Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Disclaimer on Columbuzz

New disclaimer in comment section:
"Opinions expressed here are those of their writers and do not reflect those of Columbuzz. Columbuzz accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy or content. Please report any inappropriate content to us by clicking on Flag, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority."

So I click on the flag to report one of Bob's comments, since they are almost always inappropriate, and I see the message "You must be logged in to report." So I go to the registration page and I see that registration is still closed. Very convenient, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

It should say tell Bob what he wants to here or it will not be posted and the IP Detective will be on your ass one way or another

Anonymous said...

Another attempt by that moron Bob to track down ALL of those against him! What an S.O.B.

Anonymous said...

Bob only knows of IP's what the Internet tells him....which isn't much, isn't accurate, and is always mistranslated by Bob.

Anonymous said...

There's many, many ways around I.P. tracking :-P


All Bob has proven with his "super-sleuth" detective stupidity is that only 2 or 3 people actively participate in Columscum. "They all come from the same I.P.," Bob says. So much for your "inflated" numbers and delusions of hundreds participating Bob, dumb-ass.

Yikes said...

Bob the evil genius....

Dude said...


Anonymous said...

I post on all the time and have never had any problems. There are several stories on there right now that I have either gave some info on such as Allen Smith not mowing his grass and creating a health hazard for the people who live here. Also have posted comments on several stories and never had a problem. I guess if you don't act like an idiot like people on here you can post on This site is just a bunch of "good old boys" with nothing to do but talk about Bob all day. You should rename this to All about Bob. I don't know just seems like a waste or your time since I see posting stuff with nothing to do with you bunch of idiots. I guess my whole point is, find something to do worth doing, Just Saying. Have fun on here I am going to be on where there is something worth reading instead of a bunch of idiots who always have Bob on their minds, man that much hate must drag you down. I would let it go and move on, life would be so much happier for you all. Peace, love, and pink ponies, I say :)

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!! A Columscummer!

Anonymous said...

that is a GREAT (caps so it must be true) animation - brightened my day!

Dude said...

A Bob-o-bot wrote:
"I post on all the time and have never had any problems."

That's because you are a Bob-o-bot and agree with everything Bob writes.

"I guess if you don't act like an idiot like people on here you can post on"

Bob and Jimmer Jones act like idiots on columbuzz and are allowed to post. You act like an idiot and I allow you to post here.

"This site is just a bunch of "good old boys" with nothing to do but talk about Bob all day. You should rename this to All about Bob. I don't know just seems like a waste or your time since I see posting stuff with nothing to do with you bunch of idiots."

Columbuzz is too busy posting articles they illegally copy from other websites. And they like to pretend that this site doesn't exist, since they don't want people to know the truth.

"I guess my whole point is, find something to do worth doing, Just Saying. Have fun on here I am going to be on where there is something worth reading instead of a bunch of idiots who always have Bob on their minds, man that much hate must drag you down. I would let it go and move on."

Do you tell Bob the same thing, to find something worth doing, to let the election go and move on, that life would be so much happier? Is posting pictures of illegally parked vehicles worth doing?

Anonymous said...

@ Chris LOL

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

@ Poster from the other side, I don't call everyone over there trailer trash, clueless, gullible, Columbuzzards. I would thank you not to paint everyone here with the same brush. Don't be a Columbuzzkill. Wait until you or loved ones are attacked over there. Wait until Bob shows his true colours to you and see what you think.

He has abused powers on boards, believed whatever he was told. Well, at least if it suited his tabloid agenda or struggle for power or money. He has blown up and attacked like a juvenile madman with the maturity of a child throwing a temper tantrum. Maybe you haven't had that happen to you, but give it time.

Step out of line, do something he doesn't like, or don't do something that he wants and watch out. Back him in a corner and see how he reacts. Sometimes tells me it is only a matter of time unless you are a sheep with no independent thoughts or a mind of your own.

Anonymous said...


Speaks the truth. It's only a matter of time before everyone with a half a brain from Columbuzzz shows up over here. The difference in the two sites could be be more clear. Columbuzzz believes EVERYTHING Bob Freeman says and here it is automatically taken apart, analyzed and essentially torn to shreds for the crap it is.

Bob Freeman has NO credibility here, over there, he is a Godsend. Seeing how the people have spoken now, a total of five times, what are we to believe?

Bob Freeman is retarded. Period.

Anonymous said...

I attempted to post a very polite question regarding his story on the animal shelters. It was not mean, heteful, rude. It did not include a vile word or an attack. It was simply a question about the new location as I was unaware that there was a new animal shelter. It was altered and I have not been able to anything since.

Anonymous said...

wow I must be really tired sorry about the typos :)

it was not mean HATEFUL, rude...
it was altered and I have not been able to POST anything since

Dude said...

Bob probably thinks you're Mercman, Dude, or Jeff Barkes. Pretty soon, only Bob-o-bots will be able to comment.

Dude said...

But it is fun when you can sneak a comment through. BTW, I was "Tom", asking about the odometer tampering device.

Tom on 03 December, 2010 10:00:10

Hey Bob, do you have any more of those devices that lets you turn your odometer on and off? I really need one ASAP. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sneaky indeed!