Thursday, December 30, 2010

More Insanity From Bob

"Some idiots think making statements of fact is inciting violence."

What statements of fact?  Don't you mean opinion?  Oh yeah, I forgot, you can't tell the difference.

"Some people on a blog that hardly nobody reads have once again accused me of inciting violence."

But you read it Bob.  And why write an entire article about it if "nobody" reads it?

"The same group of idiots that have threatened my wife and dog, and threatened bodily harm to one of our posters, Lucy, in the past, are accusing me of inciting violence. One of the posters on the blog is known to be one of the trustees sons, Jeff."

I have never threatened Lucy, Bob, his wife, or dog.  It's not the dog's fault that Bob is his master.

"Commenter on this website, Truth Seeker, posted this comment last night. It was approved by someone on our staff while I was away from the computer."

And the comment is still there.

"But the office is selective. Apparently it's who you know and probably who you blow that determines who gets help there."

More civility from Bob.

"I think it's time that we start naming names of people who get help every single month. Maybe people we know that get help even though they work part time, have no kids, or simply are females. Maybe we should list the names of known drug dealers who get help on a regular basis. That might be fun."

Good luck with that.

"The same group of idiots that make the inciting accusation here, also accused me of the same thing with the funeral story.
That's the story we had on here about how Sandra Barkes, office manager and wife of the trustee, reportedly went to a funeral acting stupid.
She reportedly went to a funeral that the trustee paid for and asked mourners there why they didn't pay for it and she reportedy announced to everyone there that she was there to make sure the family got what the trustee's office paid for.
In the comments that followed that story, I said that someone should have knocked her on her ass when she did it. And I stand by that opinion.

Notice Bob says "reportedly" and then says "when she did it".

"I was accused by the idiots of inciting violence. How do you incite violence at an event that happened 6 months ago? And if someone had knocked her on her ass, as I feel they should have done, wouldn't SHE be the one inciting the violence by acting a fool at a funeral?"

So Bob, since you always act like a fool, does that mean everyone has a right to "knock you on your ass" at any time?

"She runs a local elected office and she does THAT at a funeral? I'd say that's incitement."

You forgot to write "reportedly".

"It would have been real sweet if some of the ladies at the funeral would have jumped on her and beat the crap out of her, then she was charged with inciting violence on herself. And no, I don't condone violence against a lady."

It sure sounds like you're condoning violence against a lady.

"But if she did what they say she did, she sure as hell wasn't being a lady."


"She was wrong, and she sure had it coming."

Sounds like inciting violence again.  And you also forgot "reportedly" again.

"If she had done it at a funeral for someone in my family, I can guarantee you that several of the women in attendance would have gladly shown her the floor, err the door."

Inciting violence again.

I state facts and all they want to do is deny what is plain as day and attack me for voicing my opinion.

So Bob, I'm confused.  Which is it?  Facts or opinion?  Oh yeah, I keep forgetting.  You consider your opinion facts.  Silly me.

They THREATEN violence and accuse me of INCITING violence. Hmmm.

I have never threatened violence but you have definitely threatened and incited violence.


Anonymous said...

Using the words reportedly and if make it ok to say whatever you want.

Bob knows he has screwed up and big time at that. He knows he made people very upset by his previous comments condoning violence against a woman so he is bringing it back up to try and get a similar result from the people who post here. This way he can say he was not the only one condoning and inciting violence in case anything happens. Do not be fooled. Good try Bob but those who really know Sandra Barkes know she would never act that way. No matter who you try and get to say otherwise you will not convince anyone who really knows her. Good try though, it did take a little thinking on your behalf to try and come up with a way out of this mess. Guess you better keep your fingers crossed and hope nothing happens b/c there is too much proof against you.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Anonymous said:

"Using the words reportedly and if make it ok to say whatever you want."

That or following it up with lol.
I see that Bob has the selective "reportedly" syndrome otherwise known as SRS.

Dude said...


Dude said...

Sorry about that NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc. I accidentally deleted your comments (now I sound like Bob).

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

I had already noticed it and fixed it prior to seeing your correction. The two words had gotten jumbled and I had fixed one of them, but hadn't noticed they had both done that until I posted here. I am having some issues with this computer keeping up with my typing.

I then went to my blog and corrected there prior to coming back here and providing a new link. Don't try to be like Bob, lol. It is okay that I said that since I put lol after it.

Dude said...

Reportedly, I'm trying to be like Bob, according to an anonymous email I received from someone I don't even know. LOL.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...


Anonymous said...

I think it is a shame Bob wants to start posting names of people that get help. Not everyone that gets help from the trustee is a drug dealer, a lazy person, or a woman.

I would hate for people to not seek help for fear of Bob Freeman outing them in a public forum. They are down on their luck already, and most people that go for help are proud people who went for help as a last resort.

I hope the police find something on him. I really do.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Here are some scenarios if Bob starts posting names. Some people will be found out to be abusers and stop getting the money or Bob will be found out to be posting untruths. If either happen, those whose names he post might either sue, knock him on his can, or maybe worse. Time will tell.

Dude said...

Does Bob really want to tick off drug dealers?

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Merc,I think your, Dude, and my names of "nots" are getting pretty long.

Mercman said...

Oops. I forgot one...

I AM NOT Charlie Townsend.

Bob will never be convinced. his mind is stuck in Bob's World.

Dude said...

Yes you are. Bob says so, and he's never wrong.

Anonymous said...

My name is Leonard. I own the tire service.
But my real name is Allen Smith.
Some people call me Brianna.

Mercman said...

Re: Cold Water Rescue Divers story on Columbuzz,

ONCE AGAIN, Bob does not have the FACTS straight.
It IS NOT a question of money.
There are not local qualified members who are willing to train for this type of operation.
I'm sure there are other reasons as well.
IT IS NOT just a question of money and priorities.

Dude said...

Bob never lets the facts get in the way of an insane rant!

Anonymous said...

Another Liberal blaming the system for the act of one individual.

NotDudeNotJeffBarkesNotMerc said...

Bingo, anonymous. Perhaps we should have people trained or look into it, but they aren't the ones who went on the ice. It makes me wonder if Bob would blame Shelby Materials if he had a heart attack wile working there and there were no defibrillators or people trained in CPR there.

Dude said...

"It makes me wonder if Bob would blame Shelby Materials if he had a heart attack wile working there and there were no defibrillators or people trained in CPR there."

I'm sure he would. He seems to blame someone else for everything. He might even blame Fred and Rodney if he has a heart attack. :-)