Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bob is Lying Again

"E, some of 'her' posts were deleted instead of being posted. You didn't see all 'she' wrote."

That's because you censor comments.

"I believe 'Michelle' was one of the troublemakers from the other site."

I believe you have no idea what you're talking about, as usual.

"Even with that aside, 'she' seemed to want to criticize admin activity more than contribute to the conversation, just as they do."

That's because you admins are a bunch of hypocrites who don't follow your own usage policy.

"We have our reasons for what we do here."

Please enlighten us.

"Prior attacks and crap from those idiots have forced us to do so in order to keep this site from falling apart as EVERY other site they have been on has done. Sound Off of The Republic was shut down because of improper postings and attacks. Columbus Krap and a couple others I had were shut down because of idiots actions because they didn't agree with posts of others. A couple of sites I had had to close because I allowed everything to go on at first. And those attacks got out of hand."

Sounds like you were the reason those sites were shut down.

"That one particular asshole, Merc, has threatened Lucy and my wife and dog."

Name calling again.

"I believe Merc is Dude on the other site. I think that site is basically 2 or 3 people max making most of the posts."

Wrong and wrong.  It's obvious that Bob is delusional.

"I truly believe Merc was Michelle."

I truly believe Bob doesn't have a clue.

"And none of it really matters."

And yet you write a long comment about it.

"Everyone will post civally or their posts will be deleted."

Lie.  Some are deleted even if they are "civil".

"Disagreeing with what is said here is fine."

Lie.  If you disagree with an admin, you must be Mercman.

"Attacking people for what they post here is not."

Lie.  The admins do it all the time.

"There is a difference."

The admins do whatever they want and the commenters are not allowed to question the infinite wisdom of the admins.

"'Her' leaving is her choice."

Lie.  Most if not all of her comments will now be deleted.


NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Although Bob was likely instrumental in some sites being shut down, he makes it sound like he was in charge of all of them. How rich! He had his own site that failed (he shut it down himself in a fit of anger). I believe he moderated at one or two more, but didn't shut them down.

The ONLY Mercman said...

To Lucy: Yes sweetheart (gag), I used the names you stated on Columbuzz. I never tried to hide that fact. What's my real name? Don't know, do ya? You are an A#1 scatterbrained old biddy. My condolences to Jay, Ryan, and Kayla.

Re:The Other Bob Bashing Website
According to that website, the Administrator is...
Bob Freeman-Interpals.net Entrepreneur

My Name is Mercman said...

Bob the Moron also said:
"I believe Merc is Dude on the other site.
I truly believe Merc was Michelle.

Merc, Merc, Merc, Merc. Bob is such an idiot. Merc is everywhere, and Merc is nowhere. When Bob's dog craps on the carpet, he probably thinks Merc did it.
If nobody has yet noticed, whenever Bob doesn't know who someone is, he claims they are Merc. I enjoy giving that dimwit a hard time, but I'm sorry that others are not given due credit. I don't have the time to invest that would enable me to be everyone that Boob accuses me of being.

"Everyone will post civally or their posts will be deleted."
It's civilly, Bob. You are one stupid sonofabitch.

Dude said...

And more lies:

"E, it turns out, Herman was excited to see someone so far from Columbus posting."


"The information wasn't important to us."


"I really do try to be fair,even though it doesn't always appear that I do."


NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Their story changes a lot, doesn't it?