Sunday, December 26, 2010

Misty and Lucy - I Still Love Them Both

Misty:  "Lucy I think Dude should stay on his whistleprick website too. That is my nice name for them btw. I try to stay off of their site because I can't seem to leave without getting mad and telling them off. They took a few jabs at me on there also."

Lucy:  "Thank you Misty, n I agree w you 100%. His site is nothing but negativity, and that doesn't sit well w me. Strength in numbers, girly!!!! Thanks for your support."

Well, I tried to get Lucy and Misty to see the real Bob Freeman, but I guess they're just too deep into the columbuzz cult. They seem to be totally blind to Bob's hypocrisy, negativity, insanity, ignorance, and deception.  Hopefully someday soon they will see the light.  I really don't understand how Misty can see through Tim Miracle but not Bob.  Very odd.


Anonymous said...

When Bob's few supporters come here and actually read the nasty trash that he's posted and STILL support him tells me all I need to know about those supporters.

To this day, the man never produced any proof of any of his claims during the Trustee race. That alone would really bother me if I was supporting him.

Dude said...

"To this day, the man never produced any proof of any of his claims during the Trustee race. That alone would really bother me if I was supporting him."

Well, he did write everything in all caps, so for Bob, that's enough proof. And I'm sure he's "still working on it".

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Lucy has seen it before and got mad t Bob. Then again, she has lost it and thrown tantrums at every local site except maybe Sound Off.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...


Anonymous said...

Misty sounds like a Bob fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Misty, comes from eastside of columbus projects, an hangs out with pill heads an she has a run down very dirty old house
huh misty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love how people think they know me because I went to there cult for 6 months. I lived in East Columbus, one time when I was really little but I did spend a lot of time there since that is where my grand parents lived and am proud of where I came from. My parents made sure I had a good life and provided very well for us. I have 3 or 4 people who I actually hang out with and yeah we like to drink sometimes but as far as drunks and pill heads that is a little far fetched.I actually have some pretty awesome friends and have been friends with them for over 20 years and I love them and wouldn't trade them for anything. They would never turn their backs on me because I wasn't part of their cult. I am also proud of my house it is mine and I worked hard for it. It is not dirty or run down.You can write what ever you want about me because I exposed your cult for what it is but people who know me know the truth and that is all that matter. Not what a delusional cult follower thinks of me or my life.
All I can say is at least I still own my house and it isn't sitting with foreclosure signs on it and I don't have to live in a factory/cult building.

Dude said...

Believe it or not Misty, we have something in common:

"You can write what ever you want about me because I exposed your cult for what it is"

Bob writes a lot of stuff about me too because I exposed his cult for what it is.

Anonymous said...

Bob will turn on them. He turns on everyone in time.