Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bob's Latest Attack

"We protect the privacy of those who post here."

LOL.  They didn't protect my privacy.

"This story is about people and their names are revealed because they are relevent to the story."

Bob, you frequently reveal the names of people who are entirely irrelevant to your stories in a feeble attempt to discredit your enemies.

"This last story goes that her boyfriend invaded a church service dressed as a woman with bacon hanging out of his mouth. I think that makes her very relevent to the story."

Yes Bob, we all know you consider family members of your enemies to be fair game but yours are off limits. Hypocrite.

"If nothing stupid happens, then there's nothing stupid to report."

You forgot to add "But even if nothing stupid happens, we will make up stupid things to report."

"And if someone states a fact, if it is fact, that she had abortions, doesn't that weight heavily on the fact they want to cut everyone down that leaves and reveal secrets and lies about those people?"

Sure Bob, let's blame and attack the daughter for her parent's mistakes and let's also assume that what someone told you is automatically true.  I'm sure no one would ever lie to you, Bob.

"In my opinion, the boyfriend is lucky that all that happened to him was that he was escorted out of the room. Other crowds might have beaten the living tar out of him for what he pulled."

Bob advocating violence again.  Big surprise.


Anonymous said...

On Columbuzz:

First Hand Says: I moved away there for my family and I quit attending. As for Erica I don't belive it's anyones concern about anything personal like that. Just hers and GODS!

Lucy Says: First Hand...I agree what you say about the daughter. Not our business, and it was stated as hearsay!!!

Michelle Says: Bob even if you did not write it, as the moderator you have a responsibility to monitor this site and i disagree with you her personal life and choices HAVE NOTHING To do with you original story. It does nothing but bring a good conversation into the gutter.

Lucy Says: Sure it does Michelle. It shows him being a hypocrite if he tells his flock of virgins, that it is a sin to have sex before marriage, which really it is, Miracle has no right to preach that story to others, when his own SINGLE daughter got preggers...IF that's true. I can't believe you can't see the big picture of this is??

Her name should not have been revealed, I missed it, but it's a part of Miracle, and that he has double standards. And a minister having his daughter have an abortion is another contradiction of faith, most ministers are pro-lifers. The daughter doesn't live her life by the teachings of her very own father....

WTF Lucy...Is multiple personality disorder catching !!!!!

She totally contradicts herself from one post to the next!!!!

Dude said...

I already regret suggesting that Lucy become a moderator. She is becoming a mindless Bob-o-bot (if she wasn't already). She sounds just like Bob.

Anonymous said...

Re: Lucy

Told ya so.

Dude said...

You called it.

Dude said...

More hypocrisy from Bob from the "Tim Miracle's Niece Ashlee Nichole Black Speaks" article:

"Woah. Don't get hateful with me. Others have posted this stuff. I saw the e-mails. If you have something to add, that's fine. But it will be civil or it won't go on."

"And don't threaten me."

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

"We protect the privacy of those who post here."

Unless we think you are Mercman, Dude, here to stir up trouble and so on. In other words, unless you agree with us and do not call us out.

"This story is about people and their names are revealed because they are relevent (SIC) to the story."

Does this mean that the name of Bob's company, wife, sister pet and so on are relevant here?

"This last story goes that her boyfriend invaded a church service dressed as a woman with bacon hanging out of his mouth. I think that makes her very relevent to the story."

He really needs to learn how to spell relevant.

"And if someone states a fact, if it is fact, that she had abortions, doesn't that weight heavily on the fact they want to cut everyone down that leaves and reveal secrets and lies about those people?"


"In my opinion, the boyfriend is lucky that all that happened to him was that he was escorted out of the room. Other crowds might have beaten the living tar out of him for what he pulled."

In my opinion, Bob is lucky that all people have done is threaten him or call him names. Other people might have kicked his butt for what he pulled.

Dude said...

"I already regret suggesting that Lucy become a moderator. She is becoming a mindless Bob-o-bot (if she wasn't already). She sounds just like Bob."

Well crud, I've created a monster. Lucy's turning into Bob's Mini-Me.

Dude said...

Debating Lucy is like debating a brick wall, except that a brick wall has more sense.