Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bob is Right for Once

Bob wrote: "Yes, Dude, I believe the moon landings were faked. I believe the space program was shut down because the lies were about to be exposed.  What better place than the surface of the moon for a space station?  But, you're right, I do believe the moon landings were faked. I don't believe man has ever landed on the moon.  And I know you'll laugh at that. I know you'll go to your whistledick website and make a big deal out of it. But at the same time you'll believe in a God that you can't see. "

I am truly speechless. And Bob is right for once. I am laughing my head off and I will make a big deal out of it. I normally don't like name calling, but Bob, you are truly an idiot and a conspiracy nutjob. You are, without a doubt, one of the biggest idiots I have ever come across on the internet, and that's saying something since I've been on the internet since 1987.  By the way Bob, here's a website with some cool pictures of the moon, including the landing sites, but I'm sure they're all faked:  Moon Images from LRO

By the way, this is what happens when you call Buzz Aldrin a coward and a liar:


Dude said...

My deleted comments on columbuzz:

I was "told" that you believe in the 9/11 and Iraq war conspiracy theories. I'm "guessing" that it's true. I believe you also wrote that Elvis was living in your basement, but I could be wrong about that.

How exactly did I go over the line? Please educate me so I don't make the same mistake again. I used your style of writing.

Dude said...

"No I didn't see any such thing on that set of pictures."

I guess Bob is not only stupid, but blind too.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Lol, you're in rare form tonight.

Dude said...

Another deleted comment on columbuzz:

So basically, you're calling 12 American heroes, including Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Gene Cernan, liars. Would you call them liars face to face?

Anonymous said...

Only six percent of Americans believe the moon landing was a hoax. Ninety-one percent of that very small minority have less than an eighth grade education.

HEY you believe The Holocaust never took place?
Is the earth flat?
Are there little green men on Mars?
Are the members of the Royal Family reptiles?
Does the government watch us through our television screens?


Somebody should ask Bob about the Nigerian Prince that talked him into cashing checks for him. Bob actually went to his bank to do this!

Bob thinks if it comes in an email, it must be true.


Anonymous said...

Bob the Boob Freeman said on Columbuzzed...."That's what jail is for."

JAIL is for people who use and sell odometer altering devices.

It's funny how the person who is the subject of a current investigation is always the last to know. And by then, it's too late for them to save their own ass.

Dude said...

"Only six percent of Americans believe the moon landing was a hoax. Ninety-one percent of that very small minority have less than an eighth grade education."

I've also heard that 100% of that very small minority are certifiably insane.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Great point anonymous, Bob has fallen for many get rich quick schemes. He seems to buy into all sorts of silly things. He takes totally stupid things as gospel and reacts accordingly.