Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bob vs. The Truth

"And as far as lawsuits, we try to be as accurate as possible.  What I post is almost always true."

Bob, you have a couple of mistakes here.  Let me help you out.  It should be "we fail to be as accurate as possible." and "What I post is rarely true, but hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.  It's just what I've been told by an anonymous source, and I'm so gullible that I believe everything they tell me."

"Now, that's a touchy subject for some people.  If someone says the house is green and I report that someone said the house is green, what I said is true.  The house might be blue or red, but what I said was true; that someone said the house is green."

This is the prefect analogy.  Bob's anonymous sources almost always get it wrong.  They can't even tell the difference between green, blue, and red.  And Bob failed to mention that he always believes his sources and will argue that the blue house is green, no matter what.

"As far as being malicious and cruel.  Some things occur that require a drastic response.  If the post is true, it should be posted, regardless of malicious and cruel."

IF the post is true, but you post it whether it is true or not.  You're just trying to justify your reprehensible actions.

"What has been reported about the church is malicious and cruel, in my opinion, if it is true. And the more we learn the more we now it is true.  Our goal here is to get facts out that people wouldn't otherwise learn. Facts that everyone should know and facts that some people don't want to be known."

But you post malicious and cruel information before you know it is true, like the abortion comment.  It's amazing that you don't see this.  You automatically believe almost everything you are told.

"The simple fact that they don't want people to know gives rise to a desperate need to expose it."

Kind of like my blog.  You desperately want to keep people from reading my blog.


MERC-it doesn't matter-MAN said...

It's hard to believe that someone could be so dumb, that every sentence they compose is like a flashing neon sign saying, ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!

A few examples:

"What I post is almost always true."
Bob almost always trips over his own words.

"If the post is true, it should be posted."
Whoops! Stumbled again there, Bob...didn't ya?

"Our goal here is to get facts out that people wouldn't otherwise learn.
...facts that some people don't want to be known. The simple fact that they don't want people to know gives rise to a desperate need to expose it."

Like the dimwit that replaced his hard drive out of fear that authorities were making attempts to confiscate, and access it's data?

"But their name doesn't matter, usually.
Times it has mattered is when a jerk threatened my wife and my dog. Personally, I think it's Charlie Townsend, but until I'm positive, it doesn't really even matter."

So.....does it matter, or doesn't it matter?
Ahhh. As long as this anonymous thorn in your wretched side's clever elusiveness defeats your feeble brain, it DOESN'T matter, but if you get lucky enough to PROVE his identity, it WILL matter because you have will have conquered The Evil Mercman and saved the World (and your own curdled ass)?

"I have stuff on my computer that I don't want others to see."
Like ummm, let's see. Lewd and lascivious correspondence with teen pen pals, personal involvement with the use, sale, distribution, and promotion of illegal odometer altering devices, unauthorized possession of proprietary information from Shelby Materials, yadda, yadda, yadda.

This is like a bad cable tv program in Last Chance for Shingles Ointment, Siberia.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

"Now, that's a touchy subject for some people. If someone says the house is green and I report that someone said the house is green, what I said is true. The house might be blue or red, but what I said was true; that someone said the house is green."

So, it is okay if someone tells Dude that Bob is a molester and he posts that someone reported it?

Anonymous said... YOU KNOW that Bob is immune to any and all principles and practices that he preaches to others.
He is also above (and smarter than) the law, so nothing he can do would ever be wrong.