Monday, December 27, 2010

New Anti-Columbuzz Blog

There's a new anti-columbuzz blog by NotdudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc!  Check it out:


NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Thanks Dude, I intend on still posting here (in response to the topic at hand), but doing my own entries there. [sarcasm] But perhaps we should not post so close together lest we be accused of being one another. [/sarcasm]

Dude said...

Yes, we need to coordinate our post times. I'll make up a schedule and submit it for your approval. :-)

Bill Ulater said...

Appears all is about normal today at the COLUMBUZZARDS site.,the location for Moochers and Losers to share their mutual ignorance, silliness and enviousness with the King Buzzard himself, Bob.

Phantom said...


Earlier this month Bob said,
"If we had a police department with someone smart enough to know what a hate crime was, he would probably be in jail now."

TODAY Bob said,
"Think about it. An idiot drives by and shoots a guy with a gun frome who knows where. The gun is gone with him. What few witnesses you have are unwilling to talk. How do you solve the crime? But the CPD did. Gotta give them credit...."

Bob? Are you a 'flip-flopper', or are you just plain stupid? (rhetorical question)

colbuzkill said...

I really appreciate the people who put the effort in these blogs to expose Bob and his bob'o'bots. Both of these "Bob Bashing" sites are enjoyable to read and participate in. Thank goodness that Bob didn't get elected for we don't need anyone like Bob in any kind of office.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

I am not sure if my blog is one of the two referred to above (or they are referring to Merc's), but either way I want to go on record to say that I didn't post the last post (made by colbuzkill. I will likely keep posting under this name here, but will specify if I change.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Alright, I just saw that the previous response was under the post about my blog and that the same person posted at my blog. So, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm a lil confused. Is merc's that Bob is King website? Did Merc lay claim to that other website or does everybody think its his. Or does just Bob think its his cause Bob thinks he's behind a bunch of things against him.

Anyway- its cool that finally people get to say what they want about Bob instead of the other way around like he's right and everybody should listen to only him cause he knows whats best.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

I heard the Bob is King is Mercs, but I am not sure he ever said it was. I was under the impression it is and is public knowledge. I will wait until Merc say one way or the other. He is not in charge of mine though.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

How do I post a direct link? I tried html the second time, but there was no difference.

Dude said...


Dude said...

"How do I post a direct link?"

Like this (without the underscores):

<_a href=""> <_/a>