this one around too? Sure, why not. And if I (Bob) had a website and I had a lot of people ticked off, I would find out why and fix it so others didn't get upset for the same reason.

"I think maybe the men of God that you are around should be taught to work with people instead of threatening people."

And this one. I think Bob should be taught to work with people instead of threatening them.

"I had this same thing with the trustees office. I post truth and fact and since they didn't want that information out, they attacked me. They still are. And I don't care."

Yes you do care Bob. That's why you read my blog. And I'm still waiting for any truth and facts from you. You just love playing the victim: I didn't attack them, but they are attacking me. Whatever.

"If you don't want the people of Columbus to see and hear bad things about the church, then maybe the church needs to see why those bad things are being said. Either it's true, someone THINKS it's true, or you ticked off someone bad enough for them to make stuff up. Either way, YOU people need to change."

And more hypocrisy. If you don't want the people of Columbus to see and hear bad things about you Bob, then maybe you need to see why those bad things are being said. Either it's true, someone THINKS it's true, or you ticked off someone bad enough for them to make stuff up. Either way, YOU need to change.


Anonymous said...

Bob Freeman has shown a reckless disregard for the truth while insisting that everything he "says" is the truth regardless of fact.

BOB BOB BOB said...

Bob's brain can never understand what you have so clearly pointed out. When his infantile brain does begin to understand, he will simply shut down all reason and start name-calling and behaving like the nasty, fat 10-year old that he is.

At the very least, Bob Freeman is a joke of mammoth proportions, not to be taken seriously but to be kept under observation. At the worse, Bob Freeman is a danger to himself and others because of his inability to fully accept responsibility for anything that opposes or is contrary to his very ignorant view of any given situation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cancer is too good for Bob Freeman. I hope there is some unknown disease he will be afflicted with, they name it after him and then he will be forever linked to something terrible worldwide.

Anonymous said...

It is not likely Bob will change. He has been slapped in the face five times by the electorate who have basically told him, "no way." He continues on this steady diet of bashing Fred Barkes at every opportunity. He has taken on a mission of denouncing a "cult" even though there is no evidence that the church is a cult.

Bob is a delusional horses-ass who sees the world through a very ugly prism, his own.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photo's Bob you sure know how to help a guy sue you...

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I submit comments here, but I am not a supporter of Fred Barkes.
I don't know the guy, and I'm not interested in him, his family, or his history.
I DO know that Bob Freeman behaves like a child, and believes he is above the law, as well as a lawbreaker himself.
My comments here are in no way related to anything about Fred Barkes.
My comments here are to state my opinion about Bob Freeman. Period.